IsroBot Crack - Unlimited Using

11/20/2008 00:07 grimreaper001#91
can u make a video?
11/20/2008 00:14 DeSwa#92
Originally Posted by forbannet View Post
Yeah, but it must be a diferent id, I mean, I have to create it ç_ç
I used to create by pms, but now, well jesus, I have like 800pms in my mailbox hahahaha ç_ç

If I make it auto, my sql server will burn - everything will burn, just wait guys im already transfering to another server.
you will make must be paid for use at next time?
11/20/2008 01:02 =Volvic=#93
guys can someone make a guide with videos screens and more ?? it would be better i cant understand all
11/20/2008 01:43 soultaker69#94
it doesnt work for me either. i try to register at forums too and put my id and pass but nothing, the same problem as everybody, when i reach to the character screen and click on start hookserver the game crashes :(

Hope you can find a solution forbannet
11/20/2008 01:46 forbannet#95
GUYS, keep an eye at the forum, it works fine, perfectly, BUT I GOT ONLY 100 SLOTS, and theres around 2100 users RIGHT NOW ^Ç_Ç^

Im doing some changes, I thought id have less than 100 users in this beta-test "phase".

But WOW lol; its pretty everywhere right now, this thing got famous coz' seriously, it works perfectly ;) but I dont have engouth database to support everyone THIS moment;

So guys, be patient please :( ; im fixing it, getting new DB and everything :).
11/20/2008 02:14 cjainy#96
Any estimated finish times?
11/20/2008 04:07 tophack3r#97
11/20/2008 05:02 goncasplm#98
Dont kick me :P nah im joking do your work dude =)
11/20/2008 09:56 thegodmode#99
when i logg in my char in bot conslo dont have skilss,i refresh but nothing hepend pls helppppppp
11/20/2008 10:16 brantje#100
Ill stay with AgBot :)
11/20/2008 10:20 DeSwa#101
crack have some bugs. creator moving database server wait patch.
11/20/2008 12:59 SeNioRBonD#102
nice work bro.
we appreciate your efforts.
gogogo we'r all waiting ur next update :-) << hope it aint paid ass well =D <.< joke its up to u dude ;-)
11/20/2008 13:53 grimreaper001#103
"Wait for a little time. If you see Preparing HookServer message then You see Folder Select Dialog.So Select C:\Program Files\bot directory."

how long is that little time?!
i left it for 10mins and yet nothing happens.
11/20/2008 14:16 hellyeah#104
just came back to sro and saw this, DesWa i just wanna say that i love you man :D. thnks for the crack, hope it will last until i get to lv90 lol. also 1 little question, this work on vista too right?
11/20/2008 15:43 Lauchsuppe#105
does the bot work now?....