No job = no aion. So me and wifey are selling our accounts. This one is mine. PM if interested in making an offer.
Class: Ranger
Level: 44 (3 bulbs untill 45)
Rank: 5 (33k AP to spend)
Server Yustiel
Race: Asmo
Kin: 11.5 Mill (another 15 to 20 mill in sellable mats\loot)
399 Tailor
350 Alchemy
366 Extract Vitality
Tied for 6th highest ranger on the server. There are no 50 rangers on this server FYI
Very well Geared. Mostly Heroic.
Warehouse and Cube are expanded to max
4x L66 Enchantment Stone (highest lvl you can get)
2500+ Major Life Pots
2500+ Major Life Serum
2 Golden Medals (Hard to get)
6 Silver Medals