Evolution Bot

01/31/2008 21:21 Anakyel#76
I have a problem how can I do it right? Bot doesnt work..how should I option it?
01/31/2008 21:27 cheeksy07#77
Originally Posted by Anakyel View Post
I have a problem how can I do it right? Bot doesnt work..how should I option it?

hi anakyel, whats ur problem exactly? we cant help u if u only say "bot doesnt work, i have a problem". normally the bot works fine

01/31/2008 21:40 Anakyel#78
Originally Posted by cheeksy07 View Post
hi anakyel, whats ur problem exactly? we cant help u if u only say "bot doesnt work, i have a problem". normally the bot works fine

OK, so I installed it...

and when I start it....

I can see action bar in evo-bot guide...

so I click on swords..to active skills....I put cooldowns and so on....targeting..

and when I go ingame press home and bot is only targeting..

what am I doing wrong?
01/31/2008 21:51 cheeksy07#79
well, u set ur attacking skills ingame on action bar 1? u need to set them on slot 3, 4 and so on
now activate in evo-bot ur used ingame slots (activate = colored icon). than the bot will work.
01/31/2008 22:10 Anakyel#80
Originally Posted by cheeksy07 View Post
well, u set ur attacking skills ingame on action bar 1? u need to set them on slot 3, 4 and so on
now activate in evo-bot ur used ingame slots (activate = colored icon). than the bot will work.
I did it like you said but...nothing
01/31/2008 22:19 HunterSX#81
i had the same problem^^

but i found a solution for it:

on the top left side there you have got Tags like next Target and so on... try to set the next Target off and to activate only the Autoloot.

now the bot will switch trough the enemys until he finds one with full health even if this button is not activated in the Bot.
You will see that every Monster´s Healt Point which the Bot Targets, is slowly growing till maximum after some seconds the Healt Bar is full and he will attack it^^

kinda buggy i think


Joa hab ich iwie zu bemängeln noch bzw n Bug gefunden.
mir is aufgefallen das, wenn man Next Target usw ausstellt und er nach jedem Kill automatisch Switchen soll, das er (bevor er einen Gegner angreift) alle durchgeht bis der Health balken oben voll ist (füllt sich mit der zeit bei allen auf) auch bei Deaktiviertem Button Für Die Health Suche.

ka obs so beabsichtigt is is halt iwie buggy und n bischen nervig weil wenn er alle gegner durchswitcht und ausgerechnet bei einem der Balken vollwird der mitten in der Wallahai steht, greift er den an und lockt sich 100 andere Vieher auf sich
02/01/2008 01:24 Anakyel#82
Originally Posted by HunterSX View Post
i had the same problem^^

but i found a solution for it:

on the top left side there you have got Tags like next Target and so on... try to set the next Target off and to activate only the Autoloot.

now the bot will switch trough the enemys until he finds one with full health even if this button is not activated in the Bot.
You will see that every Monster´s Healt Point which the Bot Targets, is slowly growing till maximum after some seconds the Healt Bar is full and he will attack it^^

kinda buggy i think


Joa hab ich iwie zu bemängeln noch bzw n Bug gefunden.
mir is aufgefallen das, wenn man Next Target usw ausstellt und er nach jedem Kill automatisch Switchen soll, das er (bevor er einen Gegner angreift) alle durchgeht bis der Health balken oben voll ist (füllt sich mit der zeit bei allen auf) auch bei Deaktiviertem Button Für Die Health Suche.

ka obs so beabsichtigt is is halt iwie buggy und n bischen nervig weil wenn er alle gegner durchswitcht und ausgerechnet bei einem der Balken vollwird der mitten in der Wallahai steht, greift er den an und lockt sich 100 andere Vieher auf sich

nope...I have got still same problem....

Nothing changed..
02/01/2008 09:09 HunterSX#83
Did you used the AL3 Tool found on page 3?
It is beeing used to find out which color the healthbar of the opponent has got and to find out the x-y coords. you need to have this infos to get the programm running
02/01/2008 09:43 nigroangelus#84
I'm sorry, the Coord Tool as called above does not work correctly right now, i changed the config.ale, i will bring up a fix in the next few minutes.

