DELVL Method

01/07/2013 08:41 steph33#31
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np continu to put some cheat public or try to find them and what you receive ? this =) ( ennemy QQyer ahahaha ) Now elitepvp is a forum to help noob and help Wz to fix more and more bug . thx for noobie like Strongg here =)
01/07/2013 11:30 botpet#32
Strongg is a QQ champion.
01/07/2013 12:36 Raffaeleo#33
which server is on strongg ?
01/07/2013 12:52 steph33#34
01/07/2013 13:30 Raffaeleo#35
si he/she all times crying.....
we are lucky on zian no ppl like him/her
01/07/2013 13:48 Creme.egg#36
01/07/2013 16:49 V1per90#37
perfect DeLvL dont work anymore :(

few minutes ago i tried and dont work
01/07/2013 18:48 hrvoje144#38
this wouldnt be fixed if some1 asked does any1 wants that bug...who u are that u can choose who can have that bug? hm?? i thought this page is for such kind of things for easyer lvling, helping others etc. ...and who ever helped me here?! no1 so Sirdragonlord u have big + from me..TY and i hope u give us smthing more if u m8
01/07/2013 19:40 Icksdeh66#39
Originally Posted by steph33 View Post
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np continu to put some cheat public or try to find them and what you receive ? this =) ( ennemy QQyer ahahaha ) Now elitepvp is a forum to help noob and help Wz to fix more and more bug . thx for noobie like Strongg here =)
Well u call guys like Strongg noobies and u post in each thread something and beg for advices or for the glitch. And nobody here is a trustful member expect of you. And i just see you QQing : tell me glitch, i will find it out.
Strongg is a fairplayer
@Botpet , the best QQer of this Server is Koukette
01/07/2013 20:07 steph33#40
Icksde i never say i'm a fairplay player , i use cheat not really , i abuse Bug of this crap game =) . I'm the best QQyer ok proove it =) . " tell me glitch " is not QQying LOL i think you are from legacy bob , you are all same crap . sad to see you here
01/07/2013 20:08 MARCI1111#41
this topic is going funnier and more useless every day...
this has nothing to do with archlord and gaming this is just an endless discussion about stupid things and rumors.

PS.: i know the glitch since months and i reseted the last char on sunday, so i think it should still work, because no new patches since sunday...

01/07/2013 21:23 Icksdeh66#42
Originally Posted by steph33 View Post
Icksde i never say i'm a fairplay player , i use cheat not really , i abuse Bug of this crap game =) . I'm the best QQyer ok proove it =) . " tell me glitch " is not QQying LOL i think you are from legacy bob , you are all same crap . sad to see you here
well if we all would be fairplayer we wont be here in epvp. Besides i just said that you are a QQ noob because you want every1 to tell u the glitch and you tell everywhere that u are the only trustful member here. BTW im not from legacy i just can't support your bull shit , what you talks.
01/07/2013 22:27 steph33#43
You say bullshit i never say i the only 1 trustfull here . I dont want talk with a retard srry . This forum become useless because of guys like you . Peace cya
01/07/2013 22:32 powerevenge#44
the HIGHLVLchar need to be higher than the delevel one ? like high one 100 and delevel one 70 ? or its ok +80 one ? like high one 80 and devel 90

so i had one archer 42 in forest, i hitted ele with normal attacks, archer summ me, ele mutation me, i accept summ and it say that "unable to bla bla" wtf im doing wrong ?

pls help <3 !
01/07/2013 22:51 wsv#45
just think, you wrote an answer