[Selling] AELDRA PVM ACCOUNT/BIO FINISHED/PET FINISHED 10/06/2020 - Metin2 Trading - 0 Replies VERY CHEAP
hi, I am selling a pvm body warrior lvl 115 account on aeldra with -
Pet lvl 115, all potions finished and 20 metinhunter/20 boss hunter/20berseker
Bio is finished
L aura and another skill L
All passive skills max
discord for more infor/price- Freshie#6143
[Selling] AELDRA PVM ACCOUNT/BIO FINISHED/PET FINISHED 10/04/2020 - Metin2 Trading - 0 Replies VERY CHEAP
hi, I am selling a pvm body warrior lvl 115 account on aeldra with -
Pet lvl 115, all potions finished and 20 metinhunter/20 boss hunter/20berseker
Bio is finished
L aura and another skill L
All passive skills max
[Selling] AELDRA PVP ACCOUNT/BIO FINISHED/PET FINISHED 10/02/2020 - Metin2 Trading - 0 Replies hi, I am selling a pvp dragon shammy lvl 115 account on aeldra with -
Pet lvl 100, HP potion lvl 16 and 20 hh/20 hh res/20berseker
Bio is finished
5 skills L
All passive skills max
discord for more info/price: Freshie#6143
[Selling] AELDRA PVM ACCOUNT/BIO FINISHED/PET FINISHED 10/02/2020 - Metin2 Trading - 0 Replies hi, I am selling a pvm body warrior lvl 115 account on aeldra with -
Pet lvl 115, all potions finished and 20 metinhunter/20 boss hunter/20berseker
Bio is finished
L aura and another skill L
All passive skills maxed except the 6L skills passive
discord for more infor/price- Freshie#6143
WTT Full PvP Sorc / 8x ABG / Pilus all +10 / Mres gear / PvE gear / Aether gear / 08/18/2012 - Aion Trading - 5 Replies FOR SALE 200€
Trade or SALE my sorc only for GOOD GEAR Cleric/Hunter/Chanter/SM
same server 48 cleric full daeva +10 / 2x daeva weapon +10 / full lvl 45 gold gear / lvl 50 gold mace +10 5 slot / lvl 50 gold staff +10 all Mboost
5x lvl1 twinks with all NC Soft rewards.(lucky wings/petīs/over 100 moriati 50platinum medals and many many more
UPDATE: Sorc is 57 have the 65mio pet and a full equipt appartement....gold / eternal items
full pvp set