repair mate 5 for free?

04/30/2014 16:47 Dariusdobre2007#16
Yes its true! Soon BP will give to ALL players for 1 day level 5 repair mate,but if you have premium it will last until you're premium pack will expired...
ex: If you have premium for 999 will also have 999 days repair mate.

Google translate:
As some of you could already refer have been some problems with restoring sailor Level 5 which led to its expiry for some users even if they were still available a Premium account. The problem has now been corrected as compensatory solution will credit all players a day sailor repairman Level 5. Such Premium users will keep their game sailor on account until their premium expires. Lending will take place as soon as we can achieve this either this week or next.
04/30/2014 17:16 iontzel222#17
Originally Posted by Urteil123 View Post
guys u talking here things. free repair maat lol free?? where you live ;)
how I understand it they will give the new ships what register an repair mate 5, and the premium is only for 14 days so they need buy premium so they earn money on that.

the 2nd u wanna u money back ? whats wrong with you that is the world,
I can say too I buyd an PS2 3 years ago for 400 € now its cost only 100 € I dont go and say give me 300 € back... and seafight is same. How the lokal marked in whole world
thats a very good example bro romanian peoples on forum flame so much and ask for moneyback :(
but you didnt understood well everyone who plays seafight will get repair mate 5 for 1 day and then keep it till premium expire :o but i dont know why seafight will do such a thing? dont they know that the majority of people on the server got premium bought or from chest for almost 6months or more
04/30/2014 18:19 ÐŘÅGØŇĎĘGŨĔRRĖ#18
Thank god i have premium :D And i didn't even buy the level 5 repair man

EDIT : You're saying i need premium for level 5 repair man ? because I didn't get the level 5 repair man even if i'am premium for 10 days
04/30/2014 18:35 clawclawclaw#19
guys dont be so happy, BP gives nothing for free u know it, soon or later there will be for sure a lvl 6 repair mate, u all have the experience how BP think dont u? :D
04/30/2014 19:31 Blacky15#20
Originally Posted by Urteil123 View Post
guys u talking here things. free repair maat lol free?? where you live ;)
how I understand it they will give the new ships what register an repair mate 5, and the premium is only for 14 days so they need buy premium so they earn money on that.

the 2nd u wanna u money back ? whats wrong with you that is the world,
I can say too I buyd an PS2 3 years ago for 400 € now its cost only 100 € I dont go and say give me 300 € back... and seafight is same. How the lokal marked in whole world
have u lost your mind? its not the same concept its like u buying your PS2 yesterday for 100$ then tomorrow all your friends get 1 for free... obviously u will want your money back and in real life u can get a refund back for that ps2 on bigpoint u cant shit back
04/30/2014 19:38 Yellow_#21
Originally Posted by jesse_pinkman View Post
i think they want to add a repairman vodoo for repair when you move..
pls don't give them an ideas :D
04/30/2014 19:42 iontzel222#22
well i guess the only thing we can do is wait and see what happens :) you guys are flaming but nothing is right dont compare seafight with real life situations those are not the same i am also mad because i am not shooting as much as the peoples which invest money and bought those 2 decks ._. they shoot like 600-800 more than me with hollows but i guess this is life isnt it?
04/30/2014 21:23 Urteil123#23
Originally Posted by Blacky15 View Post
have u lost your mind? its not the same concept its like u buying your PS2 yesterday for 100$ then tomorrow all your friends get 1 for free... obviously u will want your money back and in real life u can get a refund back for that ps2 on bigpoint u cant shit back
yeh but I can say they get it only for one day, but only if u invest money for premium or invest pearls in chest for it, then it stay by you
04/30/2014 21:34 xcool3000#24
yes, but remember the 99 cents (hungarian accounts)packages with 3 mounths premium in them that you could buy repeatedly.
04/30/2014 21:40 jonmikeltxu#25
Originally Posted by xcool3000 View Post
yes, but remember the 99 cents (hungarian accounts)packages with 3 mounths premium in them that you could buy repeatedly.
You are investing, 99 cents is money xD 0.99 cents x x players on that accs, and the rest of accs 30, 50€ ...

But at this moment, who`s buy the premiun??
04/30/2014 23:01 Urteil123#26
Originally Posted by xcool3000 View Post
yes, but remember the 99 cents (hungarian accounts)packages with 3 mounths premium in them that you could buy repeatedly.
yeh i know but sf dont think thats all do it
05/01/2014 09:22 xcool3000#27
yeh i know but sf dont think thats all do it
But they are thinking wrong it will take players to leave the game, other players, with the empty maps will also want to leave the game. It goes on and on.... :mad:
If they reduced the price, it wouldn't be so unfare and probably they would profit....not bigpoint, bigcrap.
05/01/2014 12:49 Yellow_#28
Originally Posted by xcool3000 View Post
But they are thinking wrong it will take players to leave the game, other players, with the empty maps will also want to leave the game. It goes on and on.... :mad:
If they reduced the price, it wouldn't be so unfare and probably they would profit....not bigpoint, bigcrap.
Why you are crying wtf you wanted this carpenter so you bought it and it was not yesterday to cry today . So they decided to give it away to all players also your friends and you still cry dont be so greedy and selfish . Would be nice for you if your capenter disappear as on my friend and support tells you you never had it.
05/01/2014 13:52 xcool3000#29
Hum interesting, im sure you knew that i dont have the carpenter, in fact i dont even have ebony or ivory deck, so money means nothing to me in this game, in fact i bought those premium packages, but i regret because my friends are leaving the game, and it's in part my fault. Get your infos straight before acusing the purpose of my replies in this forum.
05/01/2014 14:44 Yellow_#30
Originally Posted by xcool3000 View Post
Hum interesting, im sure you knew that i dont have the carpenter, in fact i dont even have ebony or ivory deck, so money means nothing to me in this game, in fact i bought those premium packages, but i regret because my friends are leaving the game, and it's in part my fault. Get your infos straight before acusing the purpose of my replies in this forum.
I just see that you are mad and why you should be ? if you didn't bought it