05/28/2012 23:44 ParasiticGeneFlow#151
Originally Posted by Mr Limited View Post
Thats not a trading thread!
For tradings use our section! -> [Only registered and activated users can see links. Click Here To Register...]
Sorry Mr Limited! I just felt it was more appropriate to post it on here since it's PSO related. Not a lot of the users that check this thread check any other threads on this forum. My apologies.

Originally Posted by untrustful View Post
This x10000000000000. I only got to play yesterday for a short while.:mofo:

If I'm gonna buy items I'm gonna hafta get them from a source that supports PSO :p
Oh hey untrustful, good to see you here now. I'd love to giveaway my Schthack identity on here just because I know a lot of you, but there's users like KILLNERDYPSOPLAYAZ that are just dying to use that information against me. Welcome!

Originally Posted by CharlesGrodin View Post
Or not defeat the purpose of the mindless item hunt and just... play the game?
Yeah, that's another reason why I sort of quit this game. Too many witch-hunters on the Schthack forum AND in-game. Was there ever a server-wide item wipe for duped items? Years ago, I was able to dupe various things through multi-client dropping/picking up items (this was patched a long time ago as well). None of the items I've duped from that period exist on my account anymore.
05/29/2012 00:20 ParasiticGeneFlow#152
Originally Posted by untrustful View Post
Is it detectable if I use infinite HP? I need this information for a wiki writeup I'm doing on cheating.
I'm assuming only if a player notices that you aren't losing any life or dying to fatal hits or Megid. Otherwise, as far as I know, it's not detectable in the Lobby.
05/29/2012 18:40 princeofpersia999#153
Face it broomop, all your value is in existence because of SCHTserv. So, now you're trying to rape the player base by crashing the server and causing players to lose items by desync bug..and you think people are going to join your server because of this? lol, think again.
05/29/2012 20:23 CharlesGrodin#154
Originally Posted by ParasiticGeneFlow View Post
I'm assuming only if a player notices that you aren't losing any life or dying to fatal hits or Megid. Otherwise, as far as I know, it's not detectable in the Lobby.
You would die to Megid, but your HP would be completely full. You would need Auto-revive to bypass Megid.
Otherwise, it is not detectable. In fact, nothing aside from what GLee's antihack.dll string sniffer detects isn't detectable, aside from the CRC cheats like Auto Revive.
05/30/2012 05:34 untrustful#155
Did you guys see my "fake sig" on SCHTSERV? I bet all of you wiki addicts have tried quoting my posts only to find out about this :p I hope all of my fans on here are enjoying the server uptime, sorry for the wiki being down for a short period yesterday. Toodles!
05/30/2012 09:51 Broomop#156
Originally Posted by princeofpersia999 View Post
Face it broomop, all your value is in existence because of SCHTserv. So, now you're trying to rape the player base by crashing the server and causing players to lose items by desync bug..and you think people are going to join your server because of this? lol, think again.
someones butthurt because i not give him crc bypass key lol.

[Only registered and activated users can see links. Click Here To Register...] schthacks site i didnt bother to look up his domain but yeah!!

hes hosting distance 2 trying to catch me out i think :rtfm:
05/30/2012 19:50 untrustful#157
Originally Posted by Broomop View Post
someones butthurt because i not give him crc bypass key lol.

[Only registered and activated users can see links. Click Here To Register...] schthacks site i didnt bother to look up his domain but yeah!!

hes hosting distance 2 trying to catch me out i think :rtfm:
As they say on SCHTSERV you're a washed up wannabe that can't hack. Come at me. My guild card is 22723782, the mods said you can't really hack and only dupe anyway. I think you are a little butthurt C: You can't ever stop Crono or Lee.
05/31/2012 00:02 *Noob23*#158
this faggot impersonating untrustful
managed to get in banned and every post he had deleted. gj retard
05/31/2012 00:17 AlukardSSS#159
Hai Broomop. Imma have to ask you can you Unban accounts? Gay Bitch Miureth banned me and wont atleast leave me with my cmode account. >.>

Ty :3
05/31/2012 00:22 untrustful#160
Originally Posted by *Noob23* View Post
this faggot impersonating untrustful
managed to get in banned and every post he had deleted. gj retard
Thanks to whoever reported me on SCHT -_-. I really hope they will give rescind this, my work on the wiki and my advice on the forums has been a gift to all PSO players. Without me the masses would be lost. I was only on here to do some detective work. Seems like that backfired, but you can bet that Untrustful(tm) will return!

EDIT: Definitely not banned ;) Looks like you panicked a lil' quick buddy. Thanks for looking out for me though.
05/31/2012 00:23 ParasiticGeneFlow#161
Originally Posted by AlukardSSS View Post
Hai Broomop. Imma have to ask you can you Unban accounts? Gay Bitch Miureth banned me and wont atleast leave me with my cmode account. >.>

Ty :3
I have no idea why Crono/Lee implement GM's/Moderators with broken English like MIURETH. Are they close friends of his or what? Seriously, they should open up another thread with applications for being a GM or a forum moderator. A lot (not all) of the current ones suck at the moment.

Also, I know this might be stupid of me, but that's not really untrustful? Interesting. I see no reason why anyone would have to impersonate anyone from there on here unless they just really hate that person and intend to inflict some sort of damage by having them get banned over there by posting here.
05/31/2012 00:32 untrustful#162
Noob23 couldn't be further from the truth. Not banned, just hangin' in there with less posts :p You can expect to have this sorted out soon. Everyone knows I am innocent and just asked a few questions on here for an article I was thinking about (now canned due to the whole fiasco). 'Sides, Lee was only mad about me having a groovy sig.

EDIT: T_T Nearly 3000 posts of informational goodness gone. Just when I thought I was loved by the community. I wish I was a mod, I'd be yer best mod ever ;)
05/31/2012 03:59 nemoemo#163
BPD is back guys
05/31/2012 17:34 untrustful#164
Sorry guys, I had to tell the admins about Qitem still being up. Hope you had your fun, I don't need my game ruined by a million Spread Needle$ :(
05/31/2012 17:37 derp10#165
Originally Posted by ParasiticGeneFlow View Post
I have no idea why Crono/Lee implement GM's/Moderators with broken English like MIURETH. Are they close friends of his or what? Seriously, they should open up another thread with applications for being a GM or a forum moderator. A lot (not all) of the current ones suck at the moment.
As much as I hate Cronos logic MIURETH has been around on the staff much longer than Crono and Lee it was Schthack who invited her into the staff reason for it is so there are different GMs and mods available in different languages. But the problem lies when she is really the only active GM around most of the time so you are forced to take account issues through her and her broken English because the proper English speaking GMs could care less about the server any more.