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WTT/S Ranger lvl60 Elyos - Nexus for Assassin

Discussion on WTT/S Ranger lvl60 Elyos - Nexus for Assassin within the Aion Trading forum part of the MMORPG Trading category.

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Exclamation WTT/S Ranger lvl60 Elyos - Nexus for Assassin

Veteran account 28/280

Server: Nexus - Elyos

Tac officer bow combined with Coli condi 1 / enchanted +5 / full crit 17
2 x Elite lvl50 armor - full hp 85
3 x Coli condi 2 lvl55 armors - full hp 85
2x Gbg accessory lvl55
4x lvl40 abyss accessory
Kahrun Wings
28k crucible insignia
4k courage insignia
700 kahrun symbols
170 platinum medals
98 mithril medals
All stigmas
180k abyss points in character + 392k ap in WH

I wanna trade this acc. for Assassin lvl60 in Nexus (ely or asmo side ) or in Telemachus/Perentos ( Elyos side only )

If you wanna buy it out the price is 35 Euro!

Skyp: glymost
glymostx is offline  
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