GW1 Bots working in July 2017

01/16/2019 18:22
i have made little changes here, the bot is now running if that with the Chest and Drops pickup works, I can not test.

01/17/2019 00:23 Bibopp#1967
I get this error message after I kill the first mob pack.
I don’t understand, this function is good in other robots.

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01/17/2019 10:17 RitIRL#1968
The function doesn't exist. I imagine it is using this when trying to pick up.

Are you missing an include?
01/17/2019 12:43 Destructopuppy#1969
Hey guys,

Sorry if I'm being really stupid but I've been messing with the bots and my client for hours and can't get the Seitung farmer bot to work. It says it can't find the client with my character name even after I add the names into the Config file.

I've tried using the base client and multilaunch patched and unpatched and neither seems to be detected. I've even tried a full reinstall with new copies to no avail. Not really sure what to do at this point. I'd even just remove the name confirmation from the script at this point if it fixed the problem.

Thanks in advance for any help!
01/17/2019 14:31 Underavelvetmoon#1970
Originally Posted by Destructopuppy View Post
Hey guys,

Sorry if I'm being really stupid but I've been messing with the bots and my client for hours and can't get the Seitung farmer bot to work. It says it can't find the client with my character name even after I add the names into the Config file.

I've tried using the base client and multilaunch patched and unpatched and neither seems to be detected. I've even tried a full reinstall with new copies to no avail. Not really sure what to do at this point. I'd even just remove the name confirmation from the script at this point if it fixed the problem.

Thanks in advance for any help!
Try changing a few of these things:

$txtName = GUICtrlCreateCombo($strName, 60, 330 - 90 - 45, 150, 20)
$Config = IniReadSection("Name.ini", "Name")
For $i = 1 To $Config[0][0]
	GUICtrlSetData($txtName, $Config[$i][1] )
$txtName = GUICtrlCreateCombo("", 60, 330 - 90 -45, 150, 20)
GUICtrlSetData(-1, GetLoggedCharNames())
You also either need to make sure these 2 functions are in the GWA2 file your using (They are not in the Feather Farm GWA2 file so you would have to add them) or just use one of the newer GWA2 files such as the one I posted in the other working bots thread with my Darkwing script.

Func GetLoggedCharNames()
    Local $array = ScanGW()
	If $array[0] <= 0 Then Return ''
	Local $ret = $array[1]
	For $i=2 To $array[0]
		$ret &= "|"
		$ret &= $array[$i]
	Return $ret

;~ Description: Returns an array of logged characters of gw windows (at pos 0 there is the size of the array)
Func ScanGW()
	Local $lWinList = WinList("Guild Wars")
	Local $lReturnArray[1] = [0]
	Local $lPid

	For $i = 1 To $lWinList[0][0]

		$mGWHwnd = $lWinList[$i][1]
		$lPid = WinGetProcess($mGWHwnd)
		If __ProcessGetName($lPid) <> "gw.exe" Then ContinueLoop

		If $mGWProcHandle Then
			$lReturnArray[0] += 1
			ReDim $lReturnArray[$lReturnArray[0] + 1]
			$lReturnArray[$lReturnArray[0]] = ScanForCharname()


		$mGWProcHandle = 0
	Return $lReturnArray
EndFunc   ;==>ScanGW
However you might have to do some more work to get the bot working again if you just use a different GWA2 file - there are many floating about and can cause lots of conflicts.
01/17/2019 15:13 Destructopuppy#1971
Hey There,

First of all, thanks a lot for the reply, I really appreciate you taking the time to help out someone like me who's never been much good at writing scripts of my own! I've tried adding the Functions and swapping out the code just like you suggested but I still run into the exact same problem.

I don't run into this issue with other bots such as the JQ and Kilroy ones so maybe there's some way I can use splice in their method for targeting the correct window on this bot? I know they both use GWA2 as well but I don't really know what I'd even be looking for to try that.

Thanks again for your help.
01/17/2019 16:10 Bibopp#1972
Originally Posted by RitIRL View Post
The function doesn't exist. I imagine it is using this when trying to pick up.

Are you missing an include?

It’s OK, I found, I did the update wrong with the patcher
01/17/2019 22:41 rockygns#1973
is there a working shards of orr bot? ive seen some guys botting it but couldnt find a bot for it
01/18/2019 05:10 nooneudknow#1974
So I'll admit, I haven't read every page on this topic but I have used the search function. Does nobody use a D/Mo Feather bot anymore? There are some that claim to use the skillbar for a Derv but it seems to follow the casting pattern of the Rit bot. This is the one I'm attempting to use. (Click on orange box to view original post with attachment)

Originally Posted by criticalism View Post
Bot is working fine atm, however cant use it on multiple accounts, have to leave the space blank where you have to put character name in status window. Changed the farm function to only cast skill 7 before engage ( it was recasting balt spirit every time before engage).

Any help to make it work with multiple accounts is appreciated, as you can see i'm new to this and cant find a way to make it work, thanks!
Any suggestions would be appreciated.
01/18/2019 12:09 DerMoench14#1975
Originally Posted by rockygns View Post
is there a working shards of orr bot? ive seen some guys botting it but couldnt find a bot for it
Yes, but it's a private Bot i wrote and i'm not gona share it, sry ...
01/19/2019 23:25 amazinghaaze#1976
does the JQ bot work? :)
01/20/2019 21:30 Monam7#1977
Originally Posted by amazinghaaze View Post
does the JQ bot work? :)

Yes. Just try it out and you will know.
01/20/2019 22:26 buddyleex#1978
I had a problem trying to level up multiple accounts from 10-20 using kilroy so I modded the kilroy script to hook into multiple gw instances. Also heard SWS/SSS shields drop out of the kilroy dungeon so might be a decent farm for that and for iron/minor runes/black dye.

Modify the inventory script to restrict what it sales to the vendor as needed. Updated GWA headers included.
01/22/2019 16:11 K0LL3G3#1979
Is there a bot i can use to Lvl my heroes?

I remember having a Kilroy bot that would put in Low lvl heroes before turning in the quest.

Any suggestions?

(I know i can use the LB/SS bot with Jujundus to level them, dont have all chars at that point tho.)
01/22/2019 21:50 Underavelvetmoon#1980
Originally Posted by K0LL3G3 View Post
Is there a bot i can use to Lvl my heroes?

I remember having a Kilroy bot that would put in Low lvl heroes before turning in the quest.

Any suggestions?

(I know i can use the LB/SS bot with Jujundus to level them, dont have all chars at that point tho.)
You answered your own question xD Just add heroes to the Kilroy bot when you accept quest reward. I don't know the hero id's off the top of my head, but it should be easy to add. Not sure what your Kilroy or the other public ones look like but this is mine:

	If $AcceptReward = True Then
	If $CanTakeReward = True Then
	Out("Accepting quest reward")
	$count = 0
                AddHero($lVekkID) ; Do something like this 
                AddHero($lDunkoroID) ; And this 
		GoToNPC(GetNearestNPCToCoords(17320, -4900))
    Until GetQuestByID(856) = 0 or $count>5
    If GetQuestByID(856) = 0 Then $nCoins += 250