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11/10/2011 14:29 jdpalo#61
I used to play DO with no bots...Pretty soon I realized we get nowhere without bots...just had my best account detected and started on phase 1 (only botted using the trials)...my smallest wasn't using any bots since phase 1 and got sent to Phase 2 ( also using the trials)...If BP sends my best account to Phase 2 without any reason, bots WILL become my life...BP sucks bigtime and we, the players, should spend as much time as they spend trying to screw them out of as much money as we can ...
11/10/2011 14:57 HyDroXz#62
Bp just want free moneys from people.
11/10/2011 16:03 troblepain#63
I really like that game.. to play it by myself and go every map i can and kill npc, collect boxes, kill enemy`s but... using the kBOT it`s i don`t know. what the hell, it`s the best whit 100% more better then playing it mannualy omg... i can`t even say in word these things.. i don`t know how to do it but leave the hel* the mouse and get a bot, who doesn`t have it i dont know... it`s a hell noob why to play fair when they put so much things by so MUCH uri ... let`s get serious now who doesn`t play whit bot.. and send money to BUGPOINT it`s the best idiots in the plANET... by my words... F*uck the mannualy play and get a da.mn bot and get the best fun i ever seen..

Thanks for Reading.. but thats what i think!
11/10/2011 20:10 bialas1#64
I <3 DO with bot. ONLY with Bot :handsdown:
11/10/2011 20:23 3dward#65
Well this is all to say through my video: (now is much worst from the date I made the video)

11/10/2011 20:26 Votrelec5#66
I am glad that he found someone who has programmed something like kBot a lot of players who USERS Banned BP because BP would not offer any profit: D I'm glad this program is to help players develop without any other extra charges, though a bit of anger I Kerkava USERS: /
11/10/2011 20:48 Vergante#67
We're all critizing DO whenever we have the oportunity (prices, bugs, new stuff...) but we're still here, playing, paying and boting... so I think that it's not so bad as everybody says it is :D
11/10/2011 20:56 osiemtrzy#68
i think the game is still good ;)
11/10/2011 21:16 Jukel#69
When i started to play game in 2009 darkorbit was beatiful,no RSB,No PILOT SHEET,no PET,no Skylab,there was no need to put more money in the game,
then you play you play for fun,was so extraordinary but now:(....
the game has become so bad that no longer feel satisfaction
Bigpoint changed but we changed,used bots to survive

This is the truth
ugly truth
11/10/2011 21:31 Young-Star#70
I used to put money in DO,'cuz it was fun!then,BP got greedy and i stoped...WHY???c'cmon guyz,the game was fun without all the things u need to buy now...
11/10/2011 22:05 Thebon#71
I just want have the bot to bot on a new server :)
So please give it too me ;)

best wishes
11/10/2011 22:21 matador-darkorbit#72
Guys, BP is a company, and as every company, BP wants to make money. BUT the are greed! They are ungratefulness.. Why they don't understand that they are destroying the game? I have been playing since 2008, i was very exited with this game. And now.. now what? I can't play as I used to. The game is always needing more and more money! I have stop paying for 1 year now.. but i'm botting.---> Clever man!

Good luck to all ;)
11/10/2011 22:46 dizzy73#73
Bigpoint Sucks :rtfm: ::: Bestbots and Kbot Rule :handsdown:

That being said, either BP stops making new expensive updates and banning members or Darkorbit will be dead in a few months. Or they could just lower the prices for buying uridium :rolleyes:

The End :p

11/10/2011 22:46 alect18#74
Lol darkorbit is really designed for destroy people's patrimony :D
11/10/2011 23:00 paranoid2011#75
Do game is too expansive now kbot rulz and it will always rule the game no script can make it down and it will stay strong like normal game

Kbot leave just Darkorbit can DIE.