Uploaded the fixed one in a separate archive, please use this to change the coordinates before using the bot.
Also i'm rebuilding the bot itself, i will then upload it also without the Coord Tool.
Please be patience a few minutes, because i need to test it first now. ;)
02/01/2008 10:30 HerbaKing#85
my bot only select the mobs ... don´t attak, what i´m doing wrong? thanks
02/01/2008 11:37 nigroangelus#86
New version is up now.

here's a little Guide now:

1. start Archlord in window mode
It have never been tested within fullscreen and i prefer to use a windowed client. ;)

2. start the Coord Tool, select a target (can be a guard or player), click Start, then Save, finally u may Exit then ..
make sure it's located in the same directory with the bot, becuz it will write its data into .\ini\config.ale which is called by the bot.
that folder should correctly look like this:
  • ..
  • [img]
  • [ini]
  • Coord Tool.au3
  • Coord Tool.exe
  • Evolution Bot [AL].au3
  • Evolution Bot [AL].exe

3. start the bot now
it is preconfigured for my test character and german language
u may simply change the language and any timer/skills etc.

  • Camera Rotate will let the bot rotate the screen by 180° on each cycle, activate its button.
    - one cycle is done if all attacks have been checked.
  • Autoloot will try to pickup any item in range for x times.
    - deactivate this for better performance maybe, if u got a party. ;)
  • next Target button will deactivate the Craft and Check Target HP functions to switch to the next target if the timer runs out.
    -this timer is calculated in milliseconds so 1000 will be 1 second.
  • Check Target HP will deactivate the next Target function and let the bot check the targets health bar, before attacking it.
    - the timer from next Target will be used for this right now.
    - so if the health bar does not become full or the timer have been set up to small, it will switch to another target.
  • Resolution does not have any function for u now, it is automatically set up by the Coord Tool.
  • Coordinates will also be configured by the Coord Tool.
  • Craft will deactivate the next Target button and try to use an activated craft-skill if the monsters health is null.
    - right from Craft is a input field to declare the action bar, where the craft skills are located at.
    - secondly there is the timer to let the bot wait before continue attacking.
    - thirdly is a input for a timer to let the bot wait before trying to use the second craft skill. (u can activate and define all 3 craft skills, first used will beknown let no other crafting action be possible)
    - Ransacking will try to use the skill declared in its right found input field if activated.
    - Carve will try to use the skill declared in its right found input field if activated.
    - Skin will try to use the skill declared in its right found input field if activated.
  • Potions will be used if the cooldown time runs out and their button is activated.
    - there is already an autopot function in Archlord, but it seems to be bugged from time to time, so it maybe let u stay alive but mostly only costs pots.
  • Action Bars show up every skill button possible with their cooldown and cast time.
    - buttons 11 and 12 have got an input field upon instead of just a label, to let u choose the right key for it.
    the bot will declare their code to - | = if english and ß | ` if german.
    1. Cooldown-Time u should declare for the skill its cooldown time if u are not using lens stones, else u know, u have to use the duration time here.
    2. Cast-Time is beknown the time a skill needs to fulfill, so enter its Cast Time here.
      - for each button to activate, check it once and be sure it looks down pressed.
    note: there is a bug, which let the bot not change the buttons surface if u save/load a config, so be sure it's really checked or just save your config to config.ale and restart the bot.

In the very first beginning, the bot will use buff-keys in front, thenafter a cycle is made as below:
cycle start
- Check Buffs (action bar #2, key 3 to 12)
- Get Infos (pickup, check if pet, check HP, craft)
- Attack (next key in list)
cycle end

So far, i hope this helps u all.

Please don't stop posting ur problems, i will try to fix them asap. ;)

02/01/2008 12:26 Dzumara#87
if u atack 1 mob and some other mob atacks u 2 afther killing the first one bot will kill the one whos atacking u or he will atack third one?
02/01/2008 12:44 nigroangelus#88
Originally Posted by Dzumara View Post
if u atack 1 mob and some other mob atacks u 2 afther killing the first one bot will kill the one whos atacking u or he will atack third one?
If u activated that HP checking thing, it will never! attack any mob, which have not full health, even if it was attacked during an AoE-attack by u.
I cannot figure out if a mob wasn't hitted by one else, this function is only good, if u hunt beside other players then, to not catch their mobs.
But badly it will also ignore any else as said above.
02/01/2008 15:16 cheeksy07#89
hi :) warst ja wieder fleißig am werkeln :) ich werd ma wieder testen gehn :D

so, nu gefällt mir der bot ^^ hab die crafting timer auf 500/100 und der läuft nu schön rund :) dickes fettes lob nigro :cool:

*thumbs up*
02/01/2008 16:49 HerbaKing#90
i don´t understand, this bot works in Vista? the char put the bufs them ...start to select mobs and don´t stop ...don´t even atak them ... what i´m doing wrong? :(