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03/02/2016 21:29 Hamza FiGo#106
Originally Posted by AtariGod View Post
Hey man im going to Try out our server i see good things on here have high hopes
You will welcome...
03/03/2016 23:26 Maddona#107
i think u wrote play2win ! [Only registered and activated users can see links. Click Here To Register...]
03/04/2016 01:37 Hamza FiGo#108
Originally Posted by Maddona View Post
i think u wrote play2win !
Ya so, I sell donate silks. What about that !?

pay2win means sell items/wep..etc, and i don't sell such a thing. Did u c in this list any of that -_-

Chill out please. And i don't know what is ur point !!
03/05/2016 11:04 Hamza FiGo#109
** Restart info ** 5-3-2016 **
- All job temple uniques now drop donate silks
- All Alex south temple uniques like (sphinx..etc) drop donate silks
- Weekly unique rank is BACK


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03/08/2016 11:38 Hamza FiGo#110
** For those who asking about the new uniques spots **
- Add 2 unique spots ( Abshad officer - Abshad General )
- Change name scroll has been fixed.

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03/12/2016 02:04 BozzmusikAZAD#111
Sadly there's no one who speaks english. This server is exactly what I was looking for, not the boring same old 80 cap shit from ages ago. It's completely different, which is what I love. But yeah, not one person who speaks english, so it isn't worth playing unless you're arab.
03/12/2016 10:50 Hamza FiGo#112
Originally Posted by BozzmusikAZAD View Post
Sadly there's no one who speaks english. This server is exactly what I was looking for, not the boring same old 80 cap shit from ages ago. It's completely different, which is what I love. But yeah, not one person who speaks english, so it isn't worth playing unless you're arab.
Most of the players speaks english - spanish. And when u was there, there were kids fighting. And every server have many kids.
03/12/2016 12:02 danas1#113
is it somehow possible that i get media.pk2 that will not have this super ugly glows for weapons... and they be just clean?? tnx -.-" or i will need to edit them in hexeditor like always idk what is wrong with you ppl about those glows there are just NOO, so ugly and they look like game graphic is broken...

i stoped playinG on some private servers when they all started to import those stupid glows for weapons... i will never figure it out why ppl love them so much and work so hard so they look more glowly o.O
03/12/2016 13:23 Hamza FiGo#114
Originally Posted by danas1 View Post
is it somehow possible that i get media.pk2 that will not have this super ugly glows for weapons... and they be just clean?? tnx -.-" or i will need to edit them in hexeditor like always idk what is wrong with you ppl about those glows there are just NOO, so ugly and they look like game graphic is broken...

i stoped playinG on some private servers when they all started to import those stupid glows for weapons... i will never figure it out why ppl love them so much and work so hard so they look more glowly o.O
If u saw our glow, u wont say that. ive the normal glow btw, with no shitty over effect. Just check by urslef before u talk ^^

check the pic

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03/12/2016 23:04 BozzmusikAZAD#115
Originally Posted by Hamza FiGo View Post
Most of the players speaks english - spanish. And when u was there, there were kids fighting. And every server have many kids.
I were online like 3 or 4 times, and never met an english speaking person in Jangan / outside of Jangan, besides one GM (might've been you, Figoz sounds familiar), and one other player with really really broken english. I might've been online at the wrong time, but I don't think so. I'll check the server out a few more times before I'm really starting to play.

Had the experience that playing alone is boring as hell, even if there are many players online, but none speak english. Playing Silkroad since 6 years now, and most of the time on private servers. All of them closed, so I'm looking for a good one now, and this one seemed perfect. As I already said, I'll try it out a few more times & see if it's worth to play.
03/13/2016 02:13 danas1#116
Originally Posted by Hamza FiGo View Post
If u saw our glow, u wont say that. ive the normal glow btw, with no shitty over effect. Just check by urslef before u talk ^^

check the pic

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yeah... it is ugly :/ i dont like sos/som weapons bcs of that... i did not tell it is shitty in this game i was saying for all others... why would anyone wanted weapon that looks like that, is there some way that they be strong but do not glow like 4th of july? tnx i think it would be a lot nicer if the weapons be clean and without the glows...
03/13/2016 02:28 BozzmusikAZAD#117
Originally Posted by danas1 View Post
yeah... it is ugly :/ i dont like sos/som weapons bcs of that... i did not tell it is shitty in this game i was saying for all others... why would anyone wanted weapon that looks like that, is there some way that they be strong but do not glow like 4th of july? tnx i think it would be a lot nicer if the weapons be clean and without the glows...
Clean weapons ain't a thing in Silkroad. That's what makes it special. Things in Silkroad are all shiny, glowy, just eye candy for many people. That's one of the many reasons why no game beats Silkroad for me.

