06/23/2011 19:36 flexter93#256
let him speak when alladrios get a new hoster for rebirth he will se to where divine goes xD
I was a player of rebirth, when it close i begin play in divine and i can say that rebirth is much better and when opens again i will play there. Alladrios can be the worst person in the world but like admin he is much better than indugo and famous together.
06/23/2011 19:59 [Admin]Snuggle#257
I think this stupid thread should be closed now -.-
The admin OBVIOUSLY doesn't give two shits about anything including his players.
He is insulting everyone on this thread. It's turned into nothing but a spam and flame thread.
Just leave everything be and let time do its thing :P
The server will go its route and yuh o.o...
06/23/2011 20:45 JohnHeatz#258
Not just close the thread, (yet dont delete it, cause players need to know what kind of admin the server has) but also ban his IP cause he has broken the rules many times on this thread by insulting a lot of users of E*PvP community (ofc with his awful typos but oh well :p )
06/23/2011 21:41 SiggyMaker#259
I have a lot of infractions :D

I don't see how somebody who can't run a server well runs it. I mean, don't they think it through?
06/23/2011 22:35 111qqq111#260
Lol 99.9% Of my players dont even look / care about this forums.
06/23/2011 22:36 Sammy151992#261
Originally Posted by 111qqq111 View Post
and yeah rebirth is coming back .. SO??? LOL noob boring server. free gears like mine but nothing extra, rebirth was DEAD in the last weeks of its existance becouse it was boring as hell. my server wont die. and keep making drama in my post I dont care anymore honestly ;) FUCK YOU ALL LOL awful admin my ass ask anyone on my server how good i am and how i take care of everything, GO BE AN ADMIN URSELF. you wont get respect from 1 person. fucking nooob ( << dont care delete this post for all i care )

stupid ass forum trolls i noticed everytime theres some drama going on in a post you all run to it and post your "thoughts" as if ANYONE really care what the fuck you said.

You guys act like elite pvpers is everything, well its not, its a start for us pservers to get members, we use this forums for that, now i got members i could care less abt it. too many QQers and trollzers here. go make something of yourself like i have, make a server get a job go make somethign in ur life.. I have, and Im having a great time doing my job.. can u say you are? ;)
I really wasn't going to post anything, but even i have to reply to this childish bull shit.
If you can not see that there are other servers out there that may possibly be better than yours as an admin, you fail. Your server is boring. What? Free item mall - Free lapis, accessories, gears, enchant items. You basically don't have to work for a thing.

I myself like working for my gears, knowing i did it and spent my time - It was actually more boring linking up gear than it was to farm on the server i'm on. It took me 3 months to complete that gear, plus the 6 months i've been playing, so it's all 20, yours i did in a matter of 30 minutes. For what? You don't have PvP 24/7, I've come on and there's nothing to do. It's boring. Your server WILL die. You've had how many attacks? How many back doors have you still got open? Your server is the same as rebirth. So what? You have more customized items that other servers? You have to many in my opinion i don't even know where to start with them.

You are only making more drama in your own post by calling people 'trolls' when they're trying to help, and telling us to, and i quote "FUCK YOU ALL LOL". That is NOT an attitude of any GS, GMA, GM and certainly NOT of the Admin of the server. And 'Fuck you'? Fine, i advise anyone that wants to play his server not to, if this is the attitude that you are going to have to players that donate for you.
I was on your server. And you are not a good admin by the looks of things, you couldn't even get people to level off of level 1 mobs, and told us to come to bootleg to level us to 70? That's the most basic thing really.

And i don't want to be an admin, i'm quite happy being a normal player inputting my thoughts and opinions into a server and helping people out. No admins get respect? I respect my admin very much so (LPH). You, are doing nothing for your players but basically telling them to 'fuck off i don't care about you i have all the players i want haha at you all' Which in turn will LOSE you players.

I'll give you the hard up blunt reason why people play your server. Because they get a lot of free stuff that they don't have to work for. Nuff said.

Obviously you do care Indugo, else you would stop posting and ignore everyones 'trolling crap'. A little lesson i've learned in life since the age of 9 - Anyone that says they don't care or don't give a shit, actually do. And the way in which you are raging, cussing out, and belittling all your players, I'm sorry, but you do care.

And then you start attacking epvp? this is a forum, where, you can post positive stuff, forums are designed for discussions good or bad - you so happen, or your admins so happen to have caused the drama that is going on right now, and most people feel defensive towards another member of your staff, hell, even i feel what Famous did was wrong and i played your server for a total of 2 days.

