Yosak1 ProxyBot Thread????? i cant find it.. Whats wrong

09/18/2010 13:37 Hate123#31
As much as I appreciate the thanks I can not do very much :P unless I get to help him with backend coding, in that case I know quite a lot :).

And to the people that are messing with him cus he added the feature, you seriously think that if you keep doing shit like this ppl wont start retalliating back to you? :P finding your x/y/z is simple as shit and if sum1 really wants to get to you to mess with you then they will :P. If this actually keeps up I will personally just release a dll to teleport to you so ppl can sin you or w/e, your way of botting isnt really ok tbh, all you are doing is exposing other botters/players to problems.
09/18/2010 13:41 lenti#32
Originally Posted by yosak1 View Post
3 things:

1. Thread is deleted without breaking any forum rule. Player Log is normal to every Bot on other games in this forum.
2. KPBot server is under attacking by German hackers. That's what I want. As I told you It's a stability testing period. I'm trying to bring it up again with stronger system. Just wait.
3. I will not post new updates on this forum. New forum link will be announced on Log screen after server is up.
well take ur time! :D

Originally Posted by _FightZ_ View Post
just remove the underground thingy and everything will be fine lol
a stronger system wont help alot. just remove the feature
and yea yosak u should leave it like it was.. =/

Originally Posted by Hate123 View Post
If you did then you are nothing short of an asshole :P Doesn't matter if you didn't like the bot, what it did, or what yosak did or him personally. You ruined the fun for a lot of people.

Also yosak if you need help with a website or w/e then tell me, that happens to be my profession :) Backend coding.
well after mope wrote that.. bad things are goin on!
09/18/2010 13:42 santaclos#33
Originally Posted by _FightZ_ View Post
shut up with your philosophical ways mongoloid

and do not doublepost it can get you banned.
have a respect for girls.. watch your mouth idiot.. or else wash it ...:mad:
09/18/2010 13:46 santaclos#34
Originally Posted by Hate123 View Post
As much as I appreciate the thanks I can not do very much :P unless I get to help him with backend coding, in that case I know quite a lot :).

And to the people that are messing with him cus he added the feature, you seriously think that if you keep doing shit like this ppl wont start retalliating back to you? :P finding your x/y/z is simple as shit and if sum1 really wants to get to you to mess with you then they will :P. If this actually keeps up I will personally just release a dll to teleport to you so ppl can sin you or w/e, your way of botting isnt really ok tbh, all you are doing is exposing other botters/players to problems.
ohh my this is such a mess. i dont know why this idiots are soo serious about the coordinates.. does that make any sense...
Hate123 tell me why did these people got pissed by the x y z coordinates and sky hack.
09/18/2010 13:49 MoepMeep#35
Removing that system takes 1min and everything would be fine ;)
09/18/2010 13:51 Hate123#36
Originally Posted by santaclos View Post
ohh my this is such a mess. i dont know why this idiots are soo serious about the coordinates.. does that make any sense...
Hate123 tell me why did these people got pissed by the x y z coordinates and sky hack.
I guess they don't want people being around them in the sky :P. Thing is it's very simple to get there.

One thing is that if they keep this shit up I'm gonna start sinning them :P they think they are untouchable cus they are ug etc, which they are far from :P.

Tbh I am not 100% sure why they got so pissed cus of the update. Didnt have time to download it and test it out. But I am 100% sure they will be pissed if ppl start sinning them ;P.
09/18/2010 13:58 bloodx#37
lol'd i kill your 80+ char even with 60 Character oO

u talking about Sinning come on stop that shit... u have no clue also..
09/18/2010 13:59 MoepMeep#38
Well, we just don't want ppl to know our name ;) Well, ofcoz it's easy to write an own recv detour, but most ppl can't do it :p
Sinning us is nearly impossible, but well, if someone manage to do it, he will be punished with nonstop connection lost :p
09/18/2010 14:03 Hate123#39
Originally Posted by MoepMeep View Post
Well, we just don't want ppl to know our name ;) Well, ofcoz it's easy to write an own recv detour, but most ppl can't do it :p
Sinning us is nearly impossible, but well, if someone manage to do it, he will be punished with nonstop connection lost :p
No it's faaar from impossible :P in fact easy.
Also who says that u gotta do it from an account that you use? :) Also you arent the only ppl that know how to do c/l ...
09/18/2010 14:05 MoepMeep#40
Well, an account that would be able to kill me, has to be 70+ with 3rd jobchange ;)

well, time to add a sin protection :>
09/18/2010 14:06 Hate123#41
Originally Posted by bloodx View Post
lol'd i kill your 80+ char even with 60 Character oO

u talking about Sinning come on stop that shit... u have no clue also..
Well, I don't know who you think I am but I have no 80+ char :P, also I have never even met you ingame or w/e so if you are talking about a past event you are mistaken. If you are talking about a coming even (that you hope to accomplish) then let's wait and see how stuff turn out :P.
09/18/2010 14:07 FagBook#42
Originally Posted by santaclos View Post
have a respect for girls.. watch your mouth idiot.. or else wash it ...:mad:
if youre a girl and you dont get respect,dont play kal..

90% of the players who say "i'm a girl" jus act like one.
09/18/2010 14:54 PuppetMaster#43
Its simple, yosak has the skills comparing to the "pros" in this section, with one difference, he is releasing his stuff. "Pros" of this section wouldnt be anything special if he would release this special feature so they attack him .. just human but again i will say one word for them "Fremdschämen" ^^ its funny how they act , they want their stuff just for themselves , selfish people .. guess you dont even understand the sense of this board but i can write as much as i want , wont change anything in their heads. But at least i can tell you something. ^^ I can play guitar , very very good , im 18 years old and i can play better then guys who learned it 5 years longer. But do i keep my knowledge? No ^^ - i help people getting better like i did ^^ This ability is useless when im online , but their ability is useless when they are offline so : D showing balls in the internet is gay haha

Edit: And just the fact you guys who are members of this board attack him because he is releasing his stuff to the community , just think twice bout that you dont understand the meaning of epvp. Its sad that a few germans behave like that : &
09/18/2010 14:57 santaclos#44
Originally Posted by PuppetMaster View Post
Its simple, yosak has the skills comparing to the "pros" in this section, with one difference, he is releasing his stuff. "Pros" of this section wouldnt be anything special if he would release this special feature so they attack him .. just human but again i will say one word for them "Fremdschämen" ^^ its funny how they act , they want their stuff just for themselves , selfish people .. guess you dont even understand the sense of this board but i can write as much as i want , wont change anything in their heads. But at least i can tell you something. ^^ I can play guitar , very very good , im 18 years old and i can play better then guys who learned it 5 years longer. But do i keep my knowledge? No ^^ - i help people getting better like i did ^^ This ability is useless when im online , but their ability is useless when they are offline so : D showing balls in the internet is gay haha
beautiful... ^ v ^... very beautifully and well said .. 5+
09/18/2010 14:58 santaclos#45
Originally Posted by FagBook View Post
if youre a girl and you dont get respect,dont play kal..

90% of the players who say "i'm a girl" jus act like one.
for me you are nothing more than.. BLA BLA BLA... SAVE YOUR WORDS FOR YOUR SIS OR MOM..
beside i m not talking to you.. so plz have a descent attitude.