Velestia | 90 cap | Oldschool | Job based

08/12/2013 02:56 爱Yuri2gt07爱#2011
guys i fix the problem if you guys got a router just unplug it and connect it again and server will be working for you :)
08/12/2013 06:03 omegalugia#2012
So I'm in a middle of trade-run earlier, and I dc completely from the game. Normal right?
Except now when I try to connect, nothing works.
I tried normal silkroad.exe
I tried with a bot
I tried with a loader
I tried reinstalling valestia multiple times
I tried refreshing ip and flushing dns
I tried connecting manually to the server via a loader

Literally I got dc'd randomly in the middle of a trade and now I can't even open the client anymore. It always gives me the "Server is undergoing inspections blah blah blah" when I know for a fact its up because my friend on Skype is on. I hope this isn't some ip ban or something. That wouldn't turn out so well. Any suggestions or help would be appreciated. I'm a little flustered atm.
08/12/2013 06:23 爱Yuri2gt07爱#2013
Originally Posted by omegalugia View Post
So I'm in a middle of trade-run earlier, and I dc completely from the game. Normal right?
Except now when I try to connect, nothing works.
I tried normal silkroad.exe
I tried with a bot
I tried with a loader
I tried reinstalling valestia multiple times
I tried refreshing ip and flushing dns
I tried connecting manually to the server via a loader

Literally I got dc'd randomly in the middle of a trade and now I can't even open the client anymore. It always gives me the "Server is undergoing inspections blah blah blah" when I know for a fact its up because my friend on Skype is on. I hope this isn't some ip ban or something. That wouldn't turn out so well. Any suggestions or help would be appreciated. I'm a little flustered atm.
unplug your router and connect it again the might work
08/12/2013 06:35 omegalugia#2014
Originally Posted by 爱Yuri2gt07爱 View Post
unplug your router and connect it again the might work
I did that and it still doesn't work. I literally have tried everything. I don't know why this is happening to me. First, the website would never load on my wifi. I try on my phone 4G and the website loads but if I connect to the wifi with the same phone the website doesn't load.

But now I cannot even open a client? What the hell. This is so frustrating. I was on every single day and donated to the cause but now I cannot even play the game. Am I suppose to quit?
08/12/2013 08:35 Nicko0www#2015
I've downloaded the new media that is provided on the website. It doesn't show me inspection anymore, but I still can't connect.
08/12/2013 08:54 omegalugia#2016
Originally Posted by Nicko0www View Post
I've downloaded the new media that is provided on the website. It doesn't show me inspection anymore, but I still can't connect.
Same thing here. Haven't seen the login screen in forever.

Its a step forward that the client opens now but I still cannot connect. Hopefully it will be fixed in the morning.
08/12/2013 09:09 Nicko0www#2017
Originally Posted by omegalugia View Post
Same thing here. Haven't seen the login screen in forever.

Its a step forward that the client opens now but I still cannot connect. Hopefully it will be fixed in the morning.
Doesn't matter i'm not going to play here anymore. I joined here because it has no IP limit back those days so I could easy bot 5 characters.

Anyways goodluck Velestia.
08/12/2013 09:19 piplys5#2018
Originally Posted by Nicko0www View Post
Doesn't matter i'm not going to play here anymore. I joined here because it has no IP limit back those days so I could easy bot 5 characters.

Anyways goodluck Velestia.
stuff or acc pl0x
08/12/2013 10:05 apocalypsys#2019
Guys help plz. I cant login after updates goe error C(9). What I have to do with it??
08/12/2013 10:42 jayStar89#2020
cant log on ^^ :/ no 1 happenening after when i write my id pw and image code :D wtf
08/12/2013 10:44 apocalypsys#2021
But 220 ppl online and Killing uniques and selling buying items anyone can help with it??plz
08/12/2013 10:45 jayStar89#2022
ehhhhhhhee C9 error

i restarted modem/ router/net/pc downloaded new / tried with normal client/ tried with bot /tried with loader/ tried with all ..... still C9 error time to say good bye JohN_DiGWEED out bye guys
08/12/2013 11:15 apocalypsys#2023
Online is groving but I can login and i think not only we can. I hope they working on it but i dont know how to connect with Gms and ask some info
08/12/2013 11:34 jayStar89#2024
now i can log on ... the new media pk is bad in the hompage(dont work), dont download use old media pk and use imput file, change only the ip to after open silkroad.exe for a little update then u can log on ...
08/12/2013 11:34 Sphinx1337#2025
lol you guys (GM's) are not really smart are you. the server lost alot of players some came back but now you put a iplimit with will result in again alot of players leaving. and why give me a reason to put a iplimit. the result of goldbots is that elixir and item prise drops, so even players who dont have goldbots have something good out of it.

so stupid, i talked to alot of people who are thinking about leaving now because of it. nice way to kill the server even more.

and btw instead of putting a iplimit fix the facking bugs. teleport HT>JG / Consignement still not working/ People still dont have there items from pickpet.

lets see if you guys remove the iplimit els i also quit with atleast 50% of my union Cya