Whatever was said on a SKYPE conversation has NOTHING to do with in game, I've learned that myself, you can't 'ban' a player for something they said to your staff on skype. What was said in trade because of a conversation by another one of your staff members, even your wife as i've learned, is disgraceful, i would be ashamed of my boyfriend if he did that on MY server if i had a server, and still would have taken his tags faster than he could of blinked, no matter how much i loved him. What you are doing is running a server, that people are paying for.

Make a server? get a job? Make something of my life?
So basically your saying that because you've made a server you're 'god-all-mighty'? For your information, I'm at college, currently one of the best students in my class, i had a job, over Christmas, it was temporary i will be getting something in the summer. I love my life, as much as i hate it sometimes, thank you very much.

Now what you need to do in answer to your own questions
Make a server? - Sort yours and your admins out.
Get a job? - Do yours properly.
Get a life? Realize that personal shit is different to running a server and a business.
And yes! I am having a great time with my job which is making stupid people like you realize what you are doing wrong ;)

I Never did like you, even back on Spando, you may or may not remember me as BoBoTheLion - But you've always been an ass. When someone told me you where making a server, my exact words where "HA, that'll last long", Then i got told it was like Rebirth, everything free a 24/7 PvP server.. I laughed even more.

Nuff Said. Get your shit sorted out Indugo, or your server WILL be going down.
06/23/2011 22:57 111qqq111#262
you obviously never played my server then, cuz half ur post is abt everythign being free and easy to get..
06/23/2011 23:02 Sammy151992#263
Yes i did play your server, in the start of the 2 weeks in which it was open. 99.9% of the stuff that you needed was free. You might of made updates since then, but like i said, it was boring as hell, so i went back onto Exile, and finished my gear there. Why? Because it was B-O-R-I-N-G. Your server will go like any other PvP based give-me-server, and that is that it will go down. I can see that coming. You are not a good admin, you've been hacked, you cuss at your players, you don't care about your players, most of it is free, you couldn't do straight updates and they where constant for 2weeks, every time i logged on there was an update for this or that or this or that..
You messed your updater up i had to get a GM to send it to me through skype.
You just need to wake up and see the sunshine, and stop acting like a 9 year old. Stop mixing your real life with your server.
06/23/2011 23:25 111qqq111#264
Hmmm, so no other server does updates? lol retarded. check my server now, its a lot better than it was in the first month. so dont judge how u saw it in the first week cuz thats the start.. obvious.... but w/e honestly all your opinions dont matter to me. and no im not a bad admin i just act like an asshole here becouse there is many asshole here that deserve my actions. check how i am in game or ask anyone playing my server so screw yall.
06/23/2011 23:39 JohnHeatz#265
u act the same in game tho....and if u didnt care about this forum, u wouldnt reply in 21 mins to a post...

*keeps on "trollzing"*
06/23/2011 23:40 Sammy151992#266
Yes other servers do updates. But not 12, 13, 7, 5, 1, 3, 1, 2 every day...
I would rather not check your server now, thank you very much. If your attitude is like i see it here, if your admins and staff are going to treat your players like that? I would not want to touch your server even if it was the last Shaiya server out there. I play the server i play because of the excellent staff that we have, if i'm going to be told 'Fuck you' by the owner/admin, i don't think i want to be a player of that server.

If peoples opinions don't matter to you, how do you expect to make your server better? That's how it develops and grows, is from peoples opinions, good or bad. You sure as hell will take the good, but you can't take the bad? Sorry to tell you, that's not admin material. You need to take both good and bad criticism, like a man, actually. Not a 9 year old that doesn't like being told the truth once in a while.

No Indugo, you act like an asshole every where, thank you very much. You've proved that with the way in which you've handled what Famous did, the way you've treated the GS that she bashed so wrongly in TC over a SKYPE conversation. You've proved you can't handle running a server, and i won't waste my time and effort playing somewhere that's going to be another Rebirth and come down in a couple of months.

There is not assholes here, only people that are telling you the truth. Evidently, you are to blind, or stupid, to see that. I have given you my opinion, in the nicest way possible, I'm not an asshole, nor am i trying to be one.

No one deserves the actions in which you are giving out. Telling your player base to 'fuck you' and 'screw yall' is not a way to talk to anyone, epically on a public forum.
You are a bad admin, but by the looks of things, does not care about his players, is only in it for money, treats everyone like shit and puts his personal life above his business and players that expect a lot from him. I expect nothing from you, or your server.

