L2-Extreme WALKER + enable HELP!

12/09/2005 01:36 zardozsan#31
Hi all

Guys, plz, i really need some help

this is link for engine.dll from L2enraged server

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can someone help to get the Token?

i try with TokenProtocol_V2 but take an error and give me many tokens, i try all but not work,

Port- 2106 (i guess)
protocol - 530 ( i guess too)


12/10/2005 23:26 dnet#32
i connect perfect to l2extreme .. but my bot not attack ... only select targert and another target ... all time .... know someone how can i resolve this? ...... if i click on force atack .. the bot attack else if how the time for attack finishd ... as when you have a wall .. etc ..
01/10/2006 12:08 Bommba#33
Same for me !!! what we need to do ???