WTB Cleric (50-60lvl) on Nexus|Elyos 01/22/2013 - Aion Trading - 3 Replies As the topic title says, WTB cleric on Nexus, elyos side for KINAH. Must be 50-60lvl.
PM me offers or leave msg here and we can speak about price.
WTB Sorcerer/Cleric (50-60lvl) on Nexus|Elyos 01/15/2013 - Aion Trading - 0 Replies As the topic title says, WTB Sorcerer/Cleric on Nexus, elyos side for KINAH. Must be 50-60lvl.
PM me offers or leave msg here and we can speak about price.
WTS Cleric lv 60 end-game geared Elyos Nexus 12/15/2012 - Aion Trading - 1 Replies Hello, I'm selling Veteran account with my cleric(female).
Here is my gear:
Kahrun peace staff fused with pvp arena condi2 55 + 3.6k dmg gs +10, full abyss set elite60 gold +10/10/5/5/5 all magic boost +27(weapon too)
condi1 arena + elder staff +8 all m.acc +14 gs dmg 3.6k
condi1 55 arena chain set +2/1/1/1/1 + condi1 mace 55
condi2 arena 60 shield full block
Rebel cleric set from RB full hp,
pvp jawels gbg 55 ring/ring/necklace + belt,
pve jawels kahrun ring x2/debilkarim earring...