Originally Posted by JohnHeatz View Post
u act the same in game tho....and if u didnt care about this forum, u wouldnt reply in 21 mins to a post...

*keeps on "trollzing"*
I think we've all established John that he cares. If he did not he would not reply anymore. It's as simple as that really :)
And LOL John, you and your "Trollzing" <3
06/23/2011 23:41 111qqq111#267
lol trollzersssssssssss


Server Features

* Server Running EP 4.5( ep4 skills EP5 Gears )
* XP Rate = Instant Lv70
* !!! NO NOS !!!
* Enchant Rate = 99%
* Duping Exploit Patched
* Assassin/Ranger Exploit Patched
* PvP/MM Events Held Every Week!
* Special custom Accesories and Lapis / Items for event prizes
* Dedicated Staff With Great Server and PvP Knowledge.
* Coming soon > New Custom Weapons and Gears
* Player Suggestions are taken into consideration!
* PVP RANK PRIZES lv8 Lapis and 70 Gears + weapons lv2! and 70!!


Starter Gears

* 45 Goddess Armors
* 50 Goddess Armors
* 60 Dreamy Armors
* 65 Goddess Armors
* All will have the same stats as the 60 armors! More variety in choosing
* 45 Goddess Weapons
* 50 Goddess Weapons
* 59 Weapons 6 slotted
* 60 Goddess Weapons
* 65 Goddess Weapons
* All will have the same stats as the 60 weapons! More variety in choosing
* All Lapis lv4-7 (all kinds)
* All AP Items Including OP Hammer, Lucky Charm, Rec Rune
* All other Lapis and items needed for PvPing
* Mounts / 58 Capes / Enchant Items
* All Lapis / AP Items Stacked to 255 and separated for easier buying!

Farmable Items


Light Side Map 1

Cloron’s Lair

Floor 4: Cloron Troll = Exotic Acc / Goddess Cape
* Floor 4: Cloron Dragon = 70 Weapon / Exotic Acc / Goddess Cape Boxes
o Boxes = lv8 lapis

Fury Side Map 1

Fantasma ‘s Lair

Floor 4: FantasmaTroll >> Exotic Acc / Goddess Cape
Floor 4: Fantasma Dragon >> 70 Weapon / Exotic Acc / Goddess Cape
o Boxes = lv8 lapis

Cryptic Throne

Haruhion/ Freezing Mirage >>> 70 Weapon / Exotic Acc / Goddess Cape
Boxes = lv8 lapis
* CT Bosses - 70 Weapon / Exotic Acc / Goddess Cape
Cryptic the Immortal:Possible 5 drops :
100% = 70armor 70 weapon lv1 Divine ACC ;
40% drops = Divine ACC 70 weapon lv1


* Seraphim Angel = Exotic Acc / Goddess Cape
* Kimukaru = Exotic Acc / Goddess Cape
Goddess capes


Dinos Green Red Blue = lvl 70 Weapon Enchants / Divine lapis lv4


Bosses >> lv70 lv1 Armors ( worse than the conflict ect ) / lv8 lapis / lv70 wepons

OI Mobs >> Divine Lapis lv4

All Times match the server time in left side of the screen.

Monday 11 AM - 1 PM

Tuesday 5 PM - 7 PM

Wensday 4 AM - 6 AM

Thursday 12 AM - 2 AM

Friday 9 PM - 11 PM

Saturday 12 PM - 1 PM / 12 AM - 1 AM

Server Features

* Server Running EP 4.5( ep4 skills EP5 Gears )
* XP Rate = Instant Lv70
* !!! NO NOS !!!
* Enchant Rate = 99%
* Duping Exploit Patched
* Assassin/Ranger Exploit Patched
* PvP/MM Events Held Every Week!
* Special custom Accesories and Lapis / Items for event prizes
* Dedicated Staff With Great Server and PvP Knowledge.
* Coming soon > New Custom Weapons and Gears
* Player Suggestions are taken into consideration!
* PVP RANK PRIZES lv8 Lapis and 70 Gears + weapons lv2! and 70!!


Starter Gears

* 45 Goddess Armors
* 50 Goddess Armors
* 60 Dreamy Armors
* 65 Goddess Armors
* All will have the same stats as the 60 armors! More variety in choosing
* 45 Goddess Weapons
* 50 Goddess Weapons
* 59 Weapons 6 slotted
* 60 Goddess Weapons
* 65 Goddess Weapons
* All will have the same stats as the 60 weapons! More variety in choosing
* All Lapis lv4-7 (all kinds)
* All AP Items Including OP Hammer, Lucky Charm, Rec Rune
* All other Lapis and items needed for PvPing
* Mounts / 58 Capes / Enchant Items
* All Lapis / AP Items Stacked to 255 and separated for easier buying!

