People getting hacked!!!

07/02/2010 00:03 Nova1337#46
Originally Posted by silkbotter View Post
they run a fucking monopoly!!
they certainly don't care if someone stops playing. there are more then enough people willing to play silkroad on a private server. all "free" servers are crowded.the servers are full. and every new server they open will get as full as the existing ones!

that'S the thing! they can do whatever they want, because they KNOW that YOU WANT TO PLAY THERE! you have no other alternative besides isro!

how will you make someone pay even more money?
lets presume a player is level max. he reached almost everything, and he doesnt buy silks anymore.
to pull the rest outta his pocket, the admin will just delete his items pretending he was hacked.
now the player will spend money anyway.... 1- he will buy silks,gold or sun equipment(money) and then secure the items (+money) (total: 2x money)
2-he will start a new character and needs silk (money) and maybe some sun items (money). (2xmoney)
3-he will quit playing because he doesn't spend any more money. good for the chinese ones. 1 free spot for a potential NEW silk buyer!
4. he will make chargeback, huh?
ofc if user have paid by moneybookers or some other method not paypal they could do that but i think who paid with paypal have less change of getting items deleted.

But if this is true then it sucks, i dont wanna loose any my items:/
07/02/2010 09:51 DarkestxHour#47
this is all really starting to make sense now...
if this is true i'm going to zszc -.-

more than 10k people use db-bot (zszc1,zszc2,swsro1,swsro2,mysro,sjsro)
07/02/2010 10:46 Anonymous-8920#48
I was just level 100, got some silk and a d10 sos +5 bow.
I went to holiday for 10 days, after that I logged in and everything was gone!
No one else knew my pw, I never used any other crack then the save 0.8 one.
So wtf is that?!
07/02/2010 11:01 OMDFG#49
If they dont start to invest in some events, people start to quit the game. They reach the max lvl with all skills, and an hell of set what for? theres no trades, no events no nothing, only a shi* job war full of mercs, and pvp witch is crowded of sos and stupid 3vs1... im not crying because i dont have an sos, in mather of fact im getting glade not having it lol. So nowadays whats the point to play this?? i tell you lol, to be hacked sonner or later, and spent a bunch of money, or be a no one getting owned by the full sos people that will be hacked one of this days YYEEEEYYY \o/, people will start quiting if they just think a little.
07/02/2010 16:28 EgyCheETah#50
Originally Posted by darkdamp View Post
u fucking noobs download fake " cracks" from this forum
then cry about being hacked
its ur own fault

you are the big noob

cuz if you have useful post say it and if you dont have just shut up
07/02/2010 17:43 darkdamp#51
yas man me bęg nup asadasdasdasdasdasdasdsa
grow up
its their fault
they see a thread with the title CRACK FOR 0.9C
they go there and download that shit without reading all the thread
then they get hacked
and cry
idc if they got hacked
its their fault
not our
dont come and complain on a public forum
if u got hacked go and post on srokey
07/02/2010 19:07 Mikawa#52
Originally Posted by darkdamp View Post
yas man me bęg nup asadasdasdasdasdasdasdsa
grow up
its their fault
they see a thread with the title CRACK FOR 0.9C
they go there and download that shit without reading all the thread
then they get hacked
and cry
idc if they got hacked
its their fault
not our
dont come and complain on a public forum
if u got hacked go and post on srokey
Are you running out of brain or something?
Its pretty obvious that any swsro2 player that got stripped of his items and gold its an donator meaning that they got some $ on a credit card + paypal.Its common sense to wanna stay safe and dont download any random shit without making sure its clean of any danger , because doing so they will protect their cards and paypal info s.
Fck off with your presumptions.
its their fault
not our
Did anyone charged you or random guys around to be guilty of hacking their accounts?

dont come and complain on a public forum
if u got hacked go and post on srokey
Thats the point , srokey doesnt give a shit , they are the main suspects in this case so if you put an criminal to the fact that he made an infraction he will never admitt it without you bringing proofs.
Posting this on a public forum will let other people know that some suspicious things are happening within the game that they are playing , which will lead to discussions , debates which leads to the purpose of an forum.
07/02/2010 19:18 Windrius#53
Originally Posted by darkdamp View Post
ur the new poap? stop protecting newbs
Whats a "poap"?
Google said it's: Petty Officer Assignment Policy...
07/02/2010 19:38 darkdamp#54
i meant pope
07/02/2010 20:24 lordjaggi#55
Originally Posted by silkbotter View Post
i repeat myself (no, not to get thanks), but I'm SURE the admins have something to do with it. to sell their "anti-hack-protection". why ultra-accounts? because the more valuable an account is, the more money people spend in safety.

i don't believe it's the bot, the bot crack or any loader. for that only 50 people are way too less. there are about 1000-3000 people who use these files.
besides that, there certainly are more then one good account....since botters do gather a lot of stuff..

were you also hacked on ZSZC? cuz ZSZC does NOT offer such anti-steal system! now put the puzzle together!

regarding the "someone the business is over": not quite! people always get better and better items every item would have to get pimped. people create new chars, and secure more items!
would you spend silk on a character that has max level,max equip? no?what would you do? yeah..start another one. same thing with these anti-hack things.
it is just a simple way to get a lot of money. 15$. now think about having 6 items you secure.90$. easy money.
they might have stolen everything else just to hide the thing. would be too strange if only the equipment would get hacked, right? ;)
i agree that its the admins. I had 900+silk and miraculously i ended up with 1 silk left, account still had pimped set but no weapon.
07/03/2010 01:13 beasty.#56
Originally Posted by Asslicker View Post
yeah he is right 50% of the uni got hacked... and ofc they wont hack everyone that would be suspicious they hack only people with full sos much gold and silk items....
so i will be hacked soon bc i got shitload sox omfg - lucky none of my accs are hacked yet - and i was never hacked in my sro life :)

just rumors - thats all

they try to paint a white sheep to a black one
07/03/2010 03:16 joker309#57
Ya me too sucks.... anyway they only took some of my low lvl suns and some sox things stuff that i didnt use anyway but left my set and weapon still sucks tho
07/03/2010 03:33 Iorveth#58
That sucks really badly.

However,that can't be the admins.
Why they would scam ppl if they can get items for free since they've got control over the server? They're owners of it...

Also,silk sellers have NO access to database/in-game accounts afaik.

Even if they have... there should be only ONE silk seller site which is

No tombalaci,no egypt sellers etc.
They're not necessary...
07/03/2010 12:20 OMDFG#59
Thats not the point Haze... they just want you to spent more money, if its true or not no one knows... I just hope for the best, but if this still like it is sooner or later people start quiting. You are already burning money in something thats not material, and even that is being taken from you :S
07/03/2010 13:12 Mikawa#60
Originally Posted by Haze- View Post
That sucks really badly.

However,that can't be the admins.
Why they would scam ppl if they can get items for free since they've got control over the server? They're owners of it...

Also,silk sellers have NO access to database/in-game accounts afaik.

Even if they have... there should be only ONE silk seller site which is

No tombalaci,no egypt sellers etc.
They're not necessary...
Its not about that they take the items for themselves , they might as well just sell them to the npc to loose track of them and like it was said above then that will make you donate again to recover the lost...