Want stupidly boring weapons and armor that never change & are dull as fuck? Buy Black Desert. Have fun in an extremely overhyped MMO, where your character may look like Angelina Jolie, but runs around in a potato sack her whole life, while using a wizard staff that looks like a wooden stick. Everyone looks absolutely the fucking same (besides the faces, congratulations) which is the biggest turn off ever, unless you spend a lot of money.

There you go, Black Desert, the perfect game for you. Dull, boring armors and weapons.
03/13/2016 09:06 danOdanO#118
Originally Posted by BozzmusikAZAD View Post
Sadly there's no one who speaks english. This server is exactly what I was looking for, not the boring same old 80 cap shit from ages ago. It's completely different, which is what I love. But yeah, not one person who speaks english, so it isn't worth playing unless you're arab.
If you see DarkDivison guild around talk to us, we all speak english. Im from New Zealand.

I to couldnt find english speaking player until i found these guys
03/13/2016 14:37 Hamza FiGo#119
Originally Posted by danas1 View Post
yeah... it is ugly :/ i dont like sos/som weapons bcs of that... i did not tell it is shitty in this game i was saying for all others... why would anyone wanted weapon that looks like that, is there some way that they be strong but do not glow like 4th of july? tnx i think it would be a lot nicer if the weapons be clean and without the glows...
Maybe its ugly, every one have his own think. And not everyone will like our own style. Maybe some, but we have done our best to made our special style.

And sure i respect every opinion about anything, and if there is something wrong we try to make it right. Regards
03/14/2016 03:59 BozzmusikAZAD#120
Alright, little update - I found a huge english speaking guild, and there actually are a lot of nice english speaking players, just gotta look for them and pm people at the right time. Important for those who don't understand arab at all.

This server is made very well & getting the last degrees ain't as easy as on some other servers, which is MOSTLY good.

Leveling up is pretty easy. Leveling to 110 takes a little while, then just go to Bone Roc, find a party, and you're 130 after he's dead. Skillpoints aren't a problem, you probably don't need to level with a gap. My tip - Make a wizard first, get him to 130 like this, then you can easily get your other character to 130 by leveling him & finishing it with Bone Roc.

Gold seems to be a bit hard to get. I don't know how people exactly get so freaking rich right now, but that's maybe because I'm rather new. I heard trading is a way to get gold here, but I'm worried about high level thiefs since the difference is absolutely huge between a new 130 player, and a 130 player with good gear. Don't know if there's any other way to farm a good amount of gold, besides a full euro bot party.

Getting D14 is a bit hard, since you need about 80.000? arena coins and 2b gold. Easy with your own euro bot party, but not so easy as blader, for example. Also heard that you can get d14 with FGW, gotta check that out later. Didn't completely check out D15 yet.

You can get "Donator Silk" by killing uniques & doing daily quests, or, as the name already says, by donating. Farming them is very slow, but they're donator silks, so yeah. Wouldn't make sense otherwise. Dresses, normal premium, repair hammers, Devil Spirit, normal grab pets & all those simple things are pretty much free, so don't worry about that part.

Don't know how balanced PvP is right now, since I'm far away from being geared 130.

Alchemy seems to be alright, made my very first d12 weapon +9 and thought it's 100%, but I was wrong. +5 seems to be 100%, +7 kinda easy, everything after that is a bit harder.

That's all I can tell right now. All in all, this is a really good server. Hugely recommend it if you like a 130 cap server with new glows, weapons, skills & a good weapon system.


And Hamza FiGo, if you'd like to have a trailer for your server, I can do that for you. Just tell me what's important & needs to appear in the trailer. You also need to set up some kind of a test character with most of the important things for me, since it would take ages to create a trailer without the needed items otherwise. Lock it up in some way if possible, or just trust me with not stealing anything.

I'd really like to get back into trailers, so pm me & I'll see what I can do. My ingame name is izzoR in case you need it.