Edenity - Heaven of Hackers

10/13/2020 11:00 ReePa#31
Great hack,never used one before but this seems good. Is there anyway to toggle the bot on and off with a keypress ?
10/13/2020 16:39 Junkyyy94#32
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10/13/2020 19:13 Dopekid360#33
Iv'e been using Eden for about two weeks now and can say it's SUPER NICE. I started with Critcal Hit, and don't get me wrong, CH is nice as well but if you look at security wise, it isn't the right choice at the moment.

Edenity has a 10/10 aimbot and flickshot for any hero you can think of. 100% custom hero profiles that you can make anyway you'd like if you want to rage or play legit, Eden can do both.:mofo:

Edenity's ESP is a 10/10, very good quality visuals and can 100% say the ESP is better than CH's visuals.:handsdown:

The cheat is overall very smooth, I had to take no extra steps into getting it setup. As simple as download the loader, create your account, put your key in, and you're done. Very user friendly, noob friendly, and 100% the top OW cheats out their at the moment, and is still climbing to be better.

The community is very nice and friendly, nice support to get the job done regardless, and loads of fun to use. Come try out Edenity, they give out 1hr codes from time to time and help their users with any problem we have.
10/13/2020 21:36 EdenityFan#34
Here's my review:

Aimbot: Great software, looks like real humal play. 12/10

Triggerbot: Didn't use it, but according to my friend it works fine 10/10

ESP: Wallhack perfect, very convenient to see all the enemy stats 10/10

Security: Use on 2 accounts, no ban and not expected 10/10

Support: The best experience with support. Have never seen such a great support, even on many other sites 100/10

Usability. This cheat is very easy to install and use, you dont even need to change any configs - u can just sit and play.

Total: The best cheat on the market (since I had experience with other market representatives). Legit but strong.

P.S. For such price it can be the best aimbot ive ever used.
10/14/2020 16:34 Edenity_Official#35
Thanks for all the Reviews!
10/16/2020 15:44 Natsu Dragneel#36
10/23/2020 16:17 materialSX#37
I tested it with a trial key and thats my review:

The first thing that needs to be said is that this chair is legit and strong. Aimbot lets you dominate not in 1 way, but in the way you want to. U can hit only headshots and look absolutely legit. It works perfectly on every hero that i tried to play. For 2 years of playing i tried many different chairs and this is the best one for me. ESP is also perfect, no lags, everything you need. Support here is also great, updates are going long, but can guarantee you undetection. If you have any problems you will also get help very quickly. This chair has a great community. What else? This chair is VERY easy to install and use.

Total: for such price it is the best chair on market. Many edenity users are currently t500 and not banned. I definitely can recomend it.
10/28/2020 12:37 Junkyyy94#38
Edenity is UPDATED! And everyone get 5days for FREE!!!
10/28/2020 15:46 Edenity_Official#39
We have released edenity!

For the long wait, we are compensating every license for 2 weeks (If you bought a 24 hour key, it will just return to 24 hours, if it's a 1 week key, it will return to 1 week, same for monthly) and having a 5 day FREE period.

Keep in mind that we are still technically testing, however, we haven't experienced bans during the 2 weeks we were down and only 30% of our users experienced bans in the first place with korea and china being completely unaffected.

Most important changes:
- Reworked the stealth system, new driver.
- Much better compatibility.
- Fewer crashes and flawless injection.
- 100% polymorphic launcher with hourly recompilation task.
- System-wide cleaning of garbage created by windows.
- Runtime prevention of module scanning, an attempt to render any use of finding the chair useless.
11/01/2020 20:20 SupaSoldier#40
Edenity Review Updated:
This cheat has been one the best I have used in a while. My first cheat was ev0lve, an ok Pixelbot, was UD for a while till i just gave up because of poor performance and it eating up resources. Next cheat I used was CH, while it was ok for some time, my stats were way beyond normal and it was very hard to keep things legit. Always would get called out at some point. Then I came across Edenity, from resellers advertising this. I was impressed with how things looked and the professionalism they have. They are serious about what they do and their determination to keep Edenity good at all times and ensure as many people are satisfied as possible.

Aimbot (10/10) - The customisation options they have here for all heros is really good, the UI is clean and easy to understand, their colour scheme is nice and easy on the eyes. The aimbot when configured can be so legit it is impossible to tell you have a chair. Edenity was built for legit playstyle from the very beginning and I am pleased to see that they offer such high quality experiences with Edenity. Aimbot works well for tanks too, I primarily use Roadhog, Zarya and Orisa and for DPS, Widow, Hanzo, Mcree, Soldier, Ashe, Tracer. The Silent aim works as it should, and correct configuring your settings alongside silent aim can really make u OP at DPS :D . Coming from a person that mains tank and not DPS.

