Atlantica Online Bot (Steam/INT, EU, Ini3, XIYOUXI, Oceanic, Rebirth, Taiwan, Japan)

09/04/2023 02:47 yumi2028#3676
china ,aobot cannt use,pls check.
09/04/2023 03:08 Mushplomplom#3677
cant download bot can you send in discord
09/04/2023 05:01 lsn1308#3678
i can't download
09/04/2023 06:14 thailand0054#3679
bot isn't working pls check
09/04/2023 19:31 HighGamer.#3680
So it seems that the datacenter my hosting company was using has went out of business and they are in the process of migration. Nothing I can do until they finish this migration. Sorry for the inconvenience everyone, lost subscription time will be returned following completion of the server migration. All pending subscriptions will be processed at that time as well.

[Only registered and activated users can see links. Click Here To Register...]
09/06/2023 06:23 HighGamer.#3681
Still no word on when they will bring the servers back up but there was an update and I was assigned a new IP address so things are moving forward. Server is still offline though.

I updated the new IP address in the DNS records. You can visit [Only registered and activated users can see links. Click Here To Register...] from time to time and as soon as you see it online, the bot should be working too.
09/06/2023 15:38 ANR2K#3682
It's strange than my friend already able to access today but not me O.o but both of us are using a different ISP tho.

Edit: i can access it too now :)
09/06/2023 17:05 thailand0054#3683
thailnd has updated thnk you
09/07/2023 00:51 jdj29#3684
+ System

+ Provider

[ Name] Application Error
[ Guid] {a0e9b465-b939-57d7-b27d-95d8e925ff57}

EventID 1000

Version 0

Level 2

Task 100

Opcode 0

Keywords 0x8000000000000000

- TimeCreated

[ SystemTime] 2023-09-06T22:47:45.2176725Z

EventRecordID 6210


- Execution

[ ProcessID] 19576
[ ThreadID] 2116

Channel Application

Computer 정덕주

- Security

[ UserID] S-1-5-21-1545562706-2616851183-332344427-1001

- EventData

AppName Atlantica.exe
AppTimeStamp 64b9eb34
ModuleName Atlantica.exe
ModuleTimeStamp 64b9eb34
ExceptionCode c0000409
FaultingOffset 008537a7
ProcessId 0x1164
ProcessCreationTime 0x1d9e11425a96515
AppPath C:\Users\jdj23\Downloads\Atlantica Oceanic\Atlantica.exe
ModulePath C:\Users\jdj23\Downloads\Atlantica Oceanic\Atlantica.exe
IntegratorReportId 20ecc98f-8f4c-4b9b-ab5d-44960b61bc4f
+ System

- Provider

[ Name] Windows Error Reporting
[ Guid] {0ead09bd-2157-539a-8d6d-c87f95b64d70}

EventID 1001

Version 0

Level 4

Task 0

Opcode 0

Keywords 0x8000000000000000

- TimeCreated

[ SystemTime] 2023-09-06T22:47:45.9168531Z

EventRecordID 6211


- Execution

[ ProcessID] 19576
[ ThreadID] 2116

Channel Application

Computer 정덕주

- Security

[ UserID] S-1-5-21-1545562706-2616851183-332344427-1001

- EventData

BucketType 0
EventName BEX
Response 사용할 수 없음
CabId 0
P1 Atlantica.exe
P3 64b9eb34
P4 Atlantica.exe
P6 64b9eb34
P7 008537a7
P8 c0000409
P9 00000015
StorePath \\?\C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\WER\ReportQue ue\AppCrash_Atlantica.exe_8b5d87f42a8961c0429beed3 37f1b332316d5c_7cb7d62d_bb1a18a0-05d9-4939-8b84-04ba593b32cb
Rechecking 0
ReportId 20ecc98f-8f4c-4b9b-ab5d-44960b61bc4f
ReportStatus 4
CabGuid 0
+ System

