Hello, since I decided to quit the game I am selling my account.
Atreia Elyos - Sorcerer 55 + alt 50 Spiritmaster
Elite 55 Tome+13 + vorpal fuse + silence gs - full mb27
Full Elite 40 set+11/12 - 2 parts hp85, rest mb25
Acc 3x 55, rest 30
Arena Wings
Tac Tome+10 + debilkarim fuse - full mb22
Full Anuhart+1 - full mb22
debilkarim neck, 2x anurati earring, 2x kingspin ring, anuhart belt
full gold
There are 4 eternal stormwing set items in warehouse (2 of which are 6 slot), you can switch to it right away if you want.
Additional Info:
- Character has top10 chaos arena icon + glory ticket active.
- All stigmas PVP + PVE (max lvl, not the cheap ones).
- 90 days Siel Aura left.
- There is a prepared fuse for future pve weapon in warehouse.
- 4 slots in wardrobe filled with skins.
- 114 azure gold medals + 25 platinum medals
- 49! tahabata insignias for craft attempts
- SM is full grogget.
Link to check gear (there are 2 sets):
Price is 300 euro