Developing - Creating Full P-Silkroad Servers

01/23/2023 17:48 VESTA ONLINE#31
Worked with Vortex for the second time in Vesta, he's a really talented guy who's fast, smart and cheap service price

I totally recommend him
08/18/2023 15:54 VORTEX*#32
Service Back again #open-topic
08/18/2023 17:33 SubZero**#33
Talented guy i recommend him
08/18/2023 17:37 *Demon*#34
worked with vortex from zenda and he become my partner and i really recommending him .
08/18/2023 17:41 Kabloz™#35
A skilled person who knows how to handle work pressure
In addition to good treatment and lack of greed
08/18/2023 18:05 !Apple#36
Good Luck! You do great jobs
08/18/2023 18:09 Valuex Creative#37
100% recommend. My bestttt ♥️
08/18/2023 19:05 mnuker55#38
Good luck my brother
Vortex numper one ♥️♥️
08/18/2023 19:43 xflavio2020#39
Best <3
08/18/2023 23:49 TEVEZ_7#40
Keep going!
08/25/2023 14:20 HypnosĄ#41
Fast and trustworthy
09/03/2023 15:01 TheLastHoruS#42
Highly-Recommended, :)
Best of luck for u, mate ;)
10/24/2023 03:33 T0o0P#43
Best Dev <3
10/27/2023 15:30 KawasakiBro#44
Thank you so much - Srsly one of the most Loyal Devs i have met Cheers Mate!
11/08/2023 18:47 Hemerson Oliveira#45
A round of applause for Vortex! They worked wonders on our Maya Sro project, turning ideas into reality faster than a speeding bullet. Vortex's coding skills are top-notch, and our project reached new heights thanks to their dedication. A big shout-out to the superhero of our coding journey! ♥