[SmurfIT!] 3in1

08/02/2009 17:36 chevi#811
thx for newupdate bro smurf
ingin tanya ni bro smurf.. klw bot fx setelah patch peri bulan.. heal petnya lancar ndak?
bro smurf pakai bot apa yg d kombinasi sama healpetnya smurf it?
sblm patch ini (red:peri bulan) aq pakai blackbot.. tp healpet ny skarang eror
aq coba kombinasi mhs sama healpetnya bro smurf d awal2 bisa.. tapi belakangan heal terus meski darah penuh..
kira2 knapa ya..
thx before ^_^
08/03/2009 00:17 alikey#812
thaths work with v44 ?
08/03/2009 02:00 Smurfin#813
@chevi : masih lancar pet heal nya. Kalo lagi bot aku pake autopot, soalnya selain iPot di smurf it, sekalian butuh autopot satu lagi kalo untuk fx, jadi semua skill vigor/sustenance/harmony/pot hp/pot mp, semua bisa kepake.

nggak ngerti juga knp bisa gitu, waktu heal terus di program smurfit nya apa darah petnya kebaca di situ, atau pake autopot aja
08/03/2009 07:39 dirtyzerg#814
i dont think it works for pwi after patch

game ver is 166 i think now

it won't do anything lol and some cmds give me "Autoit Error: Subscript used on non-array variable"
08/03/2009 08:03 angelpot#815
just got another patch for pw-ph
can I have a copy of ur smufits tnx
08/04/2009 17:56 mewie#816
Does this work for PW International, 'cause mine always pop up the message say i got a dead char
any1 help me ?
08/05/2009 07:18 dirtyzerg#817
i think update messed it up might take a while for fix
08/05/2009 18:59 angelpot#818
hope I can i get the latest copy of smurfit that works for PW-PH
tnx a lot !!! more power !!! ^_^
08/07/2009 19:35 Admirer#819
this one does not work on pw-ph ryt?
08/08/2009 06:14 hok_kie#820
Thanks so much Smurf for new update
kk smurft update terbarunya kren banget bisa tembus tembok tanpa capek2 tekan angka lagi, tapi kk koq advertisernya ngak berfungsi ya, mau coba pakai buat jualan drop item ngak bisa T_T kursornya cuma kelap kelip doang dgn cepat di ketikan teks, apa saya ada salah setting? delay shotnya standar dari kk 30 second Advertiser windows name sesuai karater. tolong please
08/08/2009 06:14 hok_kie#821
Thanks so much Smurf for new update
kk smurft update terbarunya kren banget bisa tembus tembok tanpa capek2 tekan angka lagi, tapi kk koq advertisernya ngak berfungsi ya, mau coba pakai buat jualan drop item ngak bisa T_T kursornya cuma kelap kelip doang dgn cepat di ketikan teks, apa saya ada salah setting? delay shotnya standar dari kk 30 second Advertiser windows name sesuai karater. tolong please
08/08/2009 15:28 Smurfin#822
masih bisa tu advertiser nya disini, coba cek wintitle nya
08/08/2009 17:45 hok_kie#823
Thanks kk Smurft
tapi tetap ngak bisa T_T semua udah dicek wintitle sudah cocok tapi tetap ngak bisa, apa ada yg terlewat ya.
08/09/2009 02:53 legendaryhero7#824
Hey there Smurfin! I posted on the other smurfit section but thought i might as well ask here too :D So, my problem is with the pet healer... it won't stop healing. Even if the pet's HP is full it just keeps on healing...I think I've tried almost everything. The first time i tried, it worked fine; but then it went down hill from there...thanks in advance :D
08/09/2009 03:54 Smurfin#825
yea, once in a while it doesn't work, and when it does, if i remember correctly autopot also behaves the same (since I copy paste the function from there), i also dunno what caused that.