Draxi - CHALLENGER booster, cheap and fast! Draft boosting, placements ! TRUSTFUL!

10/07/2015 21:35 Renkyu#31
* - HYPE! ... xD
10/16/2015 16:47 Yiqubha#32
Did my placements went 8/10.
High K/D/A plat 1 mmr !

Can recommend!
11/03/2015 11:46 hero810#33
Bought a big boost
Will post how it goes :)
11/04/2015 01:40 SniSeviyorum#34
played 7 games with duo Q, won 6 and lost 1,
did his job, thank you
11/11/2015 14:14 hero810#35
Did an unranked to d5 for me in 3 days +++
11/11/2015 14:39 Hype65#36
hi do you boost NA?
11/11/2015 16:43 Draxido#37
Unfortunately I have too high ping
11/24/2015 12:55 Tekumi#38
Hey Draxido,

you're offering duo queue placements for 30€ and offer 8/10 wins guaranteed. Does this apply to people having ended S5 with Diamond 5?
11/24/2015 19:16 Draxido#39
Hey Tekumi,

I must fix it. If u have ended S5 with Diamond 5, then I can guarantee you 6 wins, but I often do 7-8, never had less than 7 wins in placement's yet.
01/11/2016 17:21 Draxido#40
Soon incoming new season, if you want to start well this season, write to me :)
01/13/2016 13:04 Draxido#41
Season is near, do anyone need placements :)?
01/13/2016 13:46 fat5warior#42
hi can u play my placement games tomorow i can give u a steam acc with cs global offensive
01/13/2016 15:16 Draxido#43
@fat5warior it's league of legends thread :D
01/20/2016 11:18 Draxido#44
I can play around 10h per day, so let's get started :D

skype: callmeboster

!! :)
01/29/2016 15:43 Draxido#45
