TROY Players Point

04/27/2007 14:23 XxAnimusxX#31
The__Nuker? lawl i met u several times in the game, also wispered u if im not wrong (@ the blackrobber archers)

Btw want to buy 6Degree Protector Female Set
04/27/2007 14:39 hiddebond#32
lol don't think you saw me i am only lvl30 atm and fighting by the earth ghosts:D:P
04/28/2007 20:07 mike9288#33
suche lvl 64-69 armor.protector sosun items tausche den item gegen mein 2 char lvl 68 Pure str fire char wenn jemand ein sosun item tauschen will schreibt mich in msn an :

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04/30/2007 13:42 zerodahero6#34
HELLO! .. ^^ Troy is a freakin million yrs old server... too many high lvls! anyways, i was wonderin, is it true wut happened to that duyguy somethin?? the lvl 80 with sosun +7?? got banned?
04/30/2007 22:38 XxAnimusxX#35
ahahha yeah jangan and also dawnhang is almost empty in comparison with hotan xD
i cant even see the storage cause of the ppl there xD
05/01/2007 11:00 zerodahero6#36
true... also the storage in hotan is kinda smaller if compared to those in JG and DW :D,
btw a lil msg to botters at the bunwangs, if ur pmed by a guy named GM_MilkTea (a noob wearin lvl 1 armor set and escorted by a lvl 47 char) and ur bot gets dc, its a silly joke (so dont wet ur beds xP), he's actually tryna get ur account info...
05/13/2007 17:40 edviss#37
maybe in troy server that xxx was elipvpers bots guild ? :D
05/16/2007 02:53 horned_reaper#38
i have a lvl 62 acount in Troy :)
05/18/2007 16:08 camaro1969_troy#39
WTT sos glaiv lvl 32+4 for sos bow 16+4 sos or +5

<hr>Append on May 18 2007, 16:09<hr> pm me at
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05/28/2007 01:27 j3r1co#40
we have a epvpers guild on troy? if so ii wanna join ^__^
06/26/2007 09:22 DivinityPL#41
Hello Everyone

I play on Troy since i found this freakin game. Now Im havin fun with a Nuker :D lvl 5x only :P
07/13/2007 07:18 digas#42
i started playin too.. but i wont lvl without bot xD and i cant login btw ;D .. so .. yeah and btw 36 lvl ;D the acc is not mine ;DD
08/20/2007 04:43 badboyilprimo#43
hi guys
i play on troy since i was porn XD its beeen long expt im lvl 72int&48str&42int&31wizard
and i love playing with bot SRobot only cause tbot is for freaks(jk)
but i dont love it any way
to pm me
09/16/2007 12:13 yawa0021#44
selling lvl 66 pure str glavie acct.. pm me for offers.. thnx guyz!! troy server.. rockzz!!!
11/26/2007 09:51 jane_youky#45
I ever bought the powerleveling on [Only registered and activated users can see links. Click Here To Register...], and I am satisfied with the service. I suggest you should try. It still offer gold trade and account service.