[Beta] DSX1337 - Tribal Wars Bot

07/16/2016 12:44 welingtonbr#136
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the login and password are correct
07/16/2016 16:02 D3luxe.#137
Restart the bot... Might be a one time error.
DSX is just displaying error messages from the API (which is why it is in another language).
It is possible that you are either playing on a casual world (without API access) or that there is a new/different app version for it.

In either case, I can't help you atm.
Good news is, I will soon have holidays and more time for the bot. There are a lot of problems that should be fixed and some new features I want to add.
You will get notified automatically when there is a new DSX version...
07/23/2016 21:09 dragonhiro#138
Sehr cool, wann beginnen deine Ferien denn? Wir sind mit mehreren leuten schon ganz heiß auf eine neue version welche auch Truppen bauen kann :-P
07/26/2016 11:14 D3luxe.#139
Originally Posted by dragonhiro View Post
Sehr cool, wann beginnen deine Ferien denn? Wir sind mit mehreren leuten schon ganz heiß auf eine neue version welche auch Truppen bauen kann :-P
Ich will eigentlich keine Termine/Deadlines angeben, weil die Leute am Ende nur enttäuscht sind, dass ich sie nicht einhalten kann :D

Soviel sei gesagt: Ich bin selbst aktiver Botter, habe also Interesse daran, dass der Bot weiterentwickelt wird.
Kleine Vorschau der letzten Commits:
Baue gerade das Gruppensystem ein. Es wird verschiedene Selektoren für Gruppen geben, sodass man ähnlich zu dem Premium Feature dynamische Gruppen anhand von Truppen, Bevölkerung, Gebäuden oder Punkten definieren kann.Ich werde weiterhin XML-Configs verwenden, weil die sich in meinen Augen sehr gut dazu eignen. Natürlich werden Standardgruppen (wie Off, Def, Voller Bauernhof) vorgegeben, damit sich nicht jeder mit der Config rumschlagen muss.

Wenn das läuft, kann man sinnvoll Truppen zur Rekrutierung angeben.
07/26/2016 12:45 dragonhiro#140
Nein um Gottes Willen nen Termin habe ich nicht verlangt sber cool zu wissen das du selber ds so hinterher bist. Freuen uns schon !

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9505 mit Tapatalk
07/28/2016 20:29 D3luxe.#141
There will be an update soonTM ;)

Group system is working for me, but pretty much all other routines will need to be updated for use with groups.
This is more work than I thought. Took me at least 5h and I am no where close to being finished.
I partly blame a XML library I tried to use, that proved to be so useless that I wonder why anyone would want to use it. Especially comparing it to the new, simple and powerful one.

I thought about opening the source code for everyone or making some features paid. Didn't decide yet.

There are also major bug fixes incoming, including 100% correct request headers, portable settings, relogging and API errors / retries.
07/31/2016 05:46 Svextra#142
In this game, there is differentiation between:
"Looting attack": Attack sent using Loot Assistant
"Small attack": All other attacks excluding Loot Assistant

Your bot currently sends "Small attack". If it was possible to change to "Looting attack", the bot would be much less detectable, from a human eye perspective.

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Also, there seems to be a problem with how 'game.mv.db' file is generated. Every forced update by changing the date in 'dsx.properties' -> 'lastWorldDataUpdate', causes the 'game.mv.db' to get larger and larger. The file eventually gets too large and causes the following error:

Subsequent attempts at restarting the client, also with forced update, results in the following error:

A fresh install solved this problem.
08/02/2016 18:31 Duby™#143
Puh, raffe den bot absolut nicht, gibts kein stepbystep guide? :D
08/02/2016 20:02 D3luxe.#144
Originally Posted by Svextra View Post
In this game, there is differentiation between:
"Looting attack": Attack sent using Loot Assistant
"Small attack": All other attacks excluding Loot Assistant

Your bot currently sends "Small attack". If it was possible to change to "Looting attack", the bot would be much less detectable, from a human eye perspective.

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Also, there seems to be a problem with how 'game.mv.db' file is generated. Every forced update by changing the date in 'dsx.properties' -> 'lastWorldDataUpdate', causes the 'game.mv.db' to get larger and larger. The file eventually gets too large and causes the following error:
Subsequent attempts at restarting the client, also with forced update, results in the following error:
A fresh install solved this problem.
First, thanks for your feedback. But there are a few problems here:
The Farm/Loot attacks are marked by tribal wars because they are sent with loot assistant. Loot assistant has only 2 templates and uses a different request. Also, it is not free.
With dsx, you can in theory define unlimited templates. Also, dsx has to work for users that don't have the loot assistant feature. That's why I don't think it is worth implementing.

The error you are describing is by no means related to the database.
The bot saves/caches world data like player ids, villages, unit info locally in a database. As you correctly noticed, "game.mv.db" is the database file everything is saved in.However, upon each world data update, all old entries are deleted (SQL truncate).
The longer a world runs, the larger the world data will become (probably). So you might notice a small growth in file size.

The exception that happened there is a (tribalwars) API error and probably not influenced by the local bot database.

Originally Posted by snezD™ View Post
Puh, raffe den bot absolut nicht, gibts kein stepbystep guide? :D

Ein umfangreiches Wiki wird wahrscheinlich demnächst hinzugefügt :D
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Update: Version 2.0

So this is the next big update. Thanks to everyone for your patience.
As you can probably judge from the log above, a lot of changes were made.

Lots of bugs are fixed now. DSX is now using completely correct headers for api / browser requests. It should also handle api errors better now.
Settings are finally portable. So if you have a server or machine without graphical user interface, you can now just copy the "dsx.properties" file from your main computer without encryption errors.

With the addition of a dynamic group system you can define village groups that can be used in other templates.
I added a set of selectors for groups, but the only useful one at the moment is "by-unit". You will find a detailed explanation in the "templates/group.xml" file.
As always, you can leave this file as it is if it looks too complicated, it should work for everyone by default.
There are 3 predefined groups:
-"off" for offensive villages.
-"def-inf" for defensive infantry villages.
-"def-horse" for defensive heavy cavalry villages.

DSX is now able to train new units. You are also able to set a resource buffer to leave a certain amount of resources for other tasks like building.
The correct train template is found by group for every village.
If you only have one village, you can use group="default".
By the way: "default" is the only group that is always loaded and matches every village.
You can find the new template file with explanation in "templates/train.xml".
Edit: Like with the building template, you define end result / max value numbers in the train template.

A small warning about the new version: Unfortunately, the tribal wars API behaves very strangely. The new features use the API extensively, but unfortunately each API error requires a relog. So to not make the bot wait 30 seconds after each small API error, I disabled the relog delay.
This means you should not use the tribal wars app on your phone, or you and the bot will kick each other out of the session frequently. Instead, you can use the mobile tribal wars version via the phone's internet browser.

I did not touch the other routines yet, so setting group attributes for building or farming will not work yet (and potentially crash DSX). I have spent so much time in the new update, but could not finish it completely.
I will be on vacation for the next 3 weeks, so no updates until then :S

The new features have been tested, but are not fail-safe.
As always, feel free to leave any feedback or bug reports.
08/02/2016 22:00 Svextra#145
On most servers, it is possible to sell resources on the Premium Exchange for premium points. Just 2,000 resources is enough to pay for 30 days of Loot Assistant, which means it is easily accessible to many players.

A legitimate player can easily send a large amount of attacks by clicking "A", "B", or "C" with their mouse. Somewhere around 300 looting attacks in 60 seconds. This is not suspicious at all.

On the other hand, sending 300 small attacks in 60 seconds, immediately seems unnatural, especially when repeated often.

I am not a coder though, so I would not know how difficult this would be to do.
08/03/2016 15:33 dragonhiro#146
Puhh, nun ist die neue Version draussen und ich blicke aktuell nichtmehr so ganz durch wie das mit den Trüppchen bzw Gruppen funktionieren soll.

zb. was ist bei bei:

resource names:

pop? Premiumpunkte?

und was sagen die werte nun genau aus? eine Deutsche Anleitung wäre recht nice! bis dahin nutze ich ihn erstmal ohne truppen bauen :-P

neuer fehler: die datei startet zwar aber beendet sich von alleine im log:

15:56:05 INFO Update - DSX1337 version 2.0
15:56:06 INFO Update - Running latest version.
15:56:06 INFO Settings - Could not load 'dsx.properties'.
15:56:06 INFO Settings - Loaded settings.
15:56:06 INFO App - Starting config dialog...
15:56:06 INFO App - If you are running this on a machine without graphical user interface, generate the 'dsx.properties' file on another PC and copy it over.
15:56:25 INFO Update - DSX1337 version 2.0
15:56:26 INFO Update - Running latest version.
15:56:26 INFO Settings - Loaded settings.
15:56:26 INFO Database - Setting up database...
15:56:27 INFO UnitInfo - Inserted Unit: spear
15:56:27 INFO UnitInfo - Inserted Unit: sword
15:56:27 INFO UnitInfo - Inserted Unit: axe
15:56:27 INFO UnitInfo - Inserted Unit: archer
15:56:27 INFO UnitInfo - Inserted Unit: spy
15:56:27 INFO UnitInfo - Inserted Unit: light
15:56:27 INFO UnitInfo - Inserted Unit: marcher
15:56:27 INFO UnitInfo - Inserted Unit: heavy
15:56:27 INFO UnitInfo - Inserted Unit: ram
15:56:27 INFO UnitInfo - Inserted Unit: catapult
15:56:27 INFO UnitInfo - Inserted Unit: knight
15:56:27 INFO UnitInfo - Inserted Unit: snob
15:56:27 INFO UnitInfo - Inserted Unit: militia
15:56:27 INFO Database - Last world data update: 01/01/2000 00:00:00
15:56:27 INFO Database - Parsing world data...
15:56:27 INFO VillageData - Parsing villages...
15:56:29 INFO PlayerData - Parsing player data...
15:56:30 INFO FarmData - Parsing farm data...
15:56:30 INFO FarmData - Depending on farm radius, this can take some minutes.
15:57:20 INFO Update - DSX1337 version 2.0
15:57:21 INFO Update - Running latest version.
15:57:21 INFO Settings - Loaded settings.
15:57:22 INFO Database - Last world data update: 03/08/2016 15:56:30
08/03/2016 21:06 D3luxe.#147
Originally Posted by dragonhiro View Post
Puhh, nun ist die neue Version draussen und ich blicke aktuell nichtmehr so ganz durch wie das mit den Trüppchen bzw Gruppen funktionieren soll.

zb. was ist bei bei:

resource names:

pop? Premiumpunkte?

und was sagen die werte nun genau aus? eine Deutsche Anleitung wäre recht nice! bis dahin nutze ich ihn erstmal ohne truppen bauen :-P

neuer fehler: die datei startet zwar aber beendet sich von alleine im log:
Buffer sind nur die Ressourcen, die auch beim Rekrutieren verbraucht werden könnten. Pop=Population / Bauernhofplätze.

Mit dem Buffer reserviert du Ressourcen. Der Bot wird bei Buffer wood 5000 z.b. Immer 5000 Holz übrig lassen bzw. Nie so viel auf einmal Rekrutieren dass dieser Wert unterschritten wird.

Der Error wird nicht mit geloggt, du hast also sehr wahrscheinlich einen XML Format Fehler gemacht. Guck mal, was in der Konsole steht. Da gibt er dir normalerweise den Fehler + Zeile + Grund an.Dazu die bat Datei mit einem Editor öffnen, Befehl kopieren, im dsx Ordner Shift+Rechtsklick, Eingabe Aufforderung hier öffnen. Befehl einfügen und Enter drücken.

Ich werde später nochmal ein Beispiel Template für mehrere Dörfer hoch laden.
Ps: Bin nur am Handy...
08/03/2016 21:42 dragonhiro#148
Bzgl dem error kann ich nicht ht sehen die console schließt sich Instant und ist weg :/ daher keine error Meldung. Schonmal gut zu wissen mit den puffern da komme ich mit sicherheit weiter oder warte auf deine Anleitung ;-)

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9505 mit Tapatalk

So, nun mal am pc gesessen nochmal in ruhe durchgelesen was ich machen soll (Sorry) Fehler ist folgender:

19:50:57 INFO Database - Last world data update: 03/08/2016 15:39:15
Exception in thread "main" me.d3luxe.farmbot.exceptions.InvalidResponseExcept ion: Error: Es ist ein interner Fehler aufgetreten. Bitte versuche es später erneut oder kontaktiere das Support-Team, wenn der Fehler weiterhin besteht.
at me.d3luxe.farmbot.Connection.postAPI(Connection.ja va:171)
at me.d3luxe.farmbot.Connection.postAPI(Connection.ja va:180)
at me.d3luxe.farmbot.Connection.postAPI(Connection.ja va:180)
at me.d3luxe.farmbot.Session.login(Session.java:37)
at me.d3luxe.farmbot.App.main(App.java:150)

scheint mir probleme mit dem Login zu geben?
08/05/2016 05:14 Zambelli19#149
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I'm having this error.
How can I fix it? How can I start the bot to recruit troops?
08/06/2016 00:44 D3luxe.#150
Example for group / train templates:

It is not the most easy one, but should make you understand all the different settings/possibilities.

We will use the default group templates:

off: offensive villages.
def-inf: defensive infantry villages.
def-horse: defensive heavy cavalry villages.

We are using "by-unit" selectors to determine which villages belong to which group.
For each village, this selector will check how many of the village's total units are of the specified unit type(s). If this percantage is above 85%, the village will be considered to be part of the defined group.

Notice how "def-horse" has a lower priority than "def-inf" because there are villages that will possibly match both groups. In this case, the group with the LOWER priority will be used.

Let's say we have 4 villages with the following units:
Village 1 "foo":
5.000 axe
Village 2 "bar":
1000 spear
100 heavy cavalry
Village 3 "nsa":
5000 spy
Village 4 "tolerance":
500 spear
500 sword
100 axe

Village 1 will match the "off" group, because 100% of the village's units are axe. Any of the unit types will be counted.
The other villages will not match that group because they have not enough % of the required units.
Village 2 will match "def-inf" and "def-horse" because it has so many spears. The priority will be used later.
The "nsa" village does not match any group (besides the "default" group which is predefined and includes every village).
Village 4 will match "def-inf". It has some axe as well, but is inside the "by-unit tolerance" (85% of all units must match).

We can now define train templates to let the bot recruit new units.

For training, it makes sense to set troops to recruit based on the groups we defined above.
Things to note here: Every train template needs a group (id) attribute. If you only have one village, you can use group="default".
For each train template, you enter units to train inside the "units" tag. DSX will recruit units until these values are reached, but will never "delete/crash" units.
So just like with build templates, you are entering final/max numbers. DSX will then choose which units to recruit (usually those with the largest missing %).
In the buffer section, you can make the bot leave a certain amout of resources. For example, in the "off" template, DSX will always leave at least (13370|13370|4200) in your storage.
Btw: pop = population / farm space.
As you see in the last train template, buffer settings are completely optional.

Now what happens when DSX tries to recruit units?
It will loop through all your villages and try to find a fitting template for each by group.
Assuming we still have the 4 villages as shown above:
The bot will use the "off" template for village 1, and the "def-inf" template for village 4, good ;)
NSA is still not matching any other group than "default". Because we have not defined a train template for this group, the bot will skip that village when training.
Village 2 will match the group "def-inf" and "def-horse". Taking a look at our train templates, we can see that there is a template for both groups. How will the bot decide which template to use for this village?
Remember the priority we set in group definitions earlier? Because "def-horse" has a lower priority than "def-inf", DSX will use the "def-horse" template for village 2, recruiting the correct units.

That's it for this example. As always, just respond to this topic if you have any questions ;)


Originally Posted by dragonhiro View Post
Bzgl dem error kann ich nicht ht sehen die console schließt sich Instant und ist weg :/ daher keine error Meldung. Schonmal gut zu wissen mit den puffern da komme ich mit sicherheit weiter oder warte auf deine Anleitung ;-)

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9505 mit Tapatalk

So, nun mal am pc gesessen nochmal in ruhe durchgelesen was ich machen soll (Sorry) Fehler ist folgender:

19:50:57 INFO Database - Last world data update: 03/08/2016 15:39:15
Exception in thread "main" me.d3luxe.farmbot.exceptions.InvalidResponseExcept ion: Error: Es ist ein interner Fehler aufgetreten. Bitte versuche es später erneut oder kontaktiere das Support-Team, wenn der Fehler weiterhin besteht.
at me.d3luxe.farmbot.Connection.postAPI(Connection.ja va:171)
at me.d3luxe.farmbot.Connection.postAPI(Connection.ja va:180)
at me.d3luxe.farmbot.Connection.postAPI(Connection.ja va:180)
at me.d3luxe.farmbot.Session.login(Session.java:37)
at me.d3luxe.farmbot.App.main(App.java:150)

scheint mir probleme mit dem Login zu geben?
Der Error kommt von der Stämme API und sollte den Bot eig nicht abstürzen lassen... einfach nach ein Paar Minuten nochmal versuchen ;)

Originally Posted by Zambelli19 View Post
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[Only registered and activated users can see links. Click Here To Register...]
I'm having this error.
How can I fix it? How can I start the bot to recruit troops?

There is a detailed error description. You have a format error inside the xml file. The exception text will tell you the exact line number where the problem is, even in your own language.
Check your screens or read the example above ;)