WTS Cleric 60lvl for kinah Nexus Elyos 11/13/2012 - Aion Trading - 0 Replies WTS for kinah Cleric 60 lvl AION EU NEXUS Server
Armor : Sublime Coloseum Champions Set (55) + Shield , Kesath`s Mace (60)-(GS Paralyze) - Full HP
PvE : Tac NCO`s set (55) for insignia - m.boost , 2 x staff m.boost
Jewelry : PvE - debilkharim Turqouise Necklace , 2x Anurati Earrings , Kahrun`s Turqouise rings x2
Wings : Stormwing
All Stigma (Heal , Dps Tree)
contackt in game : Charnobylchild
WTT Templar GG Elyos Nexus for SM GG Elyos Spatalos 11/06/2012 - Aion Trading - 0 Replies Hello guys,
WTT my Templar that he is on Elyos side Nexus server for SM on Elyos race and Spatalos server.
The Templar is 58lvl and im looking about the same lvl or 60lvl np.
For more infos pm me with your skype name to contact.
Divine Coliseum Champion's set 55lvl
Tac Officer's Claymore+10 with Silence GodStone combine with Arena GS 55lvl
Triroan's Greatsword+10 with Paralyze GodStone combine With Abyss GS 55lvl
x2 Guardian Brigade General's Corundum Ring
AByss 50lvl Guardian...
WTS TEMPLAR NEXUS ELYOS 06/22/2012 - Aion Trading - 0 Replies WTS templar 55 on nexus elyos side. Triroan+10+silence, pvp arena set, ethernal jevels set, cooking 522, 2 star officer atm, devil pet, bikini remodel, rabit ears etc pm for more info skype: grigjust