•Exillium• 60 cap• [Fun/Pve/Job]• [Oldschool]•

11/06/2012 17:32 Kinglar#16
Choosing between a cap 60 oldschool wich are done 22/24 and will close soon.. and a server fun cap 60 who are seems to be better managed , my choice is done be fast to open it :p
11/06/2012 17:32 XpR#17
It'll stay cap 60 forever, since there are already a bunch of server cap 70-80, there's no point in updating it to cap 70+.
And we can fix the thing with bot, we're waiting for some opinions about it yet.
@AkanTT : Sox drops are disabled from normal mobs, to avoid people to bot 24/7 there.
SOM weapons are only available at npc for golds, which makes people trade, then when people will have their SOM they'll switch to thief and then there'll be job wars if the server is active, that's our goal.
11/06/2012 17:35 AkanTT#18
no thx,im not in an trade a.ss off to get sox server.it always fails....

and unique to get sox is too weird.who have no life kills them all the time
11/06/2012 17:36 rayto100#19
Yeye let ppl bot,stop listening to those morons that want to handgrind all day long,it's freaking boring and not everyone wana spend all their free time repeating the same action over and over again for hours.
11/06/2012 17:37 AkanTT#20
the only thing you must do is,disable all sox,disable high trade money,let people work on their normal items 7d,CTF per kill 1 elixir,make elixirs undropable.........

and that server will be based on CTF.....and events..........thats great if you do. if u dont its a dream.

((with this system when pll 60 ff and get items 7d last,they will go ctf to pimp it + ))

and for int players you make uniques that drop elixirs..... ofc not too easy to kill.

a server like that is best
11/06/2012 17:37 XpR#21
Sorry if you want to get everything while being afk, then maybe you should sleep while your slaves are living your real life.
11/06/2012 17:38 Rikkarudo#22
oh, SOM is at NPC... then forget about it, that was well thought.

i guess it'll all depend on how hard it is to get SUN but imo.. first server that opens itself with lvl 60 cap or 70 without SoX items.. if it's well managed, it'll be an amazing success.
11/06/2012 17:40 AkanTT#23
and real fun.... think about it its true,no trade,no botting,only ctf and other event pvps

and some uniques only drop elixir not sox
11/06/2012 17:41 XpR#24
Thing is, if we remove sox, there won't be much things to do, now if a player is active he'll have to hunt uniques and shits, it'll keep him busy all the time...
11/06/2012 17:42 AkanTT#25
Originally Posted by AkanTT View Post
the only thing you must do is,disable all sox,disable high trade money,let people work on their normal items 7d,CTF per kill 1 elixir,make elixirs undropable.........

and that server will be based on CTF.....and events..........thats great if you do. if u dont its a dream.

((with this system when pll 60 ff and get items 7d last,they will go ctf to pimp it + ))

and for int players you make uniques that drop elixirs..... ofc not too easy to kill.

a server like that is best

reaad again,people work with PVP and killing unique at this system

Originally Posted by XpR View Post
Thing is, if we remove sox, there won't be much things to do, now if a player is active he'll have to hunt uniques and shits, it'll keep him busy all the time...

Make ctf time 30 min
11/06/2012 17:44 XpR#26
Well, this way it's a bit too "pvp server" in my opinion...
11/06/2012 17:44 AkanTT#27
the thing to do is = pimping ur unsox SET, and get elixir to +

and pvp others

yes OFC a pvp server, its cap 60 what it can be....best pvp times was 60 cap

low HPS, every1 die easy,not hard so pvp is too much fun,not struggling

people are bored of making trades,killing stupid uniques really,we want a stable thing interactions with others ( pvp)

if with that system, if u dont pvp or kill unique(int) you cant get your ELIXIR and ucant pimp ur set to get stronger...

maybe make stones with pvp and unique TOO.... so no1 bot for them too

making set = depends on all unique and pvp ctf = increadble system
11/06/2012 17:54 XpR#28
We'll think about it, but I really think that if there are no sox at all people will get bored way faster.
11/06/2012 17:57 rayto100#29
How about get rid of the SoX as some1 said earlier and concentrate your work on Job,CTF,Events so ppl will have real fun instead of farming for sun sets?
You can set tier 3 items to drop harder so ppl won't get the best items after few days.

Really.You do not need to make sox the verry reason ppl play your server,there are lots of ways to keep them entertained.Also just like you said,if farming SoX it's the only thing that keeps players playing,what will happen once they finish their set?

I've played alot of srvs myself,and i can tell you while it's true SoX farming will keep them playing longer,after a while it gets boring.I've finished my krall sets on most of the srvs i played and i quited all of them for one reason...nothing to do.
11/06/2012 18:00 XpR#30
It'll all depend about the community. And yet it'll probably be impossible to kill the Super Bitch to get sun items, so we'll see how things goes when the server will be on.