ESP - ESP have many different options for people and is easy to set and adjust the colours accordingly. The ESP settings are global which means they apply to all heros which is convenient. There is also a colour graph so allows users to accurately pick colours of their choice. Vischeck is also standard with Edenity, should be with every cheat anyways :D. The features do not impact your FPS which is neat considering some other cheats have features that actually impact fps to the point where it is unplayable.

Security - (10/10) - A lot of patches have been done to Edenity over the months and the longest one was 2-3 weeks and the wait was worth. I have an account for 2 weeks using edenity every day of the week and havent been banned yet. They treated a 30% playerbase ban as a full detection which goes to show the lengths they go to to make Edenity secure and a cheat that is worth using for a long time. Edenity cleans up junk left behind that could be used to detect Edenity which is good, no other chair has this according to my knowledge, so just goes to show Edenity makes sure that they are one step ahead of the game.

I will leave some gameplay below to show you guys what Edenity is like, join their discord for a free 1hr test key - discord.io/edenity

11/07/2020 17:40 SyKrave#41
In the beginning using aimbot felt very weird, considering this was the first time I ever tried a cheat. Was weird having some sort of a "disconnect" between your own natural mouse movements during an aimduel. However after spending a few minutes finding really good settings for my aim this aimbot is an absolute beast for me. even though i didn't know how to set up this cheat either i would like to thank the community for helping me. I used this trial for only a few minutes but got hooked straight away and i love it. This cheat is the only one that i actually need so i don't need to look for any others because it has everything you need and when i first started this i was scared for my account getting banned but the undetect system is awesome and doesn't get you in any trouble at all!
11/09/2020 17:50 jimmiblue#42
Hi, i am Thomas from germany. I like to give a review of Edenity. First of all, i tried several hacks with a trial key. Edenity was the best i could find.


1. Community 10/10
2. Support: 10/10
3. Ui: 10/10 clean and easy to handle
4. Download: 10/10 easy to install
5. With Edenity i am first time a widow god :)

Try it and you will see what i mean.
11/11/2020 14:55 t1lshei`f#43
My review for Edenity, one of the best hacks on the market.

I used this cheat during free week, and its goddamn awesome!

I'm a cheater with almost 12 year experience. I played a lot of games, used a lot of hacks, starting from shittiest ones and ending with hacks sent by Gods. And I wanna say that this one - is sent by our Lord to us - fellow cheaters.

First of all, advantages:

✓ Security. I have seen only few cheats in games that can last longer than a couple of months, especially in a serious projects. Most of ow cheats are being detected from patch to patch with banwaves. This one - NEVER detected, thanks to devs. They really love their hack and update it with every patch, improving security and adding new functions.

✓ Aimbot - is LIT AF, best one on the market. No jokes. AB was one of my favorite hacks, but my man, when I tried Eden, I fell in love with it, and buying only this one.

✓ Wallhack - stable, no random disappears and other shit.

✓ Predictions - one of the most satisfying things in this hack. Wanna be PRO HANZO? No probs. Wanna be a pro Ana? No probs, just configure it for yourself - and you're good to go!

✓ Ability to configure it by yourself. Most needed feature for me.

✓ It's price. My dude. This hack is really worth this money - trust me. 6 pounds per day - ez clap.

✓ Feedback and bug-fixes. Our boy boris is working hard to give us what we want. Hats off for him. Really good coder.

Now let's get to the disadvantages (thankfully this have only few of these):

• Sometimes it has FPS drops, but it's going to be fixed soon.
• There are some rare bugs, but boris fixes them fast. +rep for boris and eden team.

So, I would rate this cheat 10/10, because this is the best one of the most legit and safe cheats on the market RN.

Of course i would suggest to join Discord and ask any other member there. They would vouch. Also you can find settings and support there.
11/16/2020 19:25 Sinkie#44

hey ive been using edenity trial and the free 1 hour key and im already IN LOVE with this cheat. i was only 2700 at the strat but with only 2 hours witht he cheat i am 3,1k. i even won against my t500 widowmaker friend in a widow 1v1 and he didnt even think about anything he just thought that i followed some guides and got way better at the game.

when i use this cheat it feels like im on a whole new level. I can actully hit shotss, i win widow hs, i win matches in comp and stuff and i get better at every hero. i didnt even notice thee hack when i used it other than that i almost didnt miss. i didnt even see the tracking or aim assist i got. i only saw th esp and the team kill in the killfeed.

this cheat i so cheap too. even tho my card is out of use right now i got suprised when i went to the website o f how cheap it was. I wanna say thank you to edenity offical for making this cheat and i hope your cheat becomes one of the most famous of them all. Keep on working hard and keep it undetected for your people!

good luck for everyone using or buying this cheat. Even t ho you dont need it when your on that skill level you are with this software! ;)
11/17/2020 11:13 ToshiiOW#45
Amazing chair very nice customer service. Nice customization very good legit and rage cheat.

to improve make options to shoot just chest legs etc not just free y prefer head or only head make hit boxes more customizable.

Other than that i recomend this over anything else:handsdown: