Cryptic Shaiya

03/29/2013 11:05 Anonymous.dude#241
#Bump need 15 lightys :3
03/29/2013 12:33 spirittina#242
Originally Posted by mienoma View Post
Lets see, OI times are set at 1 hour a day, w/ a semi okay party you can make 5 runs easy. that is 1-3 pieces each for a 4 person party. you also have the ability to stay in After OI closes and farm mobs for dual lvl 6's to link/sell. assuming that you already have a regular 70 set and Goddess accessories from farming Fortune bags, you can continue farming in KI ele mobs when OI is closed. Link your accessories w/ the lapis you need and use the drops from OI to build a set. Doesn't take long to get fully geared this way in a pvpable set. Sorry, we are not an instant pvp server, you have to put in some effort (or donate, that works just as well). There are plenty of people I have seen get into ep6 sets in under a month w/o donating. I also have seen several people go out of their way to gear up new players.

About the kicking people for friends, I personally have kicked countless people that are my "friends" from raids because they were undergeared or werent listening to the raid lead. When 1 side is getting camped, people have to make sacrifices (when I was in full colored 70 gears I would give my spot up voluntarily for someone in ep6/80 if we were losing) Just use that time to go farm on a different map to improve your set.

and the "ur a pserver not OS" yeah, it is a pserver. It is a great pvp pserver that requires a week or 2 to get ready for end game pvp unlike OS that takes months (or even years for some people) If you want everything handed to you for free, you are in the wrong place to begin with.

Now back on topic for the advertising
We got The 1 vs 1 Finals being held on Sunday, will Archers/Hunters hold the title again? Or will we see a new class take the prize O_O
Also got a 15 pvp event coming up on April 6th after GRB that everyone can attend
Check out the forums for more details on these as well as other events
LOL seriously i just love how people love making assumptions i NEVER said i mind working for my stuff ask anyone that i have played with i DO EVERYTHING by myself :) that was never the problem....the issue was the kicking and the way i was treated...besides that maybe you should not have rules on your forum and not stick by them ^^
03/29/2013 19:20 Anonymous.dude#243
This server contain a huge amount of players , and as we all see there is a diffrrence between a set and another , I don't defend kicking but i can see the raid leader's point of view if he did it he did it because they was in damn need of ubers , or if we don't wanna say ubers , well geared players , i don't get it why a small problem has to be dealt with here, this is the Advertising thread and we try keep this way , I guess u know the admin's E*pvp accounts so please i suguest you pm them there next time if u got prob with the game.

Have a good day. :)
03/29/2013 21:18 mienoma#244
Originally Posted by spirittina View Post
LOL seriously i just love how people love making assumptions i NEVER said i mind working for my stuff ask anyone that i have played with i DO EVERYTHING by myself :) that was never the problem....the issue was the kicking and the way i was treated...besides that maybe you should not have rules on your forum and not stick by them ^^
Raid rules have been updated several times here recently (I reread the rules 2x a week normally just to see if anything changed). I am sorry that you feel like you were mistreated, but there are a lot of tensions in mid pvp and the person most likely wasn't meaning to offend you.

And the "assumption" was not about you being unwilling to work for stuff.
You said that if OI was open to farm, well it is, you just have to wait for it.
The being handed to you was more towards a lack of patience.

Now please stop pushing this thread off topic.
04/13/2013 20:54 R1C3#245
This server is the most laggy server I ever been in. If you new wont see LVL (lagg vs lagg) until your are well gear up. All the adm/gm play normal toon but focking full link themself up...they didn't farm 1 single shit of their things. Basicly adm and their close friend rules the server.
04/14/2013 17:22 Anonymous.dude#246
Im afraid to tell u that GMs Farm bythey self if u ever checked one of their normal toons u would have noticed that they dont last cape or last acc's for example , cz gears is easy to get and as for lag , server is underattack 24/7 so be glad thats its still up all if this time , its been almost 2 years ppl trying to get rid of this server , yet again they fail , but i admit they causing some bad lags.
04/15/2013 05:44 R1C3#247
nope never see any adm/gm farm...some even have perfect gm reroll...but gm reroll doesnt exist in server for players. Yep and server been lagging almost 2 years and will be fix 2099 right? This mean u guys make no attempt to even try fix this fock lagg at all....stop wasting time to design your own gears and attempt to fix this lagg. Just because server been up almoost 2 year...I don't consider it a stable server. Is more like a person have disease been surviving for almost 2 year but don't know how long will last. All negative aside...I admitted this server is a good server....but grrrr the freaking lagg just kill IT!
04/15/2013 07:22 TeddyBear94#248
lol that discussion over the lagg is ridiciulous. Tbh u should be happy that the server is up even against ddos attacks the most server would shut down already after the first mini attack. so do something good and have ur mouth shut until it is rly worth to say something ( and yh complaining about lagg is nothing worthfull)
04/15/2013 19:32 R1C3#249
this lagg is nothing??? i see u havent been in that server yet. Server lagg at lease once every 2-3 minutes and DC often. Every server get attack. It is adm/owner job to deliver what they promise.
04/15/2013 21:24 Bothar#250
dude like really? pls stop ranting, noone cares... go make ur own server and see. i bet u played for like a day ... a bad day... p-servers are NOT OS and dont make the kind of money to pay for total lag free... u made your point, and aslong others attack u can NOT expect a server to be 100% lagfree. respect for cryptic there still up, where other servers go down for hours or days
04/16/2013 07:27 mienoma#251
Umm GM rerolls exist for regular players 1st off (many players have at least 1 if not more, but they are EXTREMELY HARD to get)

Admins of course are not going to farm, and all 3 GM's were geared well before they got the tag (either by farming or donating)

The server is usually very stable just the recent attacks have been very heavy on the host, but usually are taken care of within a few minutes.
Like Teddy and Bothar said Cryptic is very impressive when it comes to how well they are handling the attack (Look at other servers when they got hit by similar and went down, Cryptic you just get some Lag)
Don't take it out on the server, take it out on the people that find it necessary to attack the servers.
04/16/2013 16:09 R1C3#252
just some laggs........what u been smoking? LOL
04/16/2013 18:53 Venom.#253
Originally Posted by R1C3 View Post
just some laggs........what u been smoking? LOL
It might just be a possibility you're the one with poor connection here, so either admit the lag isn't as bad as it really is (since major lag would put people off the server, that clearly isn't the case as it is heavily populated) or that your connection is just poor. Get over yourself, nothing will be done about your opinion, everything that can be done is being done already :)
04/16/2013 20:31 Anonymous.dude#254
Well my connection is poor aswell and its not that much lag , remembering that server's host is under attack always so i can guess he's just one of those QQer who played 1 day and wanted to be kaboom done -,- .. seriously its " Shaiya advertising section " if u got more prob and drama scene do them somewhere else.
Requesting to delete the crap.
04/16/2013 21:56 JohnHeatz#255
Originally Posted by Anonymous.dude View Post
Requesting to delete the crap.
I've been actively cleaning this thread, wiping out the flame posts, yet, leaving the player-feedback. I expect no more flaming on this thread, yet if it happens, it will get infracted and deleted ;)