New Unique Nasus

07/13/2022 00:31 arg3n7s#16
Originally Posted by xantos1 View Post
THIS was supposed to be an avatar?

and sky blocker dress can you find them tesla is offline do you have an updated version?
At the moment I do not have authorization to publish the other version of the Unique nor the 2 Avatars of that version, only the current one that I release.

The reason it was released is because a server editor who was working with them took the VPS files without permission.

This person was selling the files, that's why the owner who bought them told me to please make them free for everyone and not just some to make money with that Unique.
07/13/2022 20:28 jesusdavidclm#17
thx my brother
08/08/2022 14:41 hvdnghia#18
Any last Samurai Unique out there SIR ?
Thanks for sharing.