[BOT] SummonerFactory - Level 30 bot / IP farm (free to level 10)

06/26/2015 03:51 -[ ℛhคgε#286
Hmm working in the custom game
so i was wondering it keeps there for " Waiting for a game. Make sure you have enought bots running or botexchange is turned on" wat should i do next ?

how do i start many bots at the same time ?
06/26/2015 08:15 kbum#287
Originally Posted by -[ ℛhคgε View Post
Hmm working in the custom game
so i was wondering it keeps there for " Waiting for a game. Make sure you have enought bots running or botexchange is turned on" wat should i do next ?

how do i start many bots at the same time ?
Use vm's on Workstation 10
06/26/2015 10:36 azeemc11#288
ystem.InvalidOperationException: Process has exited, so the requested information is not available.
at System.Diagnostics.Process.EnsureState(State state)
at System.Diagnostics.Process.get_MainWindowHandle()
at net.summonerfactory.bot.Bot.CheckWindow()
at net.summonerfactory.bot.Bot.<Run>d__b.MoveNext()

I have .NET 4.5.2 installed
Uninstalled and reinstalled skin multiple times
Running the client as administrator
06/26/2015 11:25 SKT T1 Rekt#289
Is this a virus... when I tried to download the programmes that are needed for this to work I was only placed in another window all red which read Malicious website and stuff like they might trick you.... like are all of you guys robots? I just don't know who to believe anymore

Yep definitely a virus...
06/26/2015 11:50 Monotonoda#290
Originally Posted by azeemc11 View Post
ystem.InvalidOperationException: Process has exited, so the requested information is not available.
at System.Diagnostics.Process.EnsureState(State state)
at System.Diagnostics.Process.get_MainWindowHandle()
at net.summonerfactory.bot.Bot.CheckWindow()
at net.summonerfactory.bot.Bot.<Run>d__b.MoveNext()

I have .NET 4.5.2 installed
Uninstalled and reinstalled skin multiple times
Running the client as administrator
This error means the Bot is unable to move.
Solutions / Try this:
Uninstall .NET 4.5.2 and install .NET 4.5
reinstall Wooxy Skin
What helped for me: install Visual C Redistributables 2008/2010/2013

When you run the Bot dont use your PC because the Bot is not injecting anything, he is Playing with Mouse and Keyboard. Better solution is to simply run it in a VM. I am using VMWare Workstation 10.

Originally Posted by -[ ℛhคgε View Post
Hmm working in the custom game
so i was wondering it keeps there for " Waiting for a game. Make sure you have enought bots running or botexchange is turned on" wat should i do next ?

how do i start many bots at the same time ?
The Message you Receive means there are not enough Bots in Bot Exchange queue to start a new Game.
Like kbum mentioned you should use a Virtual Machine like VMWare 10 to run multiple Bots at once. For the Best Results you should Start with 5 Virtual Machines and asign 2GB of Ram and 1 CPU to each. Ofcourse only if you have enough Ram.
Running the VM's like this my PC uses up 13.8GB of Ram but the Bots run lagless.
06/26/2015 14:37 sam123336020#291
Originally Posted by Monotonoda View Post
you should Start with 5 Virtual Machines and asign 2GB of Ram and 1 CPU to each. Ofcourse only if you have enough Ram.
Running the VM's like this my PC uses up 13.8GB of Ram but the Bots run lagless.
Do you have to have 2GB ram per VM because that seems to be a lot and can i use programs like DxTory to reduce RAM and CPU because if i am using this bot i will be running like 50 sessions.
06/26/2015 17:24 -[ ℛhคgε#292
Originally Posted by sam123336020 View Post
Do you have to have 2GB ram per VM because that seems to be a lot and can i use programs like DxTory to reduce RAM and CPU because if i am using this bot i will be running like 50 sessions.
hey i need help how can i set up a new virtual machine on VMware ?
if u can help add me on skype: julie-fredricks
06/26/2015 19:14 azeemc11#293
Originally Posted by Monotonoda View Post
This error means the Bot is unable to move.
Solutions / Try this:
Uninstall .NET 4.5.2 and install .NET 4.5
reinstall Wooxy Skin
What helped for me: install Visual C Redistributables 2008/2010/2013

When you run the Bot dont use your PC because the Bot is not injecting anything, he is Playing with Mouse and Keyboard. Better solution is to simply run it in a VM. I am using VMWare Workstation 10.
I am using VMWare Workstation as well, I still get the same problem, do I run it and then minimize my VMWare and click "Run in Background"?
06/27/2015 00:57 oNe.Tupac#294
ip farming now <3 while the event.. like 400-1k ip per win <3 nice <3 best bot <3 almost level 13 after 23 hour without exp boost

Originally Posted by -[ ℛhคgε View Post
hey i need help how can i set up a new virtual machine on VMware ?
if u can help add me on skype: julie-fredricks
Tiny win 7 on the first page
and the bot and wooxy file
06/27/2015 13:33 Monotonoda#295
Originally Posted by sam123336020 View Post
Do you have to have 2GB ram per VM because that seems to be a lot and can i use programs like DxTory to reduce RAM and CPU because if i am using this bot i will be running like 50 sessions.
Yes you can use DXtory and yes you can run it with 1Gb too. Done that before. It runs just way better with 2GB per VM. But thats my personal Opinion. I will Upgrade my RAM to 32GB, and i will change my VM's to a dedicated SSD anyways since the HDD seems to be the real bottleneck here especially when the VM's run on only 1GB RAM
06/27/2015 18:23 sam123336020#296
Can i use XP on the VM's
06/27/2015 21:50 -[ ℛhคgε#297
by using the bot its like a minimized bar but now i want to play a game myself its still like the gameclient of the bot can any help to change the that custom skin ? plz help
06/28/2015 00:04 MattRef#298
I keep getting this error on my vms when I try logging

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06/28/2015 03:03 magett#299
It doesnt join the next game, when the first one is finished. am i missing something?
Set to 24h btw.
06/28/2015 10:50 kbum#300
Originally Posted by MattRef View Post
I keep getting this error on my vms when I try logging

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You never can normal login at game if you use vm's it' normal. Client dont see any connection at internet :D