[Guide]Goldbots with Sbot

07/04/2009 23:04 QuantumRising#16
Originally Posted by dragoncds View Post
What is your server ? Because me on athene i take like 1-3hours to connect 1 char >.>
If you play Babel you're fucked, I play on Rome.
Originally Posted by Low_Riders View Post
You should change the Name into "No-Lifer-Guide".
Who is that sick to run 8 Clients + Main Accounts ?

Guide is Bullshit btw, if one of the Buffer DC's all Chars will die.
Well if you're going to flame then I wont help you. Just because you aren't smart enough to get it to work without the cleric even WITH this guide, doesn't mean it doesn't work for others. Maybe if you want help getting it to work you should ask, rather then talk shit.
Originally Posted by karixpriva View Post
stop been greedy.. if he want to take a life to login his 8 chars is his problem..

i give him the credit to setup the pt.. cuz im doing that @ lv 99mobs but with 4 chars and 4 chars my friend. and only takes like 20 min. if one char dc, we dc the others. and try again at nights.. and im making more gold and getting more exp that bot normal 24/7 in 4man pt.. even when i get dc with 10 hours
It takes me 10 minutes at most to get the party logged in and clientless. Not that big a deal seeing as there are people who actualy sit at the computer all day and grind one character, Or even worse they actualy pay REAL MONEY for gold they could easily make with this method within a couple days.

Originally Posted by theoneofgod View Post
50-60 Mil a day is bullshit. I've been gold botting since RedConnector and I know for a fact you cannot make 60 Mil a day with low level characters.
Well i have a certain method of doing this that i don't care to share with everyone (Mainly dick heads like you who don't have the brain capacity to think about it) that allows me to make such large amounts of money with such low level gold bots. Instead of flaming, and being a pessimist, you can take a couple minutes to think about it. I'm sure you will be able to figure it out, it's really not that hard.

I will not share it because I would like for myself, and those smart enough to figure it out on their own, to benefit from it as much as possible, for as long as possible. If i just told everyone, it would ruin it. Much like with the Account Bound workaround with Pop Magic. ^^

It's very simple.

I am open to Constructive Criticism and ideas for improvements to the guide, not mindless flame with no point behind it, such as what the above posters (Not including "dragoncds")

Originally Posted by pagga93ita View Post
i hate goldbotter company, i hate goldbotter of normal player. If you need gold make it by yourself is not difficult. Alchemy if did it correct can give to you tons of gold.
Then why are you reading a guide on how to do it? Just to post non-sense that is of absolutely no use to the guide, or the people reading it? Pointless waste of time. Go share you're opinions with people who sympathize, Try Silkroad Forums.
07/04/2009 23:13 theoneofgod#17
Oh you mean +6 without steady? ... yeah ok.

The only possibly solution to gain so much gold would be to sell elements,
Elixirs, to stall such low level degree items on a big server like Xian would be pointless.

It doesn't take a huge IQ to figure out the best way to earn money, and I did just that, but with higher level characters that make, lets say, much much more than you do.

The whole method is trial and error, saying you earn such an amount when in reality it depends on luck, like item drops per day, etc, that you are not in control of. without proof, and your hidden method, it is like saying, you earn 200 grand a day by browsing websites, but you won't tell us how, no one will believe you without proper proof, directions maybe.

Like I said. I've been using gold bots for a long time, and I wasn't flaming on anyone.
07/04/2009 23:18 QuantumRising#18
Originally Posted by theoneofgod View Post
Oh you mean +6 without steady? ... yeah ok.

The only possibly solution to gain so much gold would be to sell elements,
Elixirs, to stall such low level degree items on a big server like Xian would be pointless.

It doesn't take a huge IQ to figure out the best way to earn money, and I did just that, but with higher level characters that make, lets say, much much more than you do.

The whole method is trial and error, saying you earn such an amount when in reality it depends on luck, like item drops per day, etc, that you are not in control of. without proof, and your hidden method, it is like saying, you earn 200 grand a day by browsing websites, but you won't tell us how, no one will believe you without proper proof, directions maybe.

Like I said. I've been using gold bots for a long time, and I wasn't flaming on anyone.
Well if you don't believe me thats you're problem. Have fun.
07/04/2009 23:21 theoneofgod#19
You say *I make 50,60 mil a day using this guide, but you miss things out? haha...
07/04/2009 23:31 karixpriva#20
im pretty sure you can get a lot of gold by day.. more than normal goldbots high lvls since u kill a high amount of pt mobs.. but 50-60mil idk, im goldbotting since a long time too like "theoneofgod". We tried a lot of builds/spots/tricks since Redconnector times.. but is hard to believe that killing mobs lv 34 u can get 50-60mil by day.. im not saying that u are lying but like theoneofgod said. give us some directions to make us think that you have a point..

07/05/2009 01:09 QuantumRising#21
Originally Posted by theoneofgod View Post
You say *I make 50,60 mil a day using this guide, but you miss things out? haha...
Again, if you don't Believe me that's your problem. You where on the right track with elements, they sell for quite a bit on rome, and from my experience they go for about the same rates on all servers. Or at least the 4 i have played on. Maybe you will make as much as me maybe you wont. But thats what i make in the average day. Should i put a disclaimer in my guide saying *Your results may vary*? Guess i should have hired a lawyer to look over my guide and assess the risk of people not believing me, and advise me on the necessary disclaimers i should include.

