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[North America] - Lv50 Chanter Lv50 Gladiator Lv50 Templar

Discussion on [North America] - Lv50 Chanter Lv50 Gladiator Lv50 Templar within the Aion Trading forum part of the MMORPG Trading category.

Old   #1
elite*gold: 0
Join Date: Jul 2008
Posts: 170
Received Thanks: 1
Lv50 Chanter Lv50 Gladiator Lv50 Templar

+.*+ Aion *.+.

For your information:
This account is on North America server. BUT don't worry, in case you don't know, you can switch to the American server by just going to the settings and change the server to North America.

Level 50 Templar

Level 50 Gladiator

Level 50 Chanter

So me and my friend have decided to sell this account after 6 months of effort we have put on the game and we would like to make a small pay out of it. The price is negotiable. You may not know how much Abyss Points the characters has received that way you will find me in the ranking list easily, so basically I'm not taking any charge for the Abyss Points.

More information will be put up as soonest I get the time. Feel free to start making your offer.
LOLAHAHS is offline  

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