- Provider

[ Name] Application Error
[ Guid] {a0e9b465-b939-57d7-b27d-95d8e925ff57}

EventID 1000

Version 0

Level 2

Task 100

Opcode 0

Keywords 0x8000000000000000

- TimeCreated

[ SystemTime] 2023-09-06T22:47:46.9054196Z

EventRecordID 6212


- Execution

[ ProcessID] 19044
[ ThreadID] 6540

Channel Application

Computer 정덕주

- Security

[ UserID] S-1-5-21-1545562706-2616851183-332344427-1001

- EventData

AppName Atlantica.exe
AppTimeStamp 64b9eb34
ModuleName unknown
ModuleTimeStamp 00000000
ExceptionCode c0000005
FaultingOffset d03f2dda
ProcessId 0x1164
ProcessCreationTime 0x1d9e11425a96515
AppPath C:\Users\jdj23\Downloads\Atlantica Oceanic\Atlantica.exe
ModulePath unknown
IntegratorReportId d38bed30-5904-4758-a503-c4b49aa93921
+ System

- Provider

[ Name] Windows Error Reporting
[ Guid] {0ead09bd-2157-539a-8d6d-c87f95b64d70}

EventID 1001

Version 0

Level 4

Task 0

Opcode 0

Keywords 0x8000000000000000

- TimeCreated

[ SystemTime] 2023-09-06T22:47:47.5414194Z

EventRecordID 6213


- Execution

[ ProcessID] 25736
[ ThreadID] 22184

Channel Application

Computer 정덕주

- Security

[ UserID] S-1-5-18

- EventData

Bucket 1818586199930168376
BucketType 5
EventName BEX
Response 사용할 수 없음
CabId 0
P1 Atlantica.exe
P3 64b9eb34
P4 Atlantica.exe
P6 64b9eb34
P7 008537a7
P8 c0000409
P9 00000015
AttachedFiles \\?\C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\WER\Temp\WER. a60daede-0b3a-4154-a48f-0902d04dd40f.tmp.WERInternalMetadata.xml
StorePath \\?\C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\WER\ReportArc hive\AppCrash_Atlantica.exe_8b5d87f42a8961c0429bee d337f1b332316d5c_7cb7d62d_bb1a18a0-05d9-4939-8b84-04ba593b32cb
Rechecking 0
ReportId 20ecc98f-8f4c-4b9b-ab5d-44960b61bc4f
ReportStatus 268435456
HashedBucket 3a6e2ae5ed028f0cf93cea837843e438
CabGuid 0
09/07/2023 08:04 ANR2K#3685
AO Rebirth updated to v662060 today, using old Atlantica.exe will shows a lot of Magic Error popups (even without bot)
09/07/2023 10:29 yumi2028#3686
Xiyouxi updated today
09/07/2023 13:49 aosky#3687
09/07/2023 18:07 HighGamer.#3688
- Updated -
China 761010
Europe 361090
NA 462060
Japan 261150
Korea 162210
Rebirth 662060
Thailand 562050

- Maintenance service outage compensation -
[+61 hours added back to all subscribers for the downtime.]

I will see if I can add a filter for the no-name rabbit in Oceanic later tonight and reply here with an update.

"Chanon Choosuwan, chanon.20ok" if you are here, please contact me on WhatsApp with your HWID. You left no HWID or contact method in the PayPal note when sending payment and I have no idea who you are!
09/08/2023 04:30 Mushplomplom#3689
hello forced closed. even tried xenos forced closed as well. my trail time is ticking down. anyone can tell me to get it to work? i dont use steam.
09/09/2023 04:14 HighGamer.#3690
Originally Posted by Mushplomplom View Post
hello forced closed. even tried xenos forced closed as well. my trail time is ticking down. anyone can tell me to get it to work? i dont use steam.
Is it force closing with the clean client method? If so, you may need to simply restart your PC and try again. Sometimes it's an issue of the RAM holding old information that results in this. Also, play around with the injection delay. Try everything from 0-10,000. If you still continue to experience force closures, contact me on WhatsApp and I'll try to figure it out on TeamViewer.