I just put it up there for people to have something to compare against should they want to try it themselves.

Originally Posted by karixpriva View Post
im pretty sure you can get a lot of gold by day.. more than normal goldbots high lvls since u kill a high amount of pt mobs.. but 50-60mil idk, im goldbotting since a long time too like "theoneofgod". We tried a lot of builds/spots/tricks since Redconnector times.. but is hard to believe that killing mobs lv 34 u can get 50-60mil by day.. im not saying that u are lying but like theoneofgod said. give us some directions to make us think that you have a point..

Theres you're answer, i wont go into any further details. You should be able to figure it out from that.
07/05/2009 06:07 S3RK#22
So, approximately how much gold could this party make in 24hours with selling all but SOX items too the store?
If you were to stall elements, would you stall them at the current rate or undercut them?

Kind Regards
07/05/2009 08:08 koolkid_Moi#23
What has this game come to?! =( now not 0nly do we have to complain about gold companies but now our fellow game player/player bots are screwing us over wit massive server traffic =(
07/05/2009 08:31 theoneofgod#24
Originally Posted by koolkid_Moi View Post
What has this game come to?! =( now not 0nly do we have to complain about gold companies but now our fellow game player/player bots are screwing us over wit massive server traffic =(
Player gold bots, will make the big companies give up business, and stop filling the servers with all those bots :)
07/05/2009 09:45 karixpriva#25
Originally Posted by QuantumRising View Post
Theres you're answer, i wont go into any further details. You should be able to figure it out from that.
07/05/2009 11:21 BloodyUser#26
This Guide is based on Bullshit & Lies & brobably is just a cry for attention.
You cant make 50~60M with Lv42 Chars, LoL.
Silly turk, go back to school & do the math.
I dont know how much Gold you get by selling a Lv32 Weapon (since you goldfarm at lv34 Mobs), but it cant be much more then 40~60k.

This wanna-be-guide is bullshit & should be deleted.

all chars will die if the main buffer dc's = party bullshit
07/06/2009 07:48 QuantumRising#27
Originally Posted by theoneofgod View Post
Player gold bots, will make the big companies give up business, and stop filling the servers with all those bots :)
Originally Posted by karixpriva View Post
See Below.
Originally Posted by BloodyUser View Post
This Guide is based on Bullshit & Lies & brobably is just a cry for attention.
You cant make 50~60M with Lv42 Chars, LoL.
Silly turk, go back to school & do the math.
I dont know how much Gold you get by selling a Lv32 Weapon (since you goldfarm at lv34 Mobs), but it cant be much more then 40~60k.

This wanna-be-guide is bullshit & should be deleted.

all chars will die if the main buffer dc's = party bullshit
Nice flame buddy :) and i don't sell the drops themselves btw, thats just retarded.

Seeing as One of you figured it out (sorry i wanted to see if you guys could figure it out on your own, Bravo!) I sell the elements from BREAKING the drops. Wind 5 especially brings in quite a bit of dough, selling at 4.8k each on average (Rome server rates) and i bring in about 3-7k of it a day depending on my luck. Add that up. Plus i get 3-10k (Again depending on luck) of the other elements from lv3-5 it all adds up very quickly. I made an element sale price chart for my server. If you really want me to post it i will, but the prices on your server will vary. Since you figured it out, i will revise the guide to include the breaking of the drops part of the process.

Figuring in the fact that i sell the rest of the elements (Minus Earth 4 & 5) for more then 1k each, some for as much as 3k each (Again, rome rates) You do the math. If you still don't believe me you are simply hopeless, and not worth my time.

As for this

Originally Posted by theoneofgod View Post
all chars will die if the main buffer dc's = party bullshit
If you don't believe me then deal with it. My party lives just fine without the cleric for a while. If you cant get it to work w/o the cleric thats on you.

Oh, one last note, Funny how just because you don't believe me that makes me a turk. I'm sorry but my Grammar, Spelling, and overall English is too fucking good for me to be a turk. Thats all i have to say about that.

Anymore flame anyone want's to add to the topic? Or can i see some Constructive Criticism? Finally?
07/06/2009 14:19 superhero12#28
how do you handle dealing with the drops? do you stop all chars at once or can the party handle one of the damage dealers gone for however long it takes to login?
07/06/2009 15:36 karixpriva#29
now i "believe" you.. sell elements is ok.. but u said something like.. i have a life.. i cant imagine all the process..
07/06/2009 16:15 henkdemol#30
You need A LOT and A LOT of time in a day to be able to make that certain amount of gold but its a good guide.
When creating a guide you should also be prepared to explain everything and respect people that doubt your methods since you are not telling them the full story.

have a nice day.

The party set up is good, i would recommend you to get the cleric a level 10 warrior sub for the shield knock back.

this means you also have to make sure your storage is EMPTY each day...a lot of work with all the moving and stuff eats tons of time.