[BOT] NosBota by WarlossGreat

07/16/2015 18:55 WalrossGreat#271

Good that it are working :)
Anyway download all maps will take a year. :P
Maybe the maps are stored in .nos file, but i really don't know.
07/17/2015 00:54 Skyie#272
So first of all, after testing the bot for a couple of days now, I gotta say it works GREAT.
Whitelist addition for maps was an amazing idea.

But I have 2 suggestions:

Setting up the bot takes quite a bit of time. Maybe you should add
"save all changes" or "save whole config" feature,
so EVERYTHING you changed, can be saved and loaded with 1 button, instead of 1 button for atk, 1 button for walking, 1 button for buffs etc.

Bot Manager should have option to
start Nostale client AND bot at the same time and
bot window should always stick to nostale window. when you move nostale window, bot follows. if you minimize bot window, it doesnt go to task bar and disappears - instead bot title bar sticks to nostale title bar, but config/settings of but go transparent/hide without completely minimizing.

Hope that makes any sense lol

Anyway, great work!
07/17/2015 01:47 wilsonxmct#273
also add the option of individual remove some unwanted waypoints. instead of 1 button clear ll the waypoints. that include the skills and others function as well
07/17/2015 12:45 WalrossGreat#274
1. Yes, it's good idea, maybe in next version i will add it.
2. Maybe there is a function in winapi which allows on this operation, but it's possible when the bot is internal, since injection bot will be part of proces. (My bot is external)

It's todo but there are a lot of easy bugs, for example when there are 8 waypoints and the bot stay actually on waypoint number 7 and you will delete the last wapoint while bot is going to him, bot will probably crash (ye, i can fix it but it was only example, there are a lot of "bugged" situation)
07/18/2015 13:51 Skyie#275

07/18/2015 14:17 WalrossGreat#276
Yes, there is a bug, now i see it lol, i will patch it for a moment.

Ok it make no sense to instant patch because i add simple "save profil" function and i need test it, i won't update it with (probably) bugs.
07/18/2015 16:43 Skyie#277
oh lol i thought its not a bug, thats why i edited my post xD because i made it work:

1. put all maps you want on white list, ALSO THE MAP YOU WANT TO BOT ON.
2. go to map you want to bot on, save map, click control map.

thats how it works for me. any other way doesnt work
07/18/2015 16:47 WalrossGreat#278
Yee, cuz i didn't simple mistake in "for" loop, i will patch it in next version. :P
07/19/2015 09:31 wilsonxmct#279
so is it ok to put 1 more button?? for the following:

SKill REmoval (Individual)

CUrrent one was ok but. there is a problem with it. I mean WHen ever i mistakenly added Skill or added skill accidentally, I need to Press the "Clear" and that result of every skill being remove.

Also, It will be nice too to add some Delays(MAnual DElay) Like thoise at ACTools had. a simple one will do.


Also Forgot to mention that is it possible to add Ignore list for Monster? cause that I belive and i belive al lwill like to have that function as well

To ignore the moster

which is going to ruine the BOting day for one.
Also Please add me in wilsonxmct in skype
07/19/2015 11:52 WalrossGreat#280

The button to delete one skill is in my "todo". I don't know what ACTool is, but the delays can't be changed, because it's all programmed to one delay (the skill interval, sit interval etc)

To the ignore mosters function, ofc it's to do but you have to give me the mobs structure. :)
Actually I don't want have fun with it.
07/19/2015 20:56 IsThisMyName#281
Selected mob or player unique id: base adress: nostalex.dat+402AAC (00802AAC), offset: 012C
selected mob type: same base adress, offsets: 0128, A8, 08, 0

both values are changed only by selecting something new, so you need to check if something is actually selected
07/19/2015 21:38 WalrossGreat#282
Try to change the value of selected mob, nothing happens.
I was talking about mob structure - "pseudo" array that conatins all mobs, his x/y, type etc.
07/20/2015 05:11 wilsonxmct#283
Originally Posted by WalrossGreat View Post

The button to delete one skill is in my "todo". I don't know what ACTool is, but the delays can't be changed, because it's all programmed to one delay (the skill interval, sit interval etc)

To the ignore mosters function, ofc it's to do but you have to give me the mobs structure. :)
Actually I don't want have fun with it.
What you mean by (The button to delete one skill is in my "todo")??

i am confused.
07/20/2015 11:11 WalrossGreat#284

Todo - "to doing", just to do. :O
07/22/2015 10:49 wilsonxmct#285
need update please. the NOs UK are not in working consdition for the new Updates and new SUmmer events