[ECSRO] Semerkand

08/14/2009 13:53 inv123#31
Originally Posted by Mandaloskee View Post
Why i Dont see NPC????
And you are too far away from sk :p zoomhack is not showing them, and maybe they ddint added yet
08/14/2009 14:47 urmomzzz#32
Originally Posted by inv123 View Post
And you are too far away from sk :p zoomhack is not showing them, and maybe they ddint added yet
Try going to DW teleporter, use zoomhack and try to see any players pvping... You won't, it's just the game itself. It varies it configs, but no one can have a sight range that long. It's like when you're training and you see mobs appearing as you go by the road.


It's real, you can test it yourself. I doubt they will add it soon, but I hope they do ;)
08/14/2009 16:30 bobmore11#33
It's like this in sunworld too, so I don't think it means it's going to be added just because it is there. If I go to Rok Mt. and start zooming out I can see the same city.
08/14/2009 16:36 mew123#34
Never thought of zooming out that far O.o and yeah, hopefully they add euro. Its about time.

just an offtopic note: Why the fu** is Taklamakan, Tarim Basin, Hotan. Etc are under (Chinese) race? Asian would be a lot better. Because i have a friend from Hotan(uyghurs)
and they look nooooooooooothing like a chinese person. They look more european.
and some look like Uzbeks. I'm not so sure about Downhang and Jangan.
08/14/2009 16:42 nansif2#35
Originally Posted by shamir View Post
It is easy I've instert samarkand / constinopole to sw client.
I guess GM can do the same.
All you have to do is to get
these files.
And edit this file.
And enable it on serverside.
those files must match to client/server version or it won't work

here is constantinopole on Sw client
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'-' nice
08/14/2009 16:49 _HouseMusicx3#36
looks good mhhh then swsro will have euros soon too becouse ecsro stoled/copied swsro client....
08/14/2009 17:41 _FoulSoul_#37
haha +1 shamir!
08/14/2009 18:16 karixpriva#38
Originally Posted by zilvis69 View Post
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how can u not know???
it is a place where u can use level,gold and silk hax -.-
lol u failed in his sarcasm..
08/14/2009 22:21 hagall#39
i think they will add it soon if they want to and have the permission from joymax, dunno but i guess joymax wanna release another race before the private servers start using euro cuz that would make them loose to much money ? , they have the complete map on it so it won't be that hard to get it working, if they'r not to lazy as always... if I am wrong so correct me, but it is what I think about it all anyways ^^ (im kinda drunk atm so my english might suck^^, )
08/14/2009 22:29 _FoulSoul_#40
nah ...they wont add it.
08/14/2009 23:15 Albert07#41
after seeing this topic i kinda tryed it xD, and it felt kinda nice seeing smakarand again :) (it reminds me of isro )...but i tryed to zoom even futher to reach constantinopole and i didn't manage to do so cuz it's hard to control the image at such a long zoom distance.....so i made a mistake with my mouse and i finished the whole shit Q.Q
08/15/2009 00:29 WorldDj#42
se(a)me(a)rke(a)nd oke me(a)n you are turkey iam turkey englis be(a)d?
map.pk2 is something and characters npc are other thing
08/15/2009 02:44 revenger888#43
lol, i'll try it too , looks nice .

btw, i really hope they wont add euro race, it makes the game really unbalanced
08/15/2009 12:27 cosmin_cezar#44
i've reached samakard .. but I done a mistake when i was searchin' for constantinopole .. and the whole shit done .. it took me 15 minutes:D
08/15/2009 12:36 grubsnek#45
Originally Posted by Botter1993 View Post
looks good mhhh then swsro will have euros soon too becouse ecsro stoled/copied swsro client....
fail, they didnt stole the files, if u check ecsro forum u would know the true