[BOT] NosBota by WarlossGreat

07/15/2015 11:07 Seuma#256
@ WalrossGreat
Thanks it works on my laptop. Can you German?
07/15/2015 11:20 WalrossGreat#257
Do you mean: "Can you speak German?"
If yes - at the really beginner level :P
07/15/2015 11:36 Seuma#258
@ WalrossGreat
Yes I mean that :D Okay nice. I ask because your client is in german ^-^ Can I send you a PN for suggestions if I have some? ^-^
07/15/2015 12:33 Skyie#259
EDIT: LOL. running as admin actually worked
also: injecting directly into the .dat makes it look like a keylogger xd

EDIT#2: "Seciurity" is Security
Also this section is very unclear. What does "control map" mean?

EDIT#3 working really well over all, great work. looks bad ass too

Manager doesn't find Nostale.exe
"Something wrong!

Woops you closed this process........... "

so i cant even start the bot.
07/15/2015 12:41 WalrossGreat#260
Did you opened this Manager.exe as admin?
Your password isn't placed in nostalex.dat :D It's only for copy the multiclient to your NosTale folder.
@Edit huh ok
Yes, you can but i probably won't realize all (my skill isn't so hight)

Oh sure, my bad. :)
Control map mean - "If you (or someone else) will teleport you (or you just will change the map) bot is killing game process - why? Because when GM find you when you are botting he will teleport you to GM house. But he won't because bot will exit the game. :P
You can add map to whitelist if you don't want exit bot on this map.

New version 1.1v:
-Some technical changes
Now you will get info about the new version in bot. Now the adresses are downloading from website. :)
07/15/2015 22:19 kingwall#261
funktioniert super <3!
07/16/2015 01:00 testydz#262
hello, sometime the bot doesn't work, it do nothing, no buff ,no atk, no walk. BUT sometime it works very well. so what i need to do to fix that ? this probleme come from my computer ?
07/16/2015 11:08 WalrossGreat#263
Hmm do you see any errors "sometimes"?
07/16/2015 13:38 testydz#264
no error on the logs, just "trying to use unamed buff" or "going to xx|yy" but the perso doesn't move or use skill.
07/16/2015 13:52 WalrossGreat#265
But he is attacking with first/second weapon or not?
07/16/2015 14:18 testydz#266
when it's working, it atk with first weapon
07/16/2015 14:26 WalrossGreat#267
Try press "Refresh" in bot, when window is active, also you can try turn off your internet browser (idk why sometimes the HWND is taken from internet browser).
Anyway do you use windows 8.1?
07/16/2015 15:54 testydz#268
okay, i will test it. No i use win 7

edit: can you add a function that can save atk settings like for the buffs, and improve the drop function by seaching all the items in front of the perso because a lot of items aren't dropped just by touch "X", theses items are near of the perso ?
07/16/2015 16:04 WalrossGreat#269
In next version i probably will add save skills function and maybe save profils. :P
07/16/2015 17:30 wilsonxmct#270

DO add the Nostale UK In the list. I am using it and tested it on Nostale UK myself. I prefer bot itself have the MAp in it. like the Infamous NOstale BOt V2.0+.