[FREE] Rainbow Six Siege HACK by PerfectAim.io

12/13/2017 03:29 XandraMTF#541
how to get ban.com ?
12/19/2017 16:52 TheSeller213#542
This is an insta ban lmao , My team and I coded an esp really nice!
01/16/2018 00:06 kingbadman#543
Originally Posted by ElaIsTHICC View Post
Asking for an invite won't get you an invite, if anything it just hinders your chances at invitation.
So how the hell else do you get an invite without bloody asking genius?

umm telepathic thoughts? wish for christmas? positive thinking? Praying?

The only way to get an invite like this is to bloody ask fool, and then maybe prove you have purchased hacks and are reliable. i can tell ya one thing for people that dont know anyone already invited, if u dont ask you definately wont be getting shit.
02/04/2018 11:51 epicsaxguy07#544
Please a tutorial or Mediafire link for free version.
02/05/2018 08:50 iYuval19#545
any feedbacks?
02/05/2018 13:53 ilikebacon#546
Originally Posted by kingbadman View Post
So how the hell else do you get an invite without bloody asking genius?

umm telepathic thoughts? wish for christmas? positive thinking? Praying?

The only way to get an invite like this is to bloody ask fool, and then maybe prove you have purchased hacks and are reliable. i can tell ya one thing for people that dont know anyone already invited, if u dont ask you definately wont be getting shit.
Lmao... You retarded? Do you ask to get invited to a wedding? No, they invite you. Stop being fucking stupid.
02/06/2018 03:36 tennis1616#547
Perfect aim makes its money by taking an item in high demand. Selling it at a low price, then directing you to buy other products and bring traffic to their website/forum/discord with the hopes of maybe getting a hack. The ratio of those who register and buy other products to the amount of people who get an R6S or PubG hack has to be terribly high.
02/14/2018 17:50 FaizanKhan#548
Do you accept steam 10$ wallet code (global) for 1 month sub ?
03/13/2018 22:05 frog1985#549
It doesnt work like that.The rules are clear there.
Be active thru posts (dont spam), buy any noninvite cheat and it takes like maybe 3-4 months to get an invite but that can depend on u also
03/14/2018 18:52 ™BattlEye#550
How i can Donload it?? When iam on the Website, i cant donwload it
03/21/2018 18:25 Aku_Pachimon#551
Is this working now?
05/04/2018 17:17 radyasyonyilani#552
how to download?
05/04/2018 20:27 D3LT4_F0RC3#553
omg are there still people left that think this is updated and undetected xD?
06/05/2018 20:52 YoungPotat#554
There is no free version, there is only a "purchase now" link
06/21/2018 14:49 fruithillz#555
checked web link says invite only