Dragonica, IAHGames (Modified Client)

07/02/2009 23:08 dluux#16
Please make an release for EU :)

Thank you.
07/03/2009 00:28 sirmajor#17
Yea would be really nice if some one actually had the effort of trying get a bypass for EU >.< .. if i had a bypass i could actually start one some thing on the client XD.
07/03/2009 03:12 davidremix#18
I had tested it out last nite .... i found tat .... its not work for battlemage , i had done some skill down calculation , it did not have any difference ....
so, guys , wat about other job ????
07/03/2009 04:20 moomooray#19
Have you guys notice that when you try to spam a skill most of the damage doesn't appear on the monster. ;;
07/03/2009 06:30 sexypanda#20
Originally Posted by Raxion View Post
where u put the modified client?
it supposed to be C:\Program Files\IAHGames\Dragonica\Release
then run it..

i can run it correctly, but i running on XP//
Ah, ty. Don't know how I missed such a simple step.
07/03/2009 09:44 cadexn#21
it works, just as you explained about the cooldown and chargeup. it took NO casting time at all to cast my missiles!

also my normal attack speed is increased significantly
07/03/2009 10:14 Forzen#22
erm....ya is no cooldown~but..only cs right?when i try use again no effect..xD
07/03/2009 12:50 zanaking94#23
Wow this is really good! i am able to use some skills with NO cooldowns but some skills wont hit the target but its still great! tyvm for this hack
07/03/2009 13:19 frognik#24
So glad you like it.
As I have said the server does still check skill times however it is a little less than client sided times to account for lag and what not, some skills will work faster than others.
The main thing here is that HackShield is gone (antihacks being a speciality of mine) so you can use Cheat Engine, Artmoney or Olly Debugger to find your own hacks.

Oh and hai there :D
07/03/2009 13:34 zanaking94#25
I dont know how to make hacks :P but whats "Artmoney"? is it possible to hack cash with it? i mean not client sided
07/03/2009 14:19 zanaking94#26
Btw the cooldown is not working on some skills i spam a skill twice but only hit the first time like warriors when using the Hammer skill i use it once then next time i wont hit anything until the "normal" cooldown is done then i am able to attack again with that skill
07/03/2009 15:08 hbk82#27
Artmoney is another program like CE, imo it's quite basic.
07/03/2009 18:22 zanaking94#28
what is Chargeup? (Sorry if its a noob questiong but i am new to this game)
07/03/2009 19:31 calson#29
Gatling gun on some map having no delay. So keep spamming is working. But i found out, after certain time of usage, it will become unstable.

Example of unstable : What i mean is, it's working for 1 time if the user press 7 time.
07/03/2009 19:34 hbk82#30
Originally Posted by zanaking94 View Post
what is Chargeup? (Sorry if its a noob questiong but i am new to this game)
there are some skills that requires time to charge it up before it can be casted. Like aco's sanctuary and wide heal.