Account has 108 days of siels aura left and a fully bought out deva pass with all the scrolls, candies and consumables which i payed 100€ for. Lowest i would go is 130€ since the account has little kinah left (fk manastones).
You would basicly buy a lvl 50 templar for 30€ if you substract the 100€ i already invested into the account which is insanity if i think about it.
[Selling] Sell Aion Classic LVL 55 Templar Server Atreia 05/12/2023 - Aion Trading - 2 Replies I MEAN lv 50... :D
PVP gear
Full set e55 +1 full Crit
Storm wing feather
Triroan GS +12 fusion elite 50
1 ring and 2 earrings e55
[Selling] Aion Classic - Atreia - Elyos - SM 43 lvl ( Siel energy paid for 6 months) 05/08/2023 - Aion Trading - 2 Replies I will sell an account on the Atreia- Elyos - SM 43 lvl server.
Energokinesis 270, there is 600k + kinar, Siel Energy is paid for 6 months, Battlpass is paid for a month. The mail is clean. Not tied to anything
Sell Aion Classic Kinah EU Server Atreia Asmo & Elyos 05/03/2023 - Aion Trading - 0 Replies Sell Kinah AION Classic EU
Upgrade your Aion Classic EU game with secure and fast Kinah sale! Get your in-game currency now and unlock new gear, items, and services. Limited time offer, don't miss out!
-Server Atreia Asmo side 20.00 euro = 1kk
-Server Atreia Elyos side 18.00 euro = 1kk
Contact Information
[Buying] WTB aion classic - ATREIA ACCOUNT ELYOS 04/30/2023 - Aion Trading - 0 Replies Wtb atreia account on aion classic. Class and lvl doesnt matter, if its atleast lvl 25+ i will pay more money ofc.
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