Farmable Items


Light Side Map 1

Cloron’s Lair

Floor 4: Cloron Troll = Exotic Acc / Goddess Cape
* Floor 4: Cloron Dragon = 70 Weapon / Exotic Acc / Goddess Cape Boxes
o Boxes = lv8 lapis

Fury Side Map 1

Fantasma ‘s Lair

Floor 4: FantasmaTroll >> Exotic Acc / Goddess Cape
Floor 4: Fantasma Dragon >> 70 Weapon / Exotic Acc / Goddess Cape
o Boxes = lv8 lapis

Cryptic Throne

Haruhion/ Freezing Mirage >>> 70 Weapon / Exotic Acc / Goddess Cape
Boxes = lv8 lapis
* CT Bosses - 70 Weapon / Exotic Acc / Goddess Cape
Cryptic the Immortal:Possible 5 drops :
100% = 70armor 70 weapon lv1 Divine ACC ;
40% drops = Divine ACC 70 weapon lv1


* Seraphim Angel = Exotic Acc / Goddess Cape
* Kimukaru = Exotic Acc / Goddess Cape
Goddess capes


Dinos Green Red Blue = lvl 70 Weapon Enchants / Divine lapis lv4


Bosses >> lv70 lv1 Armors ( worse than the conflict ect ) / lv8 lapis / lv70 wepons

OI Mobs >> Divine Lapis lv4

All Times match the server time in left side of the screen.

Monday 11 AM - 1 PM

Tuesday 5 PM - 7 PM

Wensday 4 AM - 6 AM

Thursday 12 AM - 2 AM

Friday 9 PM - 11 PM

Saturday 12 PM - 1 PM / 12 AM - 1 AM

Server Features

* Server Running EP 4.5( ep4 skills EP5 Gears )
* XP Rate = Instant Lv70
* !!! NO NOS !!!
* Enchant Rate = 99%
* Duping Exploit Patched
* Assassin/Ranger Exploit Patched
* PvP/MM Events Held Every Week!
* Special custom Accesories and Lapis / Items for event prizes
* Dedicated Staff With Great Server and PvP Knowledge.
* Coming soon > New Custom Weapons and Gears
* Player Suggestions are taken into consideration!
* PVP RANK PRIZES lv8 Lapis and 70 Gears + weapons lv2! and 70!!


Starter Gears

* 45 Goddess Armors
* 50 Goddess Armors
* 60 Dreamy Armors
* 65 Goddess Armors
* All will have the same stats as the 60 armors! More variety in choosing
* 45 Goddess Weapons
* 50 Goddess Weapons
* 59 Weapons 6 slotted
* 60 Goddess Weapons
* 65 Goddess Weapons
* All will have the same stats as the 60 weapons! More variety in choosing
* All Lapis lv4-7 (all kinds)
* All AP Items Including OP Hammer, Lucky Charm, Rec Rune
* All other Lapis and items needed for PvPing
* Mounts / 58 Capes / Enchant Items
* All Lapis / AP Items Stacked to 255 and separated for easier buying!

Farmable Items


Light Side Map 1

Cloron’s Lair

Floor 4: Cloron Troll = Exotic Acc / Goddess Cape
* Floor 4: Cloron Dragon = 70 Weapon / Exotic Acc / Goddess Cape Boxes
o Boxes = lv8 lapis

Fury Side Map 1

Fantasma ‘s Lair

Floor 4: FantasmaTroll >> Exotic Acc / Goddess Cape
Floor 4: Fantasma Dragon >> 70 Weapon / Exotic Acc / Goddess Cape
o Boxes = lv8 lapis

Cryptic Throne

Haruhion/ Freezing Mirage >>> 70 Weapon / Exotic Acc / Goddess Cape
Boxes = lv8 lapis
* CT Bosses - 70 Weapon / Exotic Acc / Goddess Cape
Cryptic the Immortal:Possible 5 drops :
100% = 70armor 70 weapon lv1 Divine ACC ;
40% drops = Divine ACC 70 weapon lv1


* Seraphim Angel = Exotic Acc / Goddess Cape
* Kimukaru = Exotic Acc / Goddess Cape
Goddess capes


Dinos Green Red Blue = lvl 70 Weapon Enchants / Divine lapis lv4


Bosses >> lv70 lv1 Armors ( worse than the conflict ect ) / lv8 lapis / lv70 wepons

OI Mobs >> Divine Lapis lv4

All Times match the server time in left side of the screen.

