[Selling] WTS euroaion elyos AP gear templar and gladi 06/05/2021 - Aion Trading - 0 Replies Selling accounts on Euroaion Elyos, good for starters and trying out the server
Templar, 3 parts BM +10, 2 parts AP set +10, composite manastone, Rune tribe gs +5 with pvp fuse, enchanted earrings to +2 ( 2 of them ) bm accesories, 40€.
Gladiator with AP gear +10, Sauro polearm +13, Extend, BM accesories, good composite manastone 70€.
Milka#2834 on discord
[Selling] EuroAion Elyos Sorc 65 for EuroAion Elyos Kinah 02/15/2021 - Aion Trading - 0 Replies EuroAion Elyos Sorc 65 for EuroAion Elyos Kinah
Tell me your offer i only trade for kinah on euroaion elyos side
The sorc is on euroaion elyos side
[Buying] Search at Euroaion Ranger / Templar lv 65 middle / max gear 01/22/2021 - Aion Trading - 0 Replies Searching an Euroaon account with an lv 65 Ranger or Templar with middle or max gear
I pay only per paypal
email change
Price Range 20 to 70€
Write me here or at discord
discord is faster Emo#1800
[Selling] WTS EuroAion max gear Ranger (Elyos) 09/30/2020 - Aion Trading - 0 Replies Hello,
i want to sell my max gear ranger:
- Grendal Bow + 15 fused with ap + silence gs
5/5 AP Gear + 15
full combo manastone magical acc/crit 14/8
- full AP decoration
+4 hat
+4 necklace