
08/12/2010 13:49 -*Stefan*-#16
Don´t Work 32bit Vista
08/12/2010 13:52 sarmis00#17
Ehhh nice thanks ^^
08/12/2010 13:52 coban123#18
Hm... Its not working for me.... does anyone have the same problem or?. Please answer :d
08/12/2010 13:54 Otiluke1988#19
Can Someone translate to english please?
08/12/2010 13:56 coban123#20
Otiluke1998... IT is already translated to ENGLISH under the "German Language".
08/12/2010 13:57 critical1235#21
Bei mir funzts nit ich hab win xp x86
08/12/2010 13:57 kendii1#22
danke honeysweet das du den item manager weiter führst *_*

ich denk sämtliche s4 spieler sind dir zu dank verpflichtet ^^"

a big thx for u !!!!! =)
08/12/2010 13:59 -Slice-#23
Irgendd wie klappts net
Ich starte IM dann S4 dann kommt das Fenster ich geh ins Inventar Zieh die sachen an mache save zieh alles aus geb mir +15 und Trainings PS mache dann noch im Inventar Load
und gehe in einen Room dann mach ich go aba es geht nicht. Nur Sword und +15 is da
08/12/2010 13:59 Otiluke1988#24
Originally Posted by coban123 View Post
Otiluke1998... IT is already translated to ENGLISH under the "German Language".
Where? i dont see it T_T
08/12/2010 14:01 sarmis00#25
I dont know how to use it-.-
08/12/2010 14:03 so62#26
08/12/2010 14:03 djumut123#27
Originally Posted by coban123 View Post
Hm... Its not working for me.... does anyone have the same problem or?. Please answer :d
I do i put hid.dll itemmanager.dll and itemmanager to c: prog files:alaplaya:s4 league than opened a new folder and put itemmanager and componentfactory....
then i started s4 league then itemmanager and selected c: prog files:alaplaya:s4 league than put my costumes and weapons and wrote a profile name then unload my clothes and put trainning ps and hp then choose profile 1 and loaded it but anyway i'm still naked and unarmed:mad:
08/12/2010 14:05 .Onex#28
Geht irgendwie nicht
08/12/2010 14:06 coladose#29
Oh man Honey x33

Geiles Teil, wie immer !!
08/12/2010 14:06 giniu95#30
not work for me!