Assassin-Online D14 | Cap 130| Eu / Ch |Auto events | Coin System | Play2Win

04/25/2014 13:42 sheta3#106
amazing game <3

04/25/2014 13:44 omaryasso#107
TheBest ^^
i hobe to Be thig game the best game ever
04/25/2014 13:50 dex_dex#108
GM is best of the best ^^

04/25/2014 14:52 shqlaba#109
04/25/2014 19:00 xblackherox#110

04/25/2014 22:34 vipbowdark#111
this is the best game ever !! D34thProphet
04/26/2014 02:32 l3ueEyes#112
The best D14 Server =)

IGN: Lumineeres
04/26/2014 02:32 DarkReaper3#113
amazing game and helpful GM's

04/26/2014 02:35 heartoflion#114
Best Server Ever :) <3 <3 Leho ^_^
04/26/2014 02:38 Mo3Nox#115
Great server with awesome system (Best server ever!!)

IGN: Buckminster
04/27/2014 23:16 crazyspider45#116
Thanks all ^^
04/28/2014 18:33 meandu12#117
Originally Posted by meandu12 View Post
its an amazing Server with great GM'S This private server is one of the best i've visited and i've visited alot over the past weeks. I've also decided to stick with it as, uniques spawn a lot faster than normal, alchemy rate is a lot better. News glow are nice, coin system is amazing and just is a real good server to play on, if you guys are looking to join a private server. I'd personally recommend this one. Because even if you don't like something, you can still suggest new ideas to suit yours and everybodys needs.
Originally Posted by assassinsro View Post
wanted system is working but u must kill 4 players each one 3 kills to get buff wanted
if u try to open them at same ip :mad:

lc and jc
removed only from npc
Increased quests for this coins

:handsdown: Halim
04/28/2014 19:06 $w33ty#118
This server is the most balanced one so far I've seen. The GM's are always Online to help you. It's really a nice server! Keep it up!

IGN: Sugar
04/28/2014 19:07 vlad*#119
the server is getting awsome keep it going best server till now
My Name : xD
04/28/2014 20:53 DieMFMF#120
Perfect Sro, Active GMs, Many events each day!

Ign: Nocturn