Xeno Rohan

04/20/2020 22:08 xHaiBai#16
The server never went down by the attack it was taken down on purpose to fix a couple bugs and add better protection. As for who is responsible for it, that's not important at all. All I can say is stop believing all the weebs on the internet and a good piece of advice "not everything that flies can be eaten".
See u in-game !
04/21/2020 04:59 smoka95#17
Too bad no skills were tested during CBA.Id take a wild guess and say pretty much everything came out untested
04/21/2020 09:07 SmSong#18
Originally Posted by kristian4 View Post
I heard they r ddosed and already down, kinda wolf and nirn took u down fast :kappa:
But good luck ^^
I agree, nirn and wolf ddosed it i mean who else could possibly do it, right? You and Jordan both ready to blame everyone for your incompetence. Only a miracle can make jordan's server stable. How about some proof before u jumping to conclusions, idk :lul:
04/21/2020 09:39 kristian4#19
Originally Posted by SmSong View Post
I agree, nirn and wolf ddosed it i mean who else could possibly do it, right? You and Jordan both ready to blame everyone for your incompetence. Only a miracle can make jordan's server stable. How about some proof before u jumping to conclusions, idk :lul:
zane loyal dogs came to protect him, how cute awww :3
our server is already stable dear :D thanks for asking, or not xD:feelsgoodman:
04/21/2020 14:10 xHaiBai#20
Keep hateful comments and off-topic away from this thread, noone cares. If you don't stop I'll report both of you to a moderator. Thank you.

Some quick changes :
• Made IM talismans untradeable
• Boosted starter rings to 15 Allstatus
• Boosted the quest rewards/shop Ses & Aes rates
• Added summon rings to Crone Shop
• Increased drop rate by a little

Server's up and running
04/24/2020 03:11 smoka95#21
04/24/2020 04:54 xHaiBai#22
Thanks , actually thought speed hack was blocked. Needed a proof either it was working or not, it should be fixed by next patch. As for the fake crones, stop fooling the players. It won't work.
04/24/2020 06:36 AllAboutRohan#23
u cant make a 100% secure client side protection, everything can be client side hacked soon or later
also ur protection from dark wont help you against that, only against all the wpe stuff etc
04/24/2020 13:19 xHaiBai#24
I agree speed hack is hard to block. Noone said anything about a 100 % client side protection that thing is impossible some things can't be stopped but they can be slowed down eitherway it's not like anyone running around with speedhack will last too long without getting banned ;)
04/24/2020 14:14 smoka95#25
idk man been running with 30k mobility since day 1:lul: still not banned
about the crones u think they are fake? have you checked everywhere ?
cuz im sure uve checked only character crones
also check your client too
gonna wait for the maphack fix also see ya after the fix imma drop u another vid
04/25/2020 04:52 xHaiBai#26
I mean idk what you're trying to showoff these exploits have been avalaible since forever on nearly if not all servers, it's not like you can use it in pvp to gain any advantage against others and even if you do it wouldn't take long to get discovered, everyone is aware of that so not only u can't enjoy the game yourself but ur wasting ur time after all, so from my side as long as it makes you feel smarter doing things others have already done ages ago go for it, or if you're just looking for validation as being a normal player has been a huge failure for you, also go for it, what can I say enjoy ur time under the map :D, if any of those hacks are still going to work
P.S : u weren't banned cuz I didn't give a damn about you but if u insist, there u go
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04/25/2020 05:23 smoka95#27
About the exploits you dont even know where and for what to look, if these exploits are so meaningless you should post them out here so everyone would enjoy them.The reason i did it cuz your server was 99% hack free, well i guess im in that 1%. Maphack is one of the many exploits i mean you had cammode enabled in ur client who needs maphack after all i mean you tested that sht didnt u during cba, right ive forgotten there was no cba and nothing was tested, since you are so sure in ur server protection waiting for you to post the exploits publicly :)
Imagine laughing at Jordan for his ffs lv8 when you did exactly the same with ffs/ddfs/wffs simply because u dont undestand how shit scales lets play darts and see what number id hit so lets say thats balance after give me quality baby :)
karma is a bitch i guess
04/25/2020 05:36 xHaiBai#28
It's fine stop being so salty in the end weebs like u are good for a thing, and that's for fixing stuff people have missed on, but anyway let's not go too off-topic , looking forward to ur next video unless youre out of magic tricks if so go find attention somewhere else
04/25/2020 14:19 smoka95#29
Lets drop some facts shall we.
You play rohan for what 6-8 years ye?
For all that time you didnt learn how any of the skills work/scale, let me remind you i had to explain you how FFS works(still made ffs lv8), had to explain you that deadly blow has str multiplier, invoke has dex muliplier and so on.
Keep the facade you know shit while someone is whispering in your ear what to say to discord because you are clueless fool end of the day a dead man knows more for rohan than you do after 8years of playing this game you have absolutely no idea what skills do, but thats fine right not like you need to have the basic knowledge to "balance/adjust"skills.
I mean i know you are slightly dumber than an ape and 8years of rohan wasnt enough for you to learn basic sht like invoke having dex multiplier, but hey its okay.
I wouldnt call my self salty im not the one sending spywares to ppl thinking im the smartest guy on the plannet, but what do i know. I would like to know ppl who send spywares around do they get to be in the salty weebs category?
About the fixing you and i both know how clueless you are about basic sht, about rohan etc so please stop amusing me when you say something like "im working on it, i will fix it and so on"
Dont forget you were the guy who had to follow step by step video tutorial and you ended up instead of replacing the password which contained "password##" you ended up writing new password and keeping the ## and wondering why its not working
I bet you cant even execute a single sql command by your self but what i know right ;)
04/25/2020 16:17 xHaiBai#30
I understand your frustrations but this forum is not the place to express them. If you can't manage your anger issues that's not my problem. Although my "basic" knowledge hasn't failed me against a 1 HP tsb tower unlike yours but that's also okay. Anyways it seems you are getting out of control I suggest you see someone or go take some fresh air, I will ask the moderators to take care of you. Stay safe