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11/29/2022 21:29 Pr0x!#136
Originally Posted by embodiment1337 View Post
Hopefully won't be corrupted with guilds (big amount of players).
With some favorite players its okay every server has some fav players. Thats not a big deal in a economy system of whole server. Not like in skalidor ppl from big guilds buyin silks cheap as fuck and then paying 2k silks for clean fucking bow or spear in day one lol

last server i played in was Elamidas after that i was thinking wooow old elamidas once again "Skalidor" - i was really disappointed.

I was told Electus has best pservers in SRO scene. Old school players are in so lets give a try!
Thank you for bringing this up!

This EPVP thread literally starts with ''Anti-Corruption'' message to all users.

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While most servers and guilds benefited from ''Corruption'' in the past 2 years and killed ''the vibe'' and ''the soul'' of Silkroad Online, we were one of the rare servers to actively fight against this.

We invite all pSRO servers to stand against corruption like we do.
11/30/2022 00:13 Slinzar#137
Originally Posted by embodiment1337 View Post
Hopefully won't be corrupted with guilds (big amount of players).
With some favorite players its okay every server has some fav players. Thats not a big deal in a economy system of whole server. Not like in skalidor ppl from big guilds buyin silks cheap as fuck and then paying 2k silks for clean fucking bow or spear in day one lol

last server i played in was Elamidas after that i was thinking wooow old elamidas once again "Skalidor" - i was really disappointed.

I was told Electus has best pservers in SRO scene. Old school players are in so lets give a try!
donīt believe everything u hear...he gave me free silk in s6, also GM Bestia logged hisself into logicīs acc and did alchemy on his acc and they tried to hush it. This guy is a pure money grabbing twat, without any character and no gratitude. He doesnīt give a damn about players, he canīt stand his man he joined with a damn voice changer cuz of pvp drama with Monster rofl. He only cares if you hit the dono button. Now heīs hiring new youtuber/streamer cuz old ones left lol. Itīs unbelievable to see ppl STILL join this repetitive crap server. Some lil changes and his customer are "hyped" again for the 187283 time lmfao like on chapter 2 and his revi$ion server. Heīs a master in luring ppl into his p2w server and make them donate again n again, even when he dropped 4 similar failures, yet he got away with it. But those server dies within a month anyway like most of their servers. His bank acc always wins, but you as a player always lose - in time and money, but feel free to feed the bulgarian boy. Most ppl only join cuz they wanna earn money via blackmarket and winning giveaways. "Gaia2" whatīs next? "Poseidon3"? haha fuck heīs too lazy even in creating new server names also his pre-order bullshit with $100 15k he knowīs the end is coming soon, mark my words: without a huge dono like always on efectus youīre a suffering sweaty grinder on the edge.

The best suggestion on discord for their new server was from a guy who wrote: "Electus without Prox". The best suggestion iīve ever seen there.

King Regards :cool:
11/30/2022 10:44 Pr0x!#138
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  • Grand Opening is on Friday at 20:00 Bulgarian Timezone. Compare to your timezone.
  • 1-101 Lv (Very Easy) | 101-110 (Medium)
  • Free SOS+3, 1/2 Blue items until 92 Lv. Speed up your leveling progress with SUN weapons (1-10dg) available at Magic Pop with medium-easy rate. Magic Pop card prices lowered by 60%.
  • All custom scrolls such as (Trails, STR-INT, Dodging, HP-MP are removed. Only DMG scrolls are available and can be used everywhere.
  • 10% Bonus Silk / Donation Event is active until Sunday 23:59 Server Time.
  • Up to $1500 Cash rewards every week from PvP Tournaments & Fortress War. (Read more on forum.electus.com)
  • Applied 60% permanent discount on Skill/Stat reset scrolls to give you flexibility with changing builds.
  • Baghdad area is designed for for Chinese characters only. EU cannot enter.
  • Attack/Fellow pets deal 15% to 25% DMG of an average character. Use it for your advantage.

  • Unlike any other Electus Server, GAIA will have a longer leveling journey. 1 to 101 level (24 hours or less). Once you're 101, you will be able to participate all events and activities.
  • 101 to 110 level will take minimum 4 up to 10 days depending on your speed. You can farm up to 50% XP from daily quests and achievements (Not mandatory). You can also obtain XP from normal grinding. More info on Discord.
  • Godsend Skills are obtainable from level 101 (not 110). Each skill has 1 level only (unlike old servers) and can be obtained much much easier now (Read full Godsend v2 info - strongly recommended).

Final Drop Sheet.
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Final Skill Balance.
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Giveaway List
(You can join all events till December 4th, Sunday)
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11/30/2022 16:06 iZexo#139
IGN: Kang
12/01/2022 03:44 Crunkd#140
IGN : Smexy
12/01/2022 07:26 yaraband#141
Signature Event, My Charname is ''Methz''
12/01/2022 08:48 airidas789#142
Signature event, in game name: Mauzeris
12/01/2022 10:06 Şehin-Şah#143
Signature event, in game name: SehinSah
12/01/2022 10:35 @ SAGY @#144
Signature event, in game name: Twister
12/01/2022 10:43 babayfd#145
Signature event, in game name: EgoR
12/01/2022 11:42 BadSiNa#146
IGN: Mask
12/01/2022 12:18 yadiga#147
Ready for Chaos <3

IGN: Naexi
12/01/2022 12:55 mohamedboka1#148

IGN: Swain
12/01/2022 13:23 Pr0x!#149

Leveling Competition

First 100 Players to hit Level 101 will be rewarded with Silk + Server Notification their charnames.
Rewards: (About 30,000 Silk)
  • #1 101 Level: 1000 Electus Cash + Custom Title + Discord Role
  • #2-8 101 Level: 500 Electus Cash
  • #9-16 101 Level: 400 Electus Cash
  • #17-32 101 Level: 250 Silk
  • #33-56 101 Level: 150 Silk
  • #56-80 101 Level: 100 Silk
  • #81-100 101 Level: 50 Silk
  • #101-200 101 Level: 25 Silk

Fortress War

Fortress War Winner will receive 25.000 Electus Cash worth gold and $1000 Cash
The guild with most enemy kills will receive $250 Cash
Rewards for 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th (etc.) Fortress Wars will be announced in patch notes every week on Thursdays. The rewards may be higher or lower depending on the competition level.

NOTE: Rewards will be given to the guildmaster that owns the guild during fortress war period. Killing friend guild for $250 kill-competition will result in punishment + the reward will not be granted.

PVP Tournament
  • #1 Place will receive $200 Cash + Permanent/Colorful GAIA Champion Discord role + In-game title.
  • #2 Place will receive $50 Cash
  • #3 Place will receive 1000 Electus Cash

NOTE: Exchanging items with other accounts before event start or during event will result in immediate disqualification and punishment.

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12/01/2022 16:11 League Online#150
Electus is coming

now go electus game