MMOViper Blade and Soul Bot

03/11/2016 01:51 azmodeus#151
Server is back up.. sorry for the down time, out of my control. :(
03/11/2016 03:22 holycancer#152
so only have a 6 months ??? if u can add a 1 month i really want this xD
03/11/2016 08:55 lorddragon002#153
U could buy it only for 1 month, but for 10$.
Just follow their link on bottom of page - taultun leashed.
03/11/2016 20:09 Belyus#154
Watch out using taultun link though, seems to take long to get it activated that way.

Had my day off today, decided to use the time to try the bot but did not want to pay for 6 months without trying it first so I decided to go for the 1 month taultun option.

That was this morning and still haven't heard a thing yet.
03/12/2016 06:10 azmodeus#155
Did you get activated Belyus? I send a pm there to help.
03/14/2016 17:44 zealotan#156
How much can I earn a day? On Premium.
Also, can I run instances like Ogong or Brightstone?
03/14/2016 19:15 Ilum1#157
Its possible monthly purchase ? :bandit:
03/14/2016 19:21 azmodeus#158
Yea via www . tault unleash ed . com (no spaces) then follow the FAQ on how to get viper access
03/14/2016 19:44 Ilum1#159
Originally Posted by azmodeus View Post
Yea via www . tault unleash ed . com (no spaces) then follow the FAQ on how to get viper access
Okay, I'll see you there! alias, scripts are programmed to level up alone or will have to set up?

edit: I do not think how to buy
03/20/2016 15:50 azmodeus#160
Currently, scripts will grind to level only no questing yet.

Currently working on:
pvp arena.

Will work on questing after I get that out. Trying to push something out mon/tues. But will post here with details as things progress.
03/20/2016 16:09 meak1#161
u are workin with ingame calls or Packets ?
03/20/2016 17:00 forfox#162
i just payed 30$ for 6 motnths only to find out it has no help to pvp whatsoever
03/22/2016 03:59 Shashomo#163
add me akar.ahmad on skype or gime your skype i would like to ask a few things about the bot
03/26/2016 14:14 jash123#164
how can i get the 10$ 1 month bot because when i go to site and register i nid to pay 30$ but now i want to try 1st the 1 month only
03/26/2016 19:10 alice desu#165
So may i ask how far you got with (Daily-)Questing?