Need Your Help Guys About This

11/29/2010 16:48 warlordianx#16
i'm am already on my third year using vmware, my opinion is go for the vmware 7 because vmware 6.5 has a video card issue regarding to the new updated version of grandchase the Season 3

Season 2 is still ok with vmware 6.5 butt now it's very buggish and lag

so i tried vmware 7 because it has an updated graphic control and it has increased its videocard capabilities especially for games with antialiasing (especiall grandchase season 3)

from now on I'm using vmware 7 with my Grandchase Season 3 Act for Philippines, and I manage to play without any problems at all

sorry for the bad english man but I hope it helps you a very lot

my Rig is jusy

athlon x4 2.9 ghz
2gb memory
500gb HD
GT240 512mb nvidia videocard

thats all
11/29/2010 22:36 teaball#17
what i mean is only the software... dont mind the hardware only the driver :D