Monday 11 AM - 1 PM

Tuesday 5 PM - 7 PM

Wensday 4 AM - 6 AM

Thursday 12 AM - 2 AM

Friday 9 PM - 11 PM

Saturday 12 PM - 1 PM / 12 AM - 1 AM

Server Features

* Server Running EP 4.5( ep4 skills EP5 Gears )
* XP Rate = Instant Lv70
* !!! NO NOS !!!
* Enchant Rate = 99%
* Duping Exploit Patched
* Assassin/Ranger Exploit Patched
* PvP/MM Events Held Every Week!
* Special custom Accesories and Lapis / Items for event prizes
* Dedicated Staff With Great Server and PvP Knowledge.
* Coming soon > New Custom Weapons and Gears
* Player Suggestions are taken into consideration!
* PVP RANK PRIZES lv8 Lapis and 70 Gears + weapons lv2! and 70!!


Starter Gears

* 45 Goddess Armors
* 50 Goddess Armors
* 60 Dreamy Armors
* 65 Goddess Armors
* All will have the same stats as the 60 armors! More variety in choosing
* 45 Goddess Weapons
* 50 Goddess Weapons
* 59 Weapons 6 slotted
* 60 Goddess Weapons
* 65 Goddess Weapons
* All will have the same stats as the 60 weapons! More variety in choosing
* All Lapis lv4-7 (all kinds)
* All AP Items Including OP Hammer, Lucky Charm, Rec Rune
* All other Lapis and items needed for PvPing
* Mounts / 58 Capes / Enchant Items
* All Lapis / AP Items Stacked to 255 and separated for easier buying!

Farmable Items


Light Side Map 1

Cloron’s Lair

Floor 4: Cloron Troll = Exotic Acc / Goddess Cape
* Floor 4: Cloron Dragon = 70 Weapon / Exotic Acc / Goddess Cape Boxes
o Boxes = lv8 lapis

Fury Side Map 1

Fantasma ‘s Lair

Floor 4: FantasmaTroll >> Exotic Acc / Goddess Cape
Floor 4: Fantasma Dragon >> 70 Weapon / Exotic Acc / Goddess Cape
o Boxes = lv8 lapis

Cryptic Throne

Haruhion/ Freezing Mirage >>> 70 Weapon / Exotic Acc / Goddess Cape
Boxes = lv8 lapis
* CT Bosses - 70 Weapon / Exotic Acc / Goddess Cape
Cryptic the Immortal:Possible 5 drops :
100% = 70armor 70 weapon lv1 Divine ACC ;
40% drops = Divine ACC 70 weapon lv1


* Seraphim Angel = Exotic Acc / Goddess Cape
* Kimukaru = Exotic Acc / Goddess Cape
Goddess capes


Dinos Green Red Blue = lvl 70 Weapon Enchants / Divine lapis lv4


Bosses >> lv70 lv1 Armors ( worse than the conflict ect ) / lv8 lapis / lv70 wepons

OI Mobs >> Divine Lapis lv4

All Times match the server time in left side of the screen.

Monday 11 AM - 1 PM

Tuesday 5 PM - 7 PM

Wensday 4 AM - 6 AM

Thursday 12 AM - 2 AM

Friday 9 PM - 11 PM

Saturday 12 PM - 1 PM / 12 AM - 1 AM
06/23/2011 23:45 Sammy151992#268
Someone working on their post count much?
And yes! Lets keep on trollin trollin ;)
Not even going to read through all of that shit, sorry. Ty have a nice day :)
You are an immature child! Which is all anyone can see. You're not worth the time or effort.
06/23/2011 23:45 JohnHeatz#269
im starting to believe that u dont care about these forums....u keep posting ur "updates" ^_^

keep up the "good" work indu :P but im gonna have to quote what u told to safe cause i see someone else that is a "no life" lol....but im the one working on my post count :p ofc

PS: IM A "trollzersssssssssss" woot new word made up for me :p
06/23/2011 23:49 Sammy151992#270
If he keeps posting his updates, he'll be making a new post every day John :)
He can keep being a child. So far i haven't seen anyone stick up for him or his server. Proves how much his players do actually respect him! :) Congratulations Indu, you officially fail.
PS : John that makes you sound female... Maybe we should call you a TROLLZERBOTZ! x3