Dekaron Trainer (Vac, NoAggro and more!)

02/05/2011 22:48 justisass#16
oh by the way this treiner have virus its a little problem also :)
02/06/2011 14:23 DevilPlaya#17
Best VAC and Non Aggro =)) Good

Why Without Gm tele hack Included? x((( thas bad for AG dekaron good hack no game close but tele hack is missed x(((
02/08/2011 18:52 silviutu#18
that trainer worck for eternia???
02/09/2011 19:12 elfulll#19
guys u can do very easy GM teleport.... search arround the forum and u find it :P or just use hellspider trainer for gm teleport:)
02/11/2011 19:51 devil213#20
i cant start this it says Windows cannot acsess the specified device, path, or file. You may not have the appropriate permissions to access the item.
02/14/2011 17:23 elisaveta#21
(sory for my bad english) but it kik s me evry time when i use it :/ help plss! thx :D
02/22/2011 16:45 Skeptiks#22
Wow this thread have got many posts since I quitted with Dekaron :P
Well the virus is just fake positive so turn off your anti-virus program to use it ;)
And this hack should be working for every Pserver :)

Now please don't ask more things here because I have quitted with dekaron totally :S
Quitted because my dekaron char level 134 got hacked and I didn't got it back (Global Dekaron Char!) :(
02/23/2011 01:25 manjunk#23
how do u use this?
06/04/2011 11:27 dnboy#24
this hack dont work !
06/04/2011 15:56 ozboy07#25
Malware found
06/09/2011 14:53 lord17#26
i need some trainer that work fine with AG dekaron :(