SunWorldSRO Client,Guide,Info

07/01/2009 11:54 yalkun92#76
i mean on sunworldsro reg is never on ppl say it get on some times but i dont know when plizz some one help
07/01/2009 16:31 hudiny#77
Originally Posted by Davincibg View Post
I uploaded it once and it deleted them both omfg. I'm uploading atm - again...
Sry Filefront doesn't work for me anymore. I will be leaving the forum for may be 3 months so I will ask Keizar to upload it to filefront or somwhere so you can Download it ty

++ I reuploaded it - kinda worked at 12 time but you will have to delete DELETE_ME. from the name of the file when you are done downloading it. Sry but this is the best I can do atm as FileFront got bugged.
hmm u made part 8 but were is part 9 now... :|
07/01/2009 16:48 al3xx.#78
Chek the Register Site on 10-12 AM GMT+2 and 6-9 PM GMT+2 or 9:05(Pekin or Beijing time) that was the time when i register my account, so try it..never know what will be.
For auto-pot check [Only registered and activated users can see links. Click Here To Register...] those who don't have it :) Scann it to don't have an "Suprize"

And some chinese characters if you need for security code 一二三四五六七八九十
冲 不 错 级 王 日 门 新 真 马 罗 更 全 罗 画
07/01/2009 17:33 gabynson21#79
today In Roamnian time it was open at 15:00 o'clock i made 1 account and when i loged in and I was in front of the Christmas tree in jg I got crash why?-.-''
07/01/2009 19:44 al3xx.#80
Are a lot of reasons if you get crash in SRO.If you don't have an acceptable media pk2 you can get cras, your PC was at an hight temperature point, you don't install corectly the game, I don't know why, if you will post an Prin Screen and more detailes maybe I can help you :)
07/01/2009 20:14 yalkun92#81
man where can i see Pekin or Beijing
07/02/2009 01:06 diegoarms#82
man filefront part 8 and 9 is DK.Mpg and test.wmv is bad! please reupload
07/02/2009 18:09 yalkun92#83
swsro i try to reg on 12pm and am peking time still dont work wtf is it whit reg page plizzz help me
07/02/2009 19:00 al3xx.#84
I don't say exactly or if I did sorry.That was the time when was opened and I tryed, now I search for an exactly Register time but i'm not shure if I find
07/02/2009 19:27 yalkun92#85
guys if some one have a account thay dont need plizz give me add me on msn [Only registered and activated users can see links. Click Here To Register...] plizzz i be very happy if some one can give me^^
07/02/2009 23:20 mifi#86
i cant download part 8 and 9 :S and part 10 is some test fiel which is opening with gom player
07/03/2009 00:09 valicip#87
can someone upload full client ?
07/03/2009 01:01 mifi#88
i just need re-upload part 8 and 9 to filefront
07/03/2009 07:27 diegoarms#89
yes please reupload
07/03/2009 07:53 mifi#90
we just need part 8 and 9 if someone would be kind enough to upload them to megaupload or another site besides rapidshare.thx