GrandChase Ph .Definite Guide of OttoShot/OttoAttack

01/21/2011 10:19 .Velphia#31
Originally Posted by -Lacie View Post

Yeah you're right about that.
Originally Posted by auverin007 View Post
Nice signature.
@Sir Lacie, thanks for the i-second-the-motion support!~
well, to add up,

otto=really hard
well except Ele's Spear Job LOL
so IMO (again) i guess putting things like those keyboard key symbols wouldn't help newbie users (like yours truly :)) to understand it FULLY.

Suggestion TS, i hope you can uhm, improve it more since its really confusing.
Edge Otto (Elven Forest)
hold -> then z z z z
huh? some people might think like this:
hold right directional key when im on the edge if im a lire archer and press z z z z.
well, everyone knows THAT won't work.
Coz in fact, you have to put TIMING on an OTTO SHOT.
The result of not clarifying things like this would might cause a lot of spamming questions like:

USER:it didnt work. how to do it?

again, i'm sorry if i'm being such a critical thinker here,
but, given the fact that this is stickied, and a LOT of people would rely and read this,
as a member, i should do my best to give my own understanding about the situation here.

@Sir Auv, thanks! :D

01/21/2011 10:40 -Lacie#32
No promblemo~
01/23/2011 15:38 .ikazzuma*#33
@Velphia - thanks for what i've been mistake :D i will update this .
01/26/2011 17:19 enock03#34
can you teach me how to do otto fly in siren???
01/31/2011 14:13 .ikazzuma*#35
Originally Posted by enock03 View Post
can you teach me how to do otto fly in siren???
i think may you have search it on youtube for the clear sample .
02/02/2011 07:19 ToraKun#36
nc post
I find it very hard to otto Lire and unli grab arme I am laggish but i cant unli grab the opponent
02/06/2011 08:47 PainRikkudoU09#37
nice thread, its helpfull
03/09/2011 18:40 joienestle#38
can i ask how can they do the double firebolt in a single platform like in sor1 (battlemage)
03/10/2011 01:56 auverin007#39
Search for a platform in SOR that BM can jump .
Do this.
Jump + Down + Attack + Down + Down + Attack = IMBA!
When you used to it, you can do it OVER AND OVER AGAIN.
That technique, it`s normal to me.
If you used to it, it`s normal to you.
I will lose my senses by doing these technique.
03/10/2011 02:04 Kuroi★Mato#40
imma try that :d
03/10/2011 08:51 joienestle#41
ok thanks.. because i was wondering how do they do that when it comes to the basilisk thingy, i thought it was just lag or somethin' .. anyway i'll try what you said sir.. thanks. :)
03/10/2011 11:12 .ikazzuma*#42
Thanks for that auverin . i will update that in here . :D
03/10/2011 12:10 Match*Star.#43
Can you make a guide for Elesis?
03/10/2011 12:18 .ikazzuma*#44
ok sir match . i will make a guide for Elesis . :D :D I will update it again. XD XD

Edit- Updated and i updated more XD
03/10/2011 14:47 Match*Star.#45
Originally Posted by .ikazzuma* View Post
ok sir match . i will make a guide for Elesis . :D :D I will update it again. XD XD

Edit- Updated and i updated more XD
Thanks for updating. :D