[SOI] Silkroad of Immortals Reborn System | Official Launch Date

01/17/2012 14:37 Mirceagab#31
Originally Posted by dorina12 View Post
And when it will open?...
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So what's special?
Have you even read the introduction?
01/18/2012 09:35 nikkyandrei#32
nice.. i will try ..
01/18/2012 10:30 SunEmpire#33
what about phy/mag balance? will be 5000%?
01/18/2012 14:46 Goplay#34
no, it will be balanced. the system is ment to keep all players balanced even after 50 reborns.
01/18/2012 16:55 Hai_Lua#35
totaly bull shit with thoese reborn shit.

ppl just 24/7 until theyre 50x reborns lols

thats the same shit as grindin to 120 in iSRO.
01/18/2012 17:16 OutlawNL#36
50 reborns with 50x rates is insane, i like the reborn idea but this will totally ruin the pvp in a server because people won't PVP anymore because on reaching 110 they will go reborn and lvl 1 again so that means 0 pvp ( Since the reborn is 50 with rates of x50 ) The reborn should max include like let's say 4-5x and you get 10-15 Stat points more while reborning and skill cap on 110 from 115 - 120 - 125 - 130 - 135 ( For the bonus % on the damage )
01/18/2012 17:17 Hai_Lua#37
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01/18/2012 17:20 kokosas007#38
if u dont like reborn sys dont paly ^^
01/18/2012 17:45 H34D_B4NG3R#39
this reborn system sux badly..50 reborns with 50x rates is a crazy challenge..
01/18/2012 17:52 Goplay#40
I'll enjoy the moment when a player with high reborns will complain he levels to easily :D
01/19/2012 12:16 Mytzanujrboss#41
Originally Posted by kokosas007 View Post
lol why u post now if open after few weak? :D
They did because they wanted players to be aware of the server before its opening.

Originally Posted by bubabuba View Post
50 reborns are way to much pvp will be so unbalanced, maybe 5-10 will be nice. Also starting from a cap like 80 or 90 and then going higher and higher will be nice^^.
5-10 are to few.50 = interesting

Originally Posted by Amanda98 View Post
All these rebirth-able servers with CHEAP rates expect us to rebirth our char until we age at 70+
If you do not like rebirth system you can always play on Heaven , normal silkroad ream.

Originally Posted by AlexRock View Post
sounds fun.But really it be 24/7 grind on bot.Its be too bored to hand grind 50x times on 50x rates...And how u call pvp balanced when on 50x reborn u will have 4000 more stats.That really sound strange.Yes u will be stronger after each reborn,but anyway it takes so much time for it.Probably it be bot server :D
As you said , it gets easier and easier with each reborn.PVP will be WAY MORE interesing when you'll have more reborns.Wait for it and you'll see

Originally Posted by Hai_Lua View Post
totaly bull shit with thoese reborn shit.

Don't like it ? Don't play it!

ppl just 24/7 until theyre 50x reborns lols

You can do that too , I think they will allow botting.
This Reborn thing makes you play more and don't get bored that easy :)

thats the same shit as grindin to 120 in iSRO.
Nope its not , the PVP system will be really interesting when you have reborns.And it will be way easier then iSRO , LOL , 50x rates + reborn stats.

Do not complain ! Just embrace it :)
01/19/2012 15:57 kevinke93#42
Reborn system idea is really good, but when i saw the rates... It would be a great server but rates are too low. Of course you become stronger when you reborn and you will kill them easier, but you have to kill as much monster as you killed before reborn ... Good luck for the server :)
01/19/2012 17:03 Goplay#43
Yes indeed kevin. But then, whats the point of the game? All games have this principle. You level and you get bored. You start a new character and you have to do the whole process again.

Ok, you get bored of the game and you start to play another game. You still have to level and complete the process.

And i can't remember since when 50 times faster than normal is low rate? We all used to play on 15x not more than 3 months ago. Ntz ntz ntz...
01/19/2012 17:18 darkkev11#44
we have to be max level to reborn or not?
01/19/2012 19:21 phreeak#45
nothing for me... i've a real life! but good luck anyway.