World Of Destiny | Longterm Server | Cap 110 | JOB BASED | OPENS TUES. 21.05. 20:00

05/21/2013 21:58 鳳凰城#136
So it lags now? " Sorry I had a sleep and, didn't knew the news and updates but, characters got wiped successfully ? "
05/21/2013 21:58 jes007#137
SERVER IS A FAIL LEAVE THAT RETARD ALONE!!! low rates retard gm´s retard admins pure lag. worst server ever.
05/21/2013 21:59 germandrugz#138
ddos , low rate , low drop ³
05/21/2013 22:12 rufus20#139
jes007 from velestia fun hehe
05/21/2013 22:18 DeSixOwn#140
low rate, low drop ...

Rate can be increase to 35x, drop to 15x ^^ :)
05/21/2013 22:22 megastarking#141
if lag is fixed and rate is 50x, drop is atleast 7x, and gm is actually active then server will be good and i dont mind playing here

i think we want gold increased more than drop go 15x gold wud be helpful
05/21/2013 22:27 DeSixOwn#142
gm is enabled only looking for a solution, and I also work full time so I will not be at the computer ^
05/21/2013 22:34 rufus20#143
Originally Posted by megastarking View Post
if lag is fixed and rate is 50x, drop is atleast 7x, and gm is actually active then server will be good and i dont mind playing here

i think we want gold increased more than drop go 15x gold wud be helpful
gold rate good is 1x ! no goldbots ! job 4evrt ! die bots !
05/21/2013 22:36 emrehap#144
im getting crash when im in pt wtf?
05/21/2013 22:37 DeSixOwn#145
rufus good idea xD

U have crash becouse server restart, change rates.
05/21/2013 22:39 dupczybieda#146
GM say , he WILL change RATES for Hight today in night :)
05/21/2013 22:47 nizanamar123#147
hey the game is online..? how many ppl online..? why i cant see it at the web..?!

nvm i saw how many online.. i hope this server will be the best.. Good luck everyone !
05/21/2013 23:10 Sikandar98#148
Again, how u get premium?
05/21/2013 23:20 kokilord#149
Cant even login..
05/21/2013 23:22 nizanamar123#150